District Eleven Female - Andromeda Abdul

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Name: Andromeda Abdul

Age: 18

District: Eleven

Sex: Female

Physical Appearance: There's a particular appeal to the patterns of rocks and stones, especially when submerged in water. That's Andi. She's the beauty of uninterpreted hieroglyphics and puzzles undoable; mysterious, complicated for a second, and so complex that one may be lost in the entrail of her freckled skin. Her eyebrows arch over impossibly deep eyes, brown and auric and like falling stars over a kingdom built three dimensions away. She's tall- but not a tower- with a long torso and hands that could meld clay as if it was the earth in her palms. Part of her reaches the sun, the stone dried off, and becomes the tangles of wily hair and subtly bent knees; but all of her will forever remain the rock dropped underwater, beautiful as something drowned.

Personality: Andromeda is likely the one person who melds sensitivity and strength so well. She's empathetic to strangers and stories told thoroughly and loud, but she's rather irritable and selfish when stressed or panicked, ripples at unrest in the center of a brilliant pond. One could melt beneath her gaze, strengthened by it soon after, built by her smile and torn by her words. She's a diamond in the wilderness, crafted by chance and now walking among others wild and fine; she's the pinch of salt in a wound, healing with a brash sting. Andi is an energy always awake in a world she knows is venomous, strapped to the rocks and flailing in a desperate attempt to break free and fall into the water.

Background: People have been trying to get rid of Andromeda since the day she was born. She's the youngest of four, the third daughter, and just one more name in the line of her father and his eight brothers. Despite their size, they remain incredibly poor, with more mouths to feed than they can afford; since she could walk, Andi was sent to the streets to beg for money, alone, dangerous, and young. At the age of twelve, she was coerced into claiming over two dozen tesserae- repeated nearly every year- and so it's an odd miracle that she endured the reaping until her final year. Perhaps her family does love her, and they're grateful, but Andromeda knows better than to trust those who watched her sink in the open sea.

Reaped or Volunteered? Reaped

Weapon of Choice: Since she hasn't held many weapons in her life, Andromeda will probably use knives. They're simple enough.

Token: She doesn't have one. Not much can remind someone of a home they don't have.

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