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Trigger warning: abuse and sexual assault


I felt as if my head was being weighed down by a brick, not strong enough to lift any muscle in my exhausted body. The pungent smell of sweat was prominent in the air as I peeled my eyes open, my torn and ruined clothing being the first thing I see from the uncomfortable angle.

I lifted my head with all my strength, puffing when I succeeded. I was alone in a room, a lonely and dark room. The dark brick walls were the only thing separating me from freedom, no furniture placed in the room.

I lifted my hand to fix my tangled hair, only to realise they were tied down to a chair I was sat on, my legs the same. I felt nauseous as my breathing picked up, the memories from the coffee shop sprouting in my mind.

"Finally awake," the door to the room was opened, my head pounding as a deep voice spoke. "You've been asleep for three days."

Three days? I haven't been found in three days? I'd assumed if I'd ever landed in this situation, my parents power would allow them to find me straight away.

"Are you gonna say something?" Finn circled me, his leg kicking mine when I stayed silent. I yelled out loud, my throat scratching dryly as pain shot up my leg.

"Why are you doing this?" My voice rasped, dry from having no water in days. I didn't thank the bastard as he put a glass of water to my lips, the cold liquid falling down my throat soothingly.

"I can get a lot of money from this, and, I can also have that fun you promised me," Finn gripped my thigh while leaning over me, his breath reeking as it flew across my face.

"I never promised you anything." My hands hurt as they shifted in the tight grip of the ropes, the seared flesh smelling potent.

"Stop playing hard to get," Finn squeezed my thigh roughly, before untying the ropes holding me down. Why was he untying me? My throat burnt as he pulled me up, my knees buckling at the sudden weight they had to support.

"I don't take rejection well," Finn guided me to the opposite side of the room, chains on a wall making me choke up. I hadn't noticed them before, but I was thankful I hadn't, because now I was terrified. I fought against him as he pushed my arms up onto the top hand cuffs mounted on the wall.

"Please, don't," I cried out as he tore my shirt, leaving me in my jeans and red bra. I sighed in relief as he walked out, only to become hysterical as he came back seconds later, a knife decorating his hand.


My frail body felt helpless by now, after being victim to Finn's wrath as he grew bored. He repeated his method several times throughout the day, my body giving up and not even fighting after the third time.

I wasn't dead, but I might as well have been.

I felt completely, and utterly, broken. My eyes were drained of tears, I wasn't capable of producing the drops of liquid anymore. I was numb.

Would I ever be the same again? Probably not. I didn't feel like Amara Svenson, in this moment, I felt like nothing more than the dirt below that monsters shoes. I felt used, stripped of all control, and overall, numb.

My eyes remained glued on the floor as Finn's footsteps drew closer to me, his worn out boots stopping in front of my bare body. My eyes closed as he brought his hand up to my perspective, a silver knife held tightly between his fingers.

"I didn't want to do this to you, but after what your family did to mine, I feel like I have no choice," Finn's voice broke as he brought up his family, wanting to ask what the fuck he was talking about, but my mouth couldn't open.

"Your parents, killed my entire family. You know that? My family was innocent, and your parents killed them!" I screamed in pain as he dragged the knife across my stomach, the skin splitting. Crimson liquid poured from the wound, dripping endlessly onto the concrete floor.

"They even killed my 4 year old sister, who hasn't even had the chance to experience life yet. All because my family was in the wrong place at the wrong time!" Finn was hysterical, the knife slashing my stomach repeatedly. My screams had died down as I grew nauseous, feeling as if life was leaving my body at this point. And I didn't even want to fight it, I wanted to welcome it.

"I-I got a little carried away, but, we can still get you sold," Finn backed away from me, grabbing a laptop I hadn't noticed off the floor. Sold? The keyboard made loud clicks as Finn typed, pressing random buttons.

"Here she is, THE Amara Svenson. If you want her, make an offer. I will be here until an offer satisfies me." Finn shoved the laptop in front of me, my beaten face showing on the livestream.

"This is the daughter of Eve and Victor Svenson. Imagine what you could get them to do if you dangled their child in front of them," Finn spoke rapidly into the camera, his eyes showing a crazy glint.

"$5,000,000? I want higher," Finn murmured, making my eyes widen. I was worth more than $5,000,000? I stayed quiet as Finn read out prices, my head rolling back.

"Finn, you don't have to do this," I shook my head at him as his wild eyes stopped scanning the laptop, falling on me instead.

"Yes I do. I need Justice for them," Finn coughed, making me just now notice his figure. He hadn't changed in what looked like days, maybe since he captured me. His hair was a mess, his eyes bloodshot and drooping. It looked like this was killing him. He probably didn't want to do it, deep down. But, he needed help.

"No. You already have Justice. People will be constantly hunting me down now that they know I'm my parents daughter. I will be on the run for the rest of my life," I tried persuading him, my insides burning viciously, as if a volcano was erupting inside of me.

"I will never be able to have a family, I'll be in fear of them being in danger as I will be. I'll never find love, and if I do, I'll have to leave them. I can't put anybody in danger, I'll never live even if I'm alive," A tear slipped down my face at the realisation, Finn had ruined my life.

"No, no, no, no," Finn looked like he was hesitating, but being torn in half at the decision.

"Finn, let me go," I tried using a calming voice, but the hatred I felt for him was evident to both me and him. His body started pacing around the room as I repeated my words, hoping to push him enough to let me go.

"Shut up!" Finn yelled, making me stop my words immediately. Pain seared through my side as Finn threw the knife that was on the floor across the room, plummeting into my leg. I wheezed as the knife stayed in its place, Finn finally calming down.

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