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"What's the date?" Louis asked, squinting at the milk bottle's expiry date.

"14th?" I guessed at the same time Olivia said "28th."

"No way," I gasped, shocked by how far into the month we were. Olivia laughed at me while Louis groaned angrily, pouring the milk into the sink.

I felt myself grow anxious as I calculated mentally when I was meant to get my period. I had been expecting it for days, assuming it was due around now. I felt my breath catch in my throat as I calculated that I was over 2 weeks late, shaking my head slowly.

I was never more than 3 days late, never.

It was impossible for me to be pregnant, the doctor said I was infertile. I can't have children, I must be counting wrong. I counted in my head again, shaking my head as I came to the same conclusion. I was 15 days late.

"Amara? Are you okay? Babe, you're as pale as a ghost," Olivia asked me from her seat at the couch, my body jumping up from the stool. I didn't answer her as I rushed to the main bathroom, too afraid to face Harry in our bedroom and use our ensuite. I pulled down my underwear, no sign of bleeding to be seen.

"Fuck," I cursed, pacing the bathroom as I started to put pieces together.

"Amara? Are you okay?" Olivia knocked on the door, causing me to open it and let her in, before closing the door behind me. I continued to pace, rubbing my temples anxiously.

"Amara, you're scaring me," Olivia spoke up after a few minutes, my body stopping in front of her.

"It's impossible," I spoke to myself, tears filling my eyes. I was far too young to have a child, and Harry would never approve. Harry wouldn't want a kid, what if he leaves me because of this?

"I'm going to get Harry-"

"No! Olivia," I grabbed her arm before she could leave, my eyes wide as she looked at me. "I'm late."


"I'm late, my period is late," I choked out, her eyes widening in realisation.

"Have you taken a test?"

"No, there is none, this is Louis' apartment," I groaned, tugging harshly at the ends of my hair.

"Are you sure you could be pregnant?" Olivia whispered, grabbing my hands out of my hair as I pulled it roughly.

"I-I'm supposed to be infertile, but everything adds up. I've been a moody bitch lately, I've been overly clingy to Harry, I don't feel sick in the mornings but I do find myself wanting foods I'd never want."

"I'll buy you a test, okay? Wait here, I'll go down to the store," Olivia rubbed my shoulder as I nodded, following her out of the bathroom. I stopped walking when I spotted Harry sitting next to Elijah and Louis on the couch, their eyes falling on us.

"I'm going down to the store," Olivia announced, Harry watching me as I fidgeted behind her.

"What for?" Elijah stood up, following her as she picked up her handbag, stepping out the front door in a rush.

"Lady products," Olivia half lied, a pregnancy test was a lady product, right? They disappeared in seconds, the front door closing behind them. I slowly walked towards the kitchen, sitting on a stool. I didn't want to sit with Harry and Louis, I couldn't face them knowing I could possibly be pregnant.

"Babe? Why are you sitting all the way over there?" My hands shook as Harry approached me, his hand resting on my back as I breathed unevenly. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing. I just have cramps," I lied, guilt swallowing me up as soon as I saw the look on his face. I swallowed as he stood behind me, his hands rubbing my stomach softly.

Our baby could be in there.

"Would you like me to get you something?" Harry offered, making my guilt levels rise as he rested his chin on my shoulder. I faked a smile as he kissed my cheek, declining his offer with the shake of a head.

"Harry! Get your ass back here and finish this game," Louis yelled, causing me to laugh and tell Harry to go back. Harry finally joined him after kissing my cheek a handful of times, Louis insulting his game skills as soon as he picked up the controller.

I fiddled with my fingers as time slowly ticked by, minutes seeming like hours as Olivia was yet to return. I jumped out of my seat when the front door opened, Olivia rushing in, Elijah behind her. Elijah sent me a look, and I assumed he saw what Olivia bought, or she had to tell him in order to buy it.

Olivia and I walked into the bathroom discreetly, making as little noise possible to open the small package.

"I got the good ones, so were sure of the results," Olivia reassured me, reaching one of the sticks to me. I stared at it, terrified of the inanimate object. Olivia grabbed my hand when I stayed still, placing it into my hand for me. Olivia and I had known each other for 2 days, but she already felt like a sister to me.

"It's okay, you can do this," Olivia nodded, leaving the bathroom so I could use them. I pulled my pants down, quickly peeing on both sticks, placing them on the bathroom counter when I was done. I breathed out, sitting on the closed toilet seat as I waited for the 2 minutes to pass.

I counted to 120, restarting my count multiple times so it'd probably been double the time recommended. My fingers shook as the wrapped around one of the sticks, my eyes falling on the small screen.


I covered my mouth as a sob crawled up my throat, jumping off the toilet to look at the other stick. It said the same, emotions hitting me all at once.

I wanted to feel happy because I thought I was infertile, and this could be my one chance at having a child. But, I was far too young, and I wasn't prepared for a baby. I was on the run from my mother and dangerous gang members, I couldn't leave Louis' apartment without having the risk of being killed. And then there was Harry. I wasn't sure how he felt about kids, but I didn't think he'd want one just yet if he wanted one at all. Telling him I loved him shocked him so much he couldn't move, what if I told him I was pregnant?

My back slid down the bathroom wall as I tightly gripped the pregnancy tests, breathing unevenly as I stared at them. My eyes moved to the door as three small knocks sounded, Olivia's voice pushing through the wooden door.

"Amara?" She knocked again when I didn't reply. I couldn't speak. I opened my mouth to tell her to come in, but sighed heavily when I realised I locked it.

"What are you doing?" Harry's voice joined Olivia's at the door, my body finally moving after hearing him. I pulled myself off the floor, throwing the pregnancy tests at the back of one of the drawers.

I swung the door open before Olivia had to reply to Harry, forcing myself to smile up at the two. Harry seemed confused, and Olivia concerned and curious. I nodded at Olivia when Harry turned around, following him into the lounge.

"Are you happy?" Olivia whispered, making sure the boys couldn't hear us.

"I haven't decided yet," I admitted, still in shock that I had a living human inside me.

"Are you going to tell him?" She gestured towards Harry, who was yelling at how unfair the game was and how Louis was cheating.

"I will eventually."

HIRED GUN // H.S AUWhere stories live. Discover now