District Ten Female - Sable Warren

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Name: Sable Warren

Age: 12

District: 10

Sex: Female

Physical Appearance: Her hair: brown, wispy, pulled back from her face in two loose braids. Her eyes: pale, cloudy blue, wide, surrounded by feathery blonde lashes and angular brows. Her face: round, baby fat still cushioning her cheekbones and a round nose just above lips the same peachy color as her cheeks. Her figure: that of someone much younger, lean from years of being barely full, hunched into itself when she's upset and vibrating with motion when she's not, because, like any child, she's full of motion..

Personality: Sable is a kid - she's energetic and fun and likes playing hide and seek, despite the fact that she might be getting too old for that. She loves her mom and wants to be like her older sister, and her father is the strongest person she knows. She talks to strangers too much, and she trusts easily once she decides you're worth it, but one wrong word from anyone and she dissolves, because she's still only a child.

Background: Sable has only ever known her family; her mother, Harlow, and father, Beaumont, work at a barn a few miles away and though they're always home for a story at bedtime, her rearing falls mostly to her older sister, Vale, four years older than Sable. The two sisters are closer than twins despite their age difference, and communicate in another world half the time - the other, Vale is dragging a reluctant Sable around to the village center to get involved with the neighborhood children in some sort of halfway legal game. She adores Vale with her entire heart, and has always looked up to her, and always expected Vale to protect her, because, after all, Sable is still only a child, and she needs her older sister.

Reaped or Volunteered? Reaped. She waited for the sound of that familiar voice to take her place, but it never came - even though she's just a child.

Weapon of Choice: She fights with her fists and play-swords at home - in the arena, it's doubtful that a tree branch will hold up, but it will have to do.

Token: Nothing.

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