Finals - The Assassin

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"So they shall be crowned and paraded through the streets of Panem. They shall be showered in opulence as a reminder that no one is ever in control of their fate. Just as quickly as the Capitol can provide, it can take away. [...] Thus let these be the rules of the Hunger Games." Book of Panem, L.I.I – LI.I.V.

"Well, we're at the end."


"Are you pleased, Orvan?"

"As much as I can be. When you're in this business you have to understand not everything you wish to see happen will do so."

"Very thoughtful of you. You did well, though, much better than your predecessor. Be pleased with your work."

Orvan nodded. "Thank you, President Snow."

It was time. The final tribute remained. They were being carted away, shipped off to the Capitol to be made new for their first appearance as a victor. Yes, there had been a few blips this time, but nothing as catastrophic as last year. Enough drama, enough heartache, an underdog or two to root for against the Careers. It was all over.Clauthilda was smiling beside Orvan. Her predictions had been right.

Still, he looked at two of the faces that died. A bit of a shame really, but all for the best for Julius' sake, making their job much easier now that there was minimal crowd-control.

District 9, Kardel Barwick [written by katniss-everdeen], and

District 12, Basil Crombie [written by sticky_wickit].

They had almost made it. So close, but not close enough.

But there is no more to be said.


Well, congratulations to our four finalists! You all have made it far, each earning it in your own ways. Thus, there is no point in keeping you waiting.


The time parameter: Any time at all, so long as it is past the direct events of being in the arena. This mean you can have flashbacks, but the entry must begin either as you're being loaded to the hovercraft as the victor, all the way up to wherever your hearts desire.

What you must do: I never like to give strict guidelines for a finals task. I'm no longer the judge here. You write what you think wraps your character up, you write as you wish. HOWEVER, I do request that you make some form of mention about a victory tour. This does not have to be your own victory tour, though it can be (in memory or present), but I would like to see mention of the parade/tour/train to the other Districts/anything relating to the tour (can be recaps on television). It's all up to you. I mean, besides that, y'all are really free to go. Thanks for making these Games awesome.


You are NOT ALLOWED to kill you tribute in the arena. That is not canon!! There must be a victor and by some means it must be your own tribute!! Kill them if you wish later in the entry or whatever your sadistic minds wish, but you MUST. NOT. DIE. IN. THE. ARENA.


1,000. Jk. I'm so cr@@@@zy!!


Monday August 27, 10pm ADT.

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