District Twelve Female -Juniper Lindsay

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Name: Juniper "June" Lindsay

Age: 18

District: 12

Sex: Female

Physical Appearance: June has long brown hair that she often ties up in a bun. She has pale skin that has crisscrossing scars and many tan lines. Her knuckles and hands are the most scarred, mostly from working and from knife throwing. She has dark brown eyes, and a small spattering of light freckles across her nose and cheeks. She is very pretty, though maybe not beautiful. She doesn't care either way, and wears looser, simple clothing for work purposes.

Personality: June is generally a guarded person. She doesn't often make friends, and those she does consider friends have had to earn it. She is fiercely protective of her younger siblings and would willingly lay down her life for any of them. The same goes for her oldest friends. Other than that, she'd cut you loose if it benefited her. She has a softer side, but it is strictly reserved for those she is close to.

Background: From a young age June had to step up. Her father was gone most of the time, and her mother didn't care very much. She ended raising her younger siblings pretty much without adult assistance. She was helped by her two friends, Penny and Jay. They helped her wrangle her five siblings. It is mostly thanks to them that the Lindsay family didn't just die out. Lately her relationship with both of them has become somewhere between romantic and platonic. Since she was reaped they never quite got to talking about it.

As for her siblings, June regrets having to leave them. Lilac, the second oldest at sixteen, has now had to step up. Her other siblings are the fourteen-year-old twins, Kestral and Hazel; the ten year old, Joshua; and the five-year-old, Peony. After the death of of her mother two years ago, her father became even distant. June was forced to step up even more. She is angry that her mother couldn't bring herself to care.

Reaped or Volunteered? Reaped. She would never leave her family willingly.

Weapon of Choice: June is good with knives, thrown or hand to hand combat.

Token: A necklace that has three rings on it: her mother's wedding ring, a wooden ring made by Penny and Jay, and a stone ring made by her siblings.

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