The Victor and the Spark - Odds and Ranking

106 4 0

Again I reiterate to look around at the power ballots and kills have. Do not think it is the same as ballot challenges, do not think it's a flippant thing. Every one of you have power to change the Games, especially with this caliber of competition.

1. District 8 Male - Moire Holiday - 28

2. District 2 Male - Maur Verrill - 27.5

3. District 6 Male - Fintan Bailey - 25.75

4. District 7 Male - Linwood Walsh - 25.5

5. District 5 Male - Jove Tesla - 25

6. District 2 Female - Pandora Underwood - 24.5

7. District 1 Female - Dioria Rose - 24

7. District 10 Female - Sable Warren - 24

9. District 8 Female - Mellory Suede - 23.5

9. District 9 Female - Lena Barkle - 23.5

9. District 11 Male - Porat Hadar - 23.5

12. D9M Kardel Barwick 23

12. District 11 Female - Andromeda Abdul - 23

14. District 4 Male - Dacre Aldric - 22.5

15. District 12 Male - Basil Crombie - 20.5

16. District 4 Female - Ara Beaufort - 12.5

17. District 10 Male - Kyrien Moldesang- DECEASED

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