District Six Female - Royal Robinson

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Name: Royal Robinson

Age: Eighteen

District: Six

Sex: Female

Physical Appearance: Royal's general thinness is most prominent in her face, specifically around its edges and near here temples, where her skin is pulled taught around a crooked jawline and skull. Three paths of pale brown concentrated freckles spread from the tip of her nose: one up to her eyebrows and the other two in opposite paths down her cheeks. Royal's eyebrows are thin and light, with her hair matching in wispiness, yet not color: it reaches her mid-back when not pulled back and seems to darken as it grows from her scalp, ranging from nearly white at the roots to a dead, knotted brown at the tips. Her eyes are the shade of blue on days doomed to be overcast. She stands at five foot ten in bare feet.

Personality: If there's one thing that could be considered admirable about Royal, it would be her strength of conviction and belief. She carries the final word in her household for more reasons than one - her power of conquering conversations is one that proves ultimate within her family and for the small number of citizens in Six who follow her. The other side of this power delivers unbearable narcissism and stubbornness to those who cross her. Royal's sense of caring, when it comes to other people, is something truly odd, and in the end, something too illogical and futile to describe. Her family believes that she has issues with her hearing, for sometimes they see Royal mumbling to herself as if holding a conversation with another person. She is proud and often times disoriented and confused, like a child tasting a foreign medicine for the first time, refusing to swallow anything.

Background: There's a light in the sky one hundred or so feet above Royal's house, visible only at night, but persistent even through heavy cloud cover. It burns - and she sees it burn, wavering and dimming from time to time - a shifting shade of yellow, from a deep brown to a white the color of the sun's reflection. She remembers seeing it from as young as age four. On some days, it floats down from its spot in the sky and whispers. The world usually fractures when this happens. She repeats these whispers and brushes the fractures onto large wooden signs which she places around her family's house like an ancient castle wall.

Family: Arnett Robinson [92], Huldah Robinson (neé Venice) [89]

Libra Robinson [58], Helena Robinson (neé Cocodrie) [58]

Alexandria Robinson (neé Jennings) [30], Adz Robinson [29], Kenner Adell [26], Mirza Adell (neé Robinson) [24], Miriam Robinson [22], Phineas Robinson [20], Royal Robinson [18], Esther Robinson [14]

The Robinson Children: Boyce Robinson [2], Emmaline Robinson [15 weeks]

The Adell Children: Olla Adell [3], Rebekah Adell [7 months along]

Reaped or Volunteered? Reaped

Weapon of Choice: Her experience with weapons found in The Games is extremely limited at best, nonexistent at worse. She uses knives in the kitchen - but that's about it.

Token: The scale of a salmon she found dead by the riverside.

Other: Her signature, for the curious:

Other: Her signature, for the curious:

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