Some Revisions on the Rules of the Games

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It has come to my attention that my voting rules ruin some of the anonymity, as I requested all votes be strictly public. After consideration, however, I recognize this is counteractive to the anonymous nature of the Games. Because this is a learning opportunity for everyone in terms of new rules, and indeed it is a learning opportunity for myself, I am changing the rules of voting.

While voting for those to die and those you wish to see receive a sponsorship each task remain the same past the first task and before the semifinals (wherein a person may only receive a sponsorship every other task, just as they may be saved every other task), the way you vote will change.

Votes will be allowed either publicly or privately. Sponsor votes remain solely allowed through private message. You MUST vote a sponsor tribute or tributes if you vote for those being eliminated.

In addition, in recognition that sponsors play a significant portion in the support of tributes during their first few days in the Capitol, I will be sponsoring THREE tributes for the first task only. This is to represent that theCapitol's elite are often those in the most control. After the Bloodbath there shall continue sponsorship voting in private by the public.

Some additional clarity on some of the finer points made in the rules:

Ballots and in-entry deaths run full-strength. The highest two scorers up for potential votes will be saved from the block, where a tribute may only be saved from votes this way every other task.

You may write alliances, but if you do it is expected (as in all Games) to adhere to the characterisation of the character. If you wish to have a specific storyline with another tribute or tributes, let me know who and I shall let them know what you are planning if you so wish. Though don't worry, there'll be plenty of time for some old-school forced interaction...

A reminder that each tribute is granted only one 24-hour extension, that must be notified to me of use within three days of the task going up. A reminder, too, that you will lose points if you hand in late without an extension. See the rules for further explanation. Extenuating sudden circumstances may allow for extensions, please see the rules for further explanation.

You may not use a secondary account or ask friends or make mention of voting to anyone else. You may not ask that someone vote for you. You may vote for yourself. Any suspicion of cheating will result in investigation and possible elimination.

As Gamemaker, I also want to make a few promises I intend to keep to the best of my ability. Entries will be posted when the first deadline passes. Scores and ballots will be posted either one hour past that, or, should there be no-shows, four hours. Most deadlines (I cannot promise complete consistency) will run around 8pm AST, which means scores will be up either at 9 or midnight. Rankings and voting and whatever else have you will be posted to the best of my ability a maximum of one hour after that. I make these promises in hopes that when you signed up, you also made a promise to me to keep committed to these Games. All delays will be relayed on my message board.

Each author shall be reminded of the task deadline approximately three times, no less than one. Preferably this will be shortly after the task is posted, several times on my message board, and a one-day-left PM reminder as well.

Authors will be revealed once their tributes die.

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