District Six Male - Fintan Bailey

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Name: Fintan Bailey

Age: 16

District: Six

Sex: Male

Physical Appearance: Something about Fintan's appearance smells of wealth, which is odd considering his dark hair and eyes are emblematic of the lower class in Six. Though his frame is slight, he doesn't have the stunted look of the poorest in his District. His clear skin and good bone structure hints at handsomeness, but his soft jawline and full cheeks mark his youth. Fintan's mouth perpetually curves slightly upwards at the ends, even when his expression is neutral, as though constantly smiling at a joke, or some private knowledge, only he is aware of.

Personality: Cunning is one of the best words to describe Fintan. His mind is always occupied with some scheme he's trying to execute. People, and the societies they live in - whether families, neighborhoods, or Districts - are just like machines to Fintan, and he prides himself on being able to figure out what makes them tick. Quiet and analytical, he's known for staying mostly on the edge of social situations, but articulate and mostly personable when he has to step in.

Background: Fintan was born into the underground of District Six. His father was a young Peacekeeper fresh out of the Capitol who romanticized life in the Districts, his mother a morphling trader who bribed his father to turn a blind eye. After Fintan was born, his father was transferred to another District as punishment for impregnating a woman from the Districts. Since then, Fintan was raised as an only child. Though his mother technically owns a small business that specializes in routing trains between Districts, it's mostly used as a front to traffic morphling. It's expected that Fintan will eventually take over the business himself.

Reaped or Volunteered? Reaped

Weapon of Choice: Poison, though he's yet to decide whether it's more effective to put it on darts, knives, or arrows.

Token: His mom has never been very sentimental, so Fintan was shocked when she gave him a locket with his father's face inside. She hopes he's back in the Capitol by now, and will maybe help sponsor his son.

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