District Twelve Male - Basil Crombie

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Name: Basil 'Bas' Crombie

Age: 16

District: 12

Sex: Male

Physical Appearance: Typical Seam. Grey eyes, hair so brown it is almost black. Unlike many of his peers, Bas wears his long enough to fall in front of his eyes, meaning that he has to push it away on a regular basis. People who spend a lot of time around him quickly find this annoying, but Bas himself has stopped noticing that he does it. There's probably some girl or boy somewhere who thinks it's unbearably cute, but they are yet to declare themselves. The rest of Bas isn't too bad to look at, if you like lean, waifish figures, crooked noses, and scruffy clothes. He's never really cared. As long as nobody laughs at him, he's happy.

Personality: Bas is...not a wild child, but definitely not someone who sticks to the rules like glue. As long as it won't get him into serious trouble if he gets caught he's happy to go against what he's been told, especially if there's some benefit to him or his friends. He's managed to cultivate a carefree air, which means he finds it easy to put people at their ease, and smiles more than he frowns. He's quite open about his own life, though what he says might never be entirely truthful, even if it's not exactly a lie... He can't say why he does this. Perhaps there isn't really a reason.

Background: Bas' family are your standard Seam family. Their only real claim to fame is that the (now legendary) Haymitch Abernathy lived just down their street and sometimes went past their house in a morning. His elder brother and mother (Hickory and Ma) are traders in the Hob; actually they also run a betting racket on the side. His father (Julian) is a miner. When not at school Bas switches his time between the two, but really he would like to be a healer. Currently the Crombies are reasonably well-off, after the Quell led to a rush of earnings from their betting scheme and Hickory's financial acumen stopped them from spending it all at once. But it's not enough to bring Bas off tesserae, and they still don't stand out among the rest of the Seam.

Reaped or Volunteered? Reaped.

Token: His headband. In a burst of practicality, he realised that the Capitol weren't likely to provide him something to keep his hair off his eyes...

Other: Bas thinks he can win. He really does. He's not sure why and he's not sure how, but he's sure of it.

No picture provided.

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