District Eleven Male - Porat Hadar

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Name: Porat Hadar

Age: 16

District: 11

Sex: Male

Physical Appearance: Within the large masses of people milling about District Eleven, Porat is nothing more than a forgettable face. Tall and lanky with skin the tone of dull bronze, his features are neither exceptionally attractive or uncommon enough that he is likely to stand out in the crowd. His dark brown hair is trimmed neat and short, revealing his thin face and warm, light brown eyes that are constantly swimming with complicated thoughts and plans. He carries himself with a tense, straight posture and walks with short and hesitant steps, as if he is constantly thinking and plotting out every minor movement and is afraid of making the wrong one.

Personality: Quiet and stoic, Porat tries his best to remain as seemingly invisible as possible. While he is quite intelligent due to his quality education he tries his best not to show it, instead preferring to remain inside his own mind and work things out on his own. This leads to him being a chronic overthinker and plotting every potential option through before making a decision, which leads to plans that often take work to execute but which rarely fail. He prides himself on being quite observant and intuitive, and is usually able to read people's emotions and motivations quite easily. This makes trusting people rather difficult for Porat, but once he believes he's found someone who is genuine he is an incredibly loyal friend and ally.

Background: Being the child of the mayor of a district had its perks, but when that mayor is the infamously strict Warrick Hadar it also had its drawbacks. While he received a quality education and he never worried about whether or not there would be food on the table, Porat found himself often trapped between two worlds. It was clear to him from a young age that the citizens of District Eleven were not fans of his father's authoritarian grip over the district, and because they could not communicate this dislike to the mayor himself Porat found it often displaced onto him. He was quick to notice the wary gaze of parents as they whispered between themselves, and would curiously observe as children would quiet down and move away as he approached. The isolation would leave him quite lonely, and would often lead to Porat acting out and attempting to get in trouble to show others that he wasn't different from them after all. His father found this behavior unacceptable, and severely punished Porat for making him look bad to the Capitol and for not setting what he believed to be a "proper example" for the other children. The balance between perfect role model and regular citizen seemed more and more unattainable the harder he tried to achieve it, so he eventually just decided that he would be better off trying to simply blend in as much as possible.

Reaped or Volunteered? Reaped, in a surprising turn of events. Due to large amount of District Eleven citizens signing up for tesserae he hadn't even considered one of the five ballots with his name on it being drawn to be a possibility.

Weapon of Choice: He doesn't have experience with a lot of weapons, but Porat likes the idea of a bow. Taking his time, planning, and firing from a distance is much more appealing to him then fighting up close in the heat of the moment.

Token: An ornate leather bracelet. It was a gift from a visiting Captiol dignitary to Porat, and while it has no important meaning to him his father instructed him to bring it in hopes that it would display his supposed "higher status" and make him more appealing to sponsorship while in the Games.

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