Special Awards

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Well, well, well, it's everyone's favourite part of the Games: awards! Nothing fancy here, and no excessively fancy awards, just a plain old page with some trivial congratulations. A reminder voting has been extended an hour and a half, so if you are reading this and haven't voted, please do. I assume you would want as many people to vote were you to be in finals, so it's only fair the same be given to our four wonderful finalists.


Best Name:

Let's start off easy, or I guess no award is necessarily difficult...either way, we must start somewhere! The winner of this award really set the tone of the character and their progression through the Games. Trying to erase a name given by others, trying to forge their own path, who couldn't watch as young Jove Tesla fought so hard against the moniker his peers gave him—that of Trojan. The runner up's name was clever, creative, and unique, and was to put it simply aptly suited to the character. Of course, I also had a tendency to write the last name wrong. Congratulations to Porat Hadar. As well, a second runner-up to an aptly suited District name, combining high end with a name, and who else could it be for but Dioria Rose!

WINNER: Jove 'Trojan' Tesla [written by -Giraffe-]

RUNNER-UPS: Porat Hadar [written by canaria-] and Dioria Rose [written by ???]

Best District:

There's no question here, considering these two remained the last pair past task four! Both of them weaved each other into their entries, each with their own trials, tribulations, betrayals, and heartbreaks. So there's no one to beat District Eight's Mellory Suede and Moira Holiday!

Dark Horse:

While not necessarily a new competitor, this tribute/author gets the Dark Horse award solely because they really turned things up. Starting off the first two tasks with average scores, it seemed like all was going to be lost. But with a ramp up and a change of pace, plans, and execution, this character rebounded and catapulted themself straight to Semis, where unfortunately they missed out by just a hair on reaching Finals. For the cleverness that made this character someone strange and creative from someone average, this award goes to Kardel Barwick. The runner-up for this award is someone who I've looked forward to reading since Roots, but I don't necessarily see advance as far as they could in other Games (except Fifty Flames right now! Hell yeah!). The runner-up, therefore, is Maur Verrill.

WINNER: Kardel Barwick [written by katniss-everdeen]

RUNNER-UP: Maur Verrill [written by LightOfTheMooneh]

Reverse Dark Horse:

Three winners, no runner ups, is this a good award? No, but at least it makes the recipients feel loved, even though they made me sad. Each had their own downfalls, each equally upsetting, and these people I was particularly disappointed to see disappear or drop out. The first, who could forget Royal Robinson, even though there was not a single entry written for her? Honestly, I could've seen her making it far, but unfortunately life got in the way of Canon, and thus Royal's life was ended. Next in order of appearance (or death, I guess) is someone who if you've competed with before in the past, you'd know they're a force to be reckoned with. Unfortunately, a missed footfall on the first task coupled with life as well brought this next character to a halt. For Edison Aiken, or should I say his brother, I was sad to see him go as soon as he did. Finally, although not necessarily a reverse dark horse, as they didn't die early on, these two tributes were looking to sit in finals—at least one? Of course, while it had no guarantee, the people adored them, and the possibility of them making it to the end looked more and more likely, until a sudden silence and a lack of entries brought them to a screeching halt. Yes, I'm talking about Dacre Aldric and Sable Warren.

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