The Victor and the Spark - Scores and Ballots

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Thank you all for a great turnout. Just a reminder that ballots are running full strength this round. How funny you all are with your ballots and how you use them... Also, I want to say just how impressed I was by these entries? You guys really took the reigns here and showed me things I was not expecting. I did not expect this sort of turn out so early in the Games, so I'm sorry if scores are too close or whatever because there was like, I could not not score you folks as I did. Perhaps I'll need a better system next task to stop these blocks of scores. Anyways, that's not a bad thing, every single entry I seriously highly enjoyed reading. Thank you guys!


District 1 Female – Dioria Rose10.5 (3) – 7.5

District 2 Female – Pandora Underwood – 10 (2) – 8

District 2 Male – Maur Verrill – 10.5 (1) – 9.5

District 4 Female – Ara Beaufort – 0 (3) – -3

District 4 Male – Dacre Aldric – 10.5 (6) – 4.5

District 5 Male – Jove 'Trojan' Tesla – 10 (3) – 7

District 6 Male – Fintan Bailey – 10.5 (3) – 7.5

District 7 Male – Linwood Walsh – 11.5 (2) – 9.5

District 8 Female – Mellory Suede – 10 (1) – 9

District 8 Male – Moire Holiday – 10.5 (2) – 8.5

District 9 Female – Lena Barkle – 10.5 (3) – 7.5

District 9 Male – Kardel Barwick – 10.5 (3) – 7.5

District 10 Female – Sable Warren – 11 (1) – 10

District 10 Male – Kyrien Moldesang – DROPPED OUT (1)

District 11 Female – Andromeda 'Andi' Abdul – 9.5 (1) – 8.5

District 11 Male – Porat Hader – 10 (2) – 8

District 12 Male – Basil 'Bas' Crombie – 10.5 (7) – 3.5

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