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"Are you mad?" Harry muttered as we entered the hotel room, kicking his shoes off by the doorway.

"I don't know what I'm feeling. You just killed a man."

"I was hired to protect you, I'm doing my job. He assaulted you and had no shame, he's better off dead," Harry's cruel words made me flinch, but I knew if it were another girl the man assaulted, I'd agree.

I stayed seated on the bed while Harry showered, picking at the loose thread on my leggings. I stood up when Harry got out, clothed in a black tee and basketball shorts. My shoulder brushed his when I walked past him into the bathroom, ignoring his eyes as they watched me close the door.

The hot water burnt my skin, the familiar feeling soothing me as I rubbed the coconut-scented shampoo into my scalp. I grazed the razor I'd found in the draw over my legs and underarms, washing the shampoo from my hair.

Once I was showered and dried, I slipped into a plain white tee and a pair of black trackies. Harry was already asleep by the time I'd come back to bed, slipping under the warm blankets next to him. My head turned to look at Harry as soft snores fell from his plump lips, his brows furrowed. My body shut down and finally gave into sleep as I stared at Harry, my eyes covering every flaw on his face.


"Harry?" I rubbed my eyes with my closed fists, rolling over to ask why his hands wandered across my body. My body stiffened when I came face-to-face with Finn, opening my mouth to scream, the noise being muffled as Finn pushed his hand over my mouth.

My body was pressed into the mattress as Finn held me down, his fingers digging into my hips as he moved his lips against mine. I cried out as his fingers applied more pressure, before dropping to the waistband of my sweats.

"Finn," I tried hitting his chest, only for his other hand to grab it and press it down onto the mattress. His hand lowered to my lower stomach from under my sweats, his hands cold as they wandered.

"Stop!" I wailed as his hand pushed against me, his lips now planted on my throat.

"Amara!" My eyes flew open, realising it was a dream, my cheeks damp from tears. My blurry vision cleared in seconds, Harry's body hovering over my own as I panted breathlessly. A sob escaped my lips before Harry pulled me into his chest, my body shaking uncontrollably.

I felt drained, I was sick of having these recurring nightmares. The worst part was when Finn was replaced by Harry in the dream, and they were the ones making me shut down slowly. Harry was the only thing really getting me through these last couple weeks, even though we fought through most of it.

"You okay?" Harry's voice was muffled from his cheek pressing into the top of my head, my body only shaking mildly now. I hummed in response, closing my eyes as he drew patterns across my back with his fingers.

"I'm sick of this," my voice broke at the end of my sentence, I turned my head on Harry's chest to look at the clock. 5am.

"I know."

"What are we doing today?" I pinched Harry's shirt between my fingers, playing with the smooth fabric.

"I was going to take you to shoot, but it can wait until tomorrow," Harry's fingers moved from my back to thread through my hair, massaging my scalp.

"No, lets go," I pulled myself from his embrace, walking across the room to tug out some clothes from my bag.

"Now?" Harry whined, pulling the duvet over his head in protest. I felt kinda bad for him. I'd woken him up by my screaming, and now I was forcing him to get up at 5am. I usually heard him get up at around 4am, though, so surely this wasn't different.

My body crept as quietly as possible to the end of the bed, grasping the bottom of the duvet between my fingers. A grin covered my face when I tore it off Harry's body, his not-so-manly scream filling the room.

"Amara, it's cold," Harry drew his words out, crawling to where I held the blanket tightly. My laughs increased when Harry pulled the blanket, starting a tug of war with me.

He won, of course.

"You're one of those people who doesn't let children win in games and wins with no remorse," I squinted my eyes at him as he snuggled into the blanket, his lips tugging up at my comment.

"I'm going to get changed, you better be of that bed by the time I come out," I pointed my finger to him as a warning, walking backwards into the bathroom.


"Harry Styles," my mouth dropped open as my eyes fell upon his sleeping form, still cuddled into the blankets. I walked back until I hit the bathroom door, before running in a sprint towards the bed.

Harry let out a grunt as I jumped on his body, the whole situation turning into a mess straight away. Before I could even move off him, his arm had hooked over my throat, his other arm holding me down to his body.

"Harry," I choked out as he held me in a headlock, his arms releasing me immediately. I coughed as I rolled off the bed, holding the headboard for support.

"Amara! I could've seriously hurt you, What the fuck were you thinking?" Harry groaned as he pushed himself off the bed, his beloved duvet falling off his body.

"You didn't get up, I warned you," I laughed at his angered expression, rubbing my throat as the painful sensation disappeared.

"You're a menace," Harry grumbled while walking to his bag, grabbing a change of clothes. He entered the room soon after, a pair of black jeans covering his legs and a green button up hugging his upper body. My eyes scanned across his chest, black tattoos peeking out from where he'd left a few buttons of his shirt undone.

"Are we going or are you going to stare at me all day?" Harry's voice pulled me from my thoughts, my head shaking as I fast walked to the door he stood by.

HIRED GUN // H.S AUWhere stories live. Discover now