District Five Female - Mistilyn Markarrien

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Name: Mistilyn "Misti" Markarrien

Age: 17

District: 5

Sex: Female

Physical Appearance: With small delicate features, and gorgeous gray eyes that would be hard to look away from, Misti Markarien is one of the prettiest girls in her district, or dare anyone even say Panem. Misti's chestnut colored hair falls just below her shoulders, giving just enough room for a small braid or up-do. Her pale, almost doll-like skin stretches over the bones in her face, giving her a strong jawline and cheekbones. A soft nose sprinkled with light freckles that darken in the sun is one of her favorite features. Her deep-set eyes give the appearance as if she is always glaring at someone or something. Her petite body frame makes it difficult for any muscle to build, but through grit and determination every day during training, Misti manages to tone her body and gain about 10 pounds.

Personality: Misti is almost too clever for her own good. With top marks in her class, Misti knows what she needs to do and how to do it. She finds her way around factories and people with ease and knows a thing or two about "manipulation". With her looks and sweet voice, she can convince almost anyone to do a task for her, unless you're one of her 4 older siblings, who are wise to her tactics. Although her strong influence on people may make her seem like an insensitive person, she is anything but that. She cares deeply about those who are close to her, and anyone would be lucky to have her as a friend or colleague. She's confident in everything she does, knowing that she can prove anyone wrong, but not in an arrogant or patronizing way. Her dry humor is one of her shining traits, and she often tells her new jokes to her family during dinner time, causing all of them to acquire sore stomachs and full bellies full of heart.

Background: Misti has had one of the most normal childhoods one can imagine. Coming from a huge family, 5 brothers and 6 sisters, all ranging from the ages of 28 to 5, Misti knows her way around people. With her parents constantly working as two of the higher-ups in the district, Misti had to learn from a young age how to take care of her self and others. Every day when she gets home, she starts to tidy the house and help out all of the younger children with any project they have a qualm about. She has had tons of friends in school, and even her fair share of boyfriends and girlfriends.

Reaped or Volunteered? Reaped

Weapon of Choice: Does pure wit count, cause I feel like it should.

Token: A small necklace with a single gear her mother gave to her on her 10th birthday.

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