District Seven Male - Linwood Walsh

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Name: Linwood Walsh

Age: 15

District: Seven

Sex: Male

Physical Appearance: Linwood's features combine the words messy and refined perfectly. His hair is soft and fun to the touch, yet it's often greasy and impossible to comb. His eyes bleed a daft envy, deep like a dirty moss, but they're rather pretty to look into, stuck on either side of a nose too large for his face. Often, his lips appear redder than his hair, and he's prone to licking his lips, leaving them crackled ry in the long run. Linwood's lanky, slightly tall with a long neck, and slouches like he's dying, but his skin is exceptional, a clean boy usually unclean.

Personality: Linwood Walsh listens to leaves as they fall to the ground. He watches the sunset until it's a sunrise, and sniffs at mulch as it's upturned in gardens. He pays attention to almost every detail around him, never overwhelmed, and simply loves to hear and see and smell things nobody else does. He tastes moisture and dryness in the air, and runs his hands across tree trunks when they've chipped and left pieces for him to tear off. He's quiet alone and boisterous around others, always talking in description of something they're bound to not know, and part of him just wants everyone to know, to listen and watch with him.

Background: This boy has come to realize he's rather lonely. He's an only child to his mother and father- they gave him so much of their time, that now it's been devalued, and Linwood feels minimally loved by them- and he'd spent his childhood alone. It wasn't until the age of twelve that he'd started making friends, and, even though that's grand and wonderful, the elongated parts of his life where he ran and played alone still hold their stake in his current self. Even with people surrounding him, he's lonely, a dying tree stump when years ago the rest of the tree fell, making no sound because no one was around to hear it.

Reaped or Volunteered? Reaped

Weapon of Choice: Axe

Token: N/A

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