Semifinals - The Assault

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"The Feast upon its conclusion should signify the beginning of the end. A period of no more than two days should elapse before the Games conclude. Let no interference occur during this time unless there be stagnation, upon which after the time elapsed a Muttation or Capitol invention may be added to the arena." Book of Panem, XXXI.I.I – XXXI.I.II

"Every year it feels like these things go quicker."

"It's because we know what we're doing better than the year before," says Orvan.

Clauthilda sighs. "I suppose, but it's been less than a week and we're already near the end. I remember the days the Games would go on for two weeks."

"Ah," chirps Julius, "but those were the Games the citizens actually like least. Capitol polls say two weeks is far too long, they get bored by the end of it. After all, if you assume there to be sixteen tributes at most left after the Bloodbath, that's about a tribute dying a die on average, but in experience it's really been more of days stretching by without deaths. You can only amp up the audiences so much, feed them so much information, before we run out of things to say."

"Very true, Julius." Orvan turns to the arena board, now with fewer characters inhabiting the arena. They're close. So far, everything's gone without a hitch. The Games are being received well compared to last year, and the cameras have steered steadily away from Haymitch and remained front and center on the Games. Now, after the feast, three are dead.

District 2, Maur Verrill [written by LightOfTheMooneh],
District 5, Jove Tesla [written by -Giraffe-], and
District 8, Mellory Suede [written by HannahFare].

There's only six of them left. Starving, tired, thirsty, injured, whatever they may be, perhaps the feast has rejuvenated them. Now, though, they're on their own again. Orvan doesn't expect any of the remaining to start a fight.

"Alright, well now that they're settled, let's get some interviews up on the screen."


Welcome to Semis! And the song task, which I am SO EXCITED to share with you. This task took me a long time to think up, because I really want you guys to have freedom because I know each of your songs vary wildly. Please read the task and explanation of songs carefully.


The Time Parameter: The feast is concluded when the sun has risen to noon. Tributes have scattered off again. This task is the next day, and you may write any part of that day.

What happens/What you must do: You have two options here, so please read carefully. As the end nears, the Gamemakers will send what is essentially an assault of reporters and camerapeople to interview your family. To cheer you up in your presumed loneliness, a parachute drops down and deposits a small time-sensitive holoscreen. On the holoscreen, you are given a choice: you may either record a video for your family, friends, and/or colleagues that WILL NOT be streamed to the citizens of Panem (ie. You may have a private word to them) OR you may use the holoscreen to watch the interviews your family, friends, and/or colleagues give. To clarify, you get a holoscreen. It asks you if you want to record a private message to your loved ones (you may choose to record several private messages to different people) or if you want to listen to the interviews your own family gave (again of which there would be multiple, those interviews are public and to be streamed at the time you'd otherwise send a private message). Once you choose, there's no going back. You must choose one. Once you are finished/the interviews finish, or thirty minutes have passed, whichever comes first, the holoscreen will self-destruct. Your message will be sent even if not completed. You cannot delete messages you do not want to send. You cannot skip interviews you do not want to see. [For added context, in Catching Fire it's mentioned Katniss' family and Gale at least were interviewed, making it likely that friends and coworkers would be included as long as they are connected in the public eye to them.]

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