On Alliances in an Anonymous Game

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The question has been raised, dear future participants, pertaining to alliances and how they may exist in a game that is run anonymously.

While it is expected you to not actively seek out any others you believe may be competing, it is inevitable such a thing may already have happened, or inevitably will continue to occur even though I am not necessarily a fan, as I believe it defeats the purpose of the anonymous Games.

However, I recognize alliances can become an integral part of writing, and so writing alliances will work just like interactions with other tributes in other non-anonymous Games—that is, you may create your own alliance based on tribute forms. This means that, for example, while the Careers may not know who writes who, they may feel free to write Career interactions if they so choose. Similarly, should one wish not to write an alliance or someone from not a Career District wishes to make a new alliance, they are free to.

While this allows, hopefully, for some freedom in your entries, I want to emphasize that characterisation is paramount to alliances. Just as I would not expect you to disregard my tasks, I would also hope you have the same respect for your fellow anonymous writers by remaining as faithful to their tribute forms as possible.

I recognize this may seem like extra work to many of you who are accustomed to forming alliances and discussing strategies, but this is meant to stretch your imagination and is simply an extension of an anonymous Games.

If you have any further questions about this or any other aspect thus far discussed, let me know by PM or other messenging system!

The Lottery/Advanced Betting opens tomorrow at 12pm AST.

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