Quarterfinals - The Ashes

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"And so let them feast when their numbers dwindle and no action occurs for over a day. Force them together to do battle for sustenance." Book of Panem, XXX.I.I. - XXX.I.II

"What a shame," says Orvan. "A real shame. I mean look at them. A day and a half on their own, no mutts, and we've got two contenders dead. A Career. A Capitol favourite. And then just look at who remains! Half of them are going crazy. The one from Two didn't even use his sponsor gift."

Clautilda rests a taloned hand on his shoulder. "It'll be alright. It's as I predicted. Ratings have never been higher. We're showing the citizens what a true Games is like."

Orvan sighs. She's right, sure. Snow is pleased. The citizens are responsive. As she types away at her holoscreen and Julius huddles in a corner with their plans, Orvan taps his fingers on the table in front of him, staring at each of the little dots hovering in their different places in the arena. It's been a day and a half since they'd first cut out sound and left them to their own imaginations. Since then, it'd flickered on and off every so often. But eventually the tributes grew to know there was nothing there. Unlike last year, the arena and its inhabitants were harmless, essentially.

Now, he was getting restless. "They need to be drawn together. We've already done it once with the fire. We can't repeat it. They're pitiful, like ashes in an arena of ash. It feels like I haven't done enough."

"Orvan," says Clothilda, "One of the juniors wants a repeat on who's died recently. Wants to start compiling names and lists."

"Can't they just look at replays?" he snaps, but he pulls up the faces anyway.

District 4, Dacre Aldric [written by josie-tee], and

District 10, Sable Warren [written by josie-tee].

"Thanks, Orvan. And as for what to do, let's just speed things along. Send in the feast. There's only nine of them left. They're on the final stretch."


Well, here we are! Quarters, which means that rankings no longer matter. This task alone will allow FOUR of you to receive byes straight to Semis. But in order for that to happen, you have to know the task...


A day and a half after your last entry, the tributes have had a chance to sit, stew, reflect, and suffer, though maybe not in that order. Regardless, the Gamemakers are tired of seeing all of the tributes wander half-dazed around the arena. It's time for a feast.

The time parameter: A day and a half after the last entry concluded, most likely early evening. You may write that point up to the next noon.

What happens/What you must do: A day and a half later, a voice in the arena resonates and calls to the tributes, breaking the silence. It's the voice of Caesar Flickerman, who, in the evening just before the faces in the sky, entices your wearied tributes to a feast beginning at sunrise. There, each tribute will have a designated bag marked by their District number (for the lucky tributes still remaining from Eight, there will be a signifying marker up to you on how to decipher one from the other). Like in canon, the feast is there to provide what your tributes need most, whether that be a weapon, medicine, sustenance, etc. It's up to you to be creative. The tribute could receive a large pack, a small pack, whatever they need the most will be inside. Will you go to the feast? Will others steal your bag? Will you steal another's bag? Or will your tribute stay back, fighting their own demons but preventing the chance of being killed (discouraged, 'cause all of you are suffering right now). Basically, write the feast. I'm looking for entries that push your character into the last stages of the Game. I want to see boundaries pushed. I want to see stories woven and formed. Push it to the limit because this is the time you want to impress. Your tributes know it's the final stage, so show me how much they want it (or don't).


No more shall they count! But feel free to include deaths at the feast or before/after. They won't count, but it's unlikely that with all of you pushed together no one will die. Four will receive byes this task, five go up, and three will die.


Lol can you imagine if I gave a crazy one right now? Nah, I'm just playing.


Well there's a four way tie and as it's a feast task and the fact three of y'all have already been sponsored, don't be too upset here. First, for Jove Tesla, who has wooed hearts and souls with his pleading for forgiveness and tragic backstory, who tried to destroy the arena, what could the sponsors do but send in another tape recorder (indestructible) along with a couple Capitol-grade protein bars. Your wit and resilience are admirable, and rest assured with this gift you'll know Five is thinking of you. For the other three who have so shown their worth already—Dioria Rose, Linwood Walsh, and Mellory Suede—as there is a feast, if you arrive and receive your bag you're pretty set anyway. Each of you, though, receive a gift from home. For Dioria, as the lone Career, a true feast to strengthen you before the actual feast. For Linwood, soup and bread. For Mellory, protein in dried fruits and nuts, food staples from a District with no means of food production itself.


Monday August 13 at 9pm ADT.

May the odds be ever in your favour.

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