A Serious Apology

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Hey guys, I f*cked up. I really did.

Last task a lot of you came to me telling me you thought you had an extra hour because the deadline was AST and Google kept telling you I was wrong with my deadlines. Yeah, I know I argued with y'all. I'm sorry. I don't know time.

It is currently 9:14pm here, on Atlantic Daylight Time. It's not Standard time. This last task I had two people who did not hand in say they thought they had an hour. So too did some people last task before the deadline. I'm sorry, I was so, so, so wrong. And also, clearly wrong to have argued with you guys. I seriously don't understand time and Wikipedia confused me.

Thank you to those who've handed in. The grace period of one hour this task will not deduct points.

For future reference, yes this means we're running ADT, not AST.

I'm so sorry folks.

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