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"Hi, my names Emilee," a girl sitting next to Harry reached her hand out to him as he sat next to her, huffing when he didn't even glance her way, completely ignoring her.

"I'm Amara, and this is Harry," I introduced us as I sat next to Harry, shaking her outstretched hand while Harry sent me a glare. "We're new here."

"Welcome to Manchester University! Are you two a couple?" Emilee smiled at us, oblivious of Harry's uncomfortable expression.

"No, we're...roommates," my eyes widened at her assumption, making our title up. Well, it wasn't completely wrong, we were roommates.

"Oh, so you're single?" Emilee focussed her question to Harry, who ignored her for the second time. I wanted to answer for him, but I honestly didn't know his relationship status.

"Sorry, he's a bit shy," I sent Emilee a smile, feeling Harry's glare on the side of my skull. Emilee blushed, clearly embarrassed. I felt bad for her, being rejected by an oddly attractive man.

"You two should come meet my friends, it could be a good chance to meet some new people around here," Emilee offered, her voice hopeful as her eyes flickered to Harry.

"That'd be great! Could I have your number?" I accepted happily, not caring that Harry's glare was set on me anymore. I reached over Harry's slumped body to grab her phone, quickly typing in my number.

"I'll text you the details," Emilee grinned at me as I handed back her phone, her contagious smile making me return one.

Our conversation was cut short as the professor came in, introducing the lesson briefly. I dug through my bag to retrieve my bag of strawberries, placing them on a paper towel on top of my laptop.

"What are you doing?" Harry hissed at me, looking at me as if I grew two heads.

"Eating?" I opened the ziplock bag, grabbing out a strawberry. My fingernails gripped the tiny seeds planted into the surface of the berry, pulling them out neatly. I felt Harry's stare as I sorted the tiny seeds until they made a small pile.

Once I was reassured all the seeds were gone, I bit into the strawberry, chewing quietly. Harry grabbed one and began picking the seeds off, placing it to the side once done, before continuing with another. I thanked him quietly, earning a small huff in return.


Harry and I were back at the apartment, both sitting a considerable distance apart from each other on the couch, The Office playing on the large flat screen TV.

Both of us looked towards the glass coffee table when my phone vibrated on it, indicating I had a text. I grabbed the device, reading the text from an unsaved number.

Hey! It's Emilee. My friends and I are going to this little cafe on campus if you wanna join?

I looked at Harry, who was back to watching The Office, not bothered by my staring.

"Harry?" I broke the silence, making him hum in response while still looking at the TV. "Can we go visit a cafe downstairs?"

Harry sat up straight, nodding his head. I watched as he disappeared into his room, coming out seconds after with a gun in his hand.

"What the-Harry!" I squeaked, pointing towards the gun. "Why have you got that?"

"Your parents told me to always carry one around while I'm with you," Harry shrugged, placing the gun into the waistband of his jeans. I was about to speak up and say I could see the outline of the deadly object, but he tugged on a jacket that made it disappear before I even had the chance to.

"I can't believe they feel the need to hire a bodyguard, tell him to carry weapons and use force to stop my disorder, just to protect me from nothing," I ranted while we walked downstairs, throwing my hands around in exaggeration. Harry kept quiet, keeping his eyes focussed in front of us.

"Can you please be nice to Emilee? Maybe even speak to her," I suggested, keeping my smile back when his head turned to me arubtly.

"She's coming?" He grumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets angrily. "Why is she coming?"

"We gotta meet new people, I'm gonna be here for awhile," I almost laughed when he cringed as we walked in the cafe, Emilee's voice standing out in the crowded cafe.

"Amara! Harry! Lovely to see you both again," Emilee gestured for us to sit down on the two spare seats in the stuffy booth. I smiled widely as I sat next to a boy with fluffy brown hair, Harry sliding in next to me.

"This is Jordan," Emilee pointed to a serious looking girl, who sent me a nod in greeting. I sent her a little wave, my smile faltering when she looked at me blankly.

"Wolf," Emilee pointed to the boy beside her, who grinned at Harry and I. I was surprised when I looked at Harry, seeing him actually acknowledge Wolf, and nod at him.

"And Finn," she pointed to the last of the four, the boy beside me. I turned my head to him, noticing his bright blue eyes first thing.

"Hi, gorgeous," my smile slowly dropped as he greeted me, his arm swinging across the back of the seats. I didn't understand why, but my stomach dropped when I looked at him, and not in a good way.

"So, are you two, like, dating?" The Finn guy kept talking, stopping for a few seconds between words.

"We're roommates," I nodded, twisting my fingers together anxiously. I felt more reassured when Jordan sent me a small smile, obviously noticing how nervous I was. Emilee quickly started a conversation, educating Harry and I on the four.

Jordan was quiet, but she seemed nice. She was a second year, studying medicine. I gained my own conclusion that she had a thing for Wolf. She would look at him as if he was a golden medal, and she seemed to really tune in whenever he'd start talking. Wolf also seemed fond of her, sending her small smiles every now and then.

Wolf was a third year, studying pretty much everything. He was indecisive, and already had a couple qualifications. He reminded me of Harry, in the aspect of being dark and broody. But, in the small time of getting to know Wolf, it's obvious he's lovely and outgoing. I couldn't say the same about Harry though, he wasn't much of a talker. In fact, he hadn't talked since we got here.

Emilee was Emilee. She was loud, and never stopped talking. She seemed like a good friend, but I got the vibe she only really wanted me to come so she could see Harry again.

Finn wasn't getting a good impression from me either. He was constantly flirting with me, and saying inappropriate things that would make any girl uncomfortable. Jordan spoke up sometimes, trying to interrupt him and change the subject because it was clearly making me squirm.

Somehow, his hand had fallen from the top of the chairs to my shoulder, weighing me down slightly. His hand traced circles on my bare shoulder, making me shiver. I have had experience with one guy only, my ex-boyfriend. He has made me not want to ever invest in a relationship again, his shitty personality ruining my view of men for me.

I was pulled from my thoughts when Harry got up, my mouth opening to question where he was going.

My mouth immediately closed when Harry reached his arm over my torso, hooking his large hand under my thigh. I almost choked when he pulled me by my thigh to the end of the seat, moving his hand to grab my arm and pull me from the seat. His body sunk into the spot I previously sat at, next to Finn, before he pulled me back in next to him.

My face flushed as I realised he must've noticed how uncomfortable Finn was making me. He probably thought I was a weird prude, my head falling in embarrassment. My hair cascaded as a shield around me, the table still silent from the whole ordeal.

"Um, you two should come to Wolf's on Friday! He's throwing a party for the start of the year," Emilee tucked her hair behind her ear, nodding eagerly as I thought about it.

"Uh, sure?" I tried to answer, but it came out as more of a question. I wasn't good at parties, I always came out a mess.

"Great! So, it starts at-" I zoned out slowly, the feeling of Harry's thigh and arm tightly pressed against my own stirring something in my stomach.

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