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"Can I try something?" I bit back my smile as Harry sent me a wary look, his typing on the laptop stopping.


Harry's face was serious as he continued typing, not giving me a second glance. My lips fell into a pout as I narrowed my eyes at him, pulling my body up. He didn't look as I sat next to him, turning my body to face his. I built up my courage over a couple minutes, moving so I was sitting on my knees and fully facing his side profile. My hands reached out to his hair, gathering it into a small bun, making sure all strands were perfectly in place. Harry huffed as I tied it with a hair band, leaning back to look at my creation.

"You're beautiful," I breathed out, earning a laugh from both Harry and Louis, who was in another room. I grinned as he kept his focus on the laptop, his lips pursing in thought.

I stood up from the couch when Harry continued working, giving him space to do his work. My body made a beeline to Louis' room, peeking my head in. My eyes fell on the pair sitting on the bed, scrolling through their phones. I threw the door open dramatically, running towards the bed, before flinging my body over the two of them. They both let out grunts after my falling, my body splayed out on them.

I hadn't even thought about my abdomen before I did it, and I had to keep in the scream when I felt pain. It had been a week since it happened, but the injury was still fairly fresh. This past week has been oddly quiet, and it would be a lie if I said I wasn't concerned. Harry had suggested to move locations after the shooting, because they would know we're here. However, this was the safest place we could be. Louis had increased his security system, and it was spectacular beforehand as well.

I'd lost complete contact with all my friends from college. I texted Wolf and Jordan to catch up, but they're overly busy with assignments and exams, and it's hard to talk to them without letting them know what's happening with my life. I wish I had someone to talk to about my situation, bottling everything up was proving to be more difficult everyday. I couldn't talk to any of the boys, I felt like they wouldn't understand. Harry was clearly worried, he acted as if I was a ticking time bomb.

I thought nothing of it when my phone dinged, a message coming through from an unknown number. I didn't even think when I opened it, being so careless due to Max not contacting me for this whole week. I should've known better.

Miss my little model.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, and I really hope I'm wrong, but did I just see a particular photo of you that shouldn't been seen in my eyes or?" Louis' voice made me freeze, my grip on the phone tightening

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"Correct me if I'm wrong, and I really hope I'm wrong, but did I just see a particular photo of you that shouldn't been seen in my eyes or?" Louis' voice made me freeze, my grip on the phone tightening.

"No, it's just an Instagram model my friend is obsessed with," I lied, switching my phone off as I sat up, avoiding Louis' questioning looks.

"Amara. Does Harry know?" Louis whispered, my eyes flicking up to him. Zayn was gone, and only Louis and I were in the room.

"I don't know what you mean," I acted oblivious, standing up from the bed to leave the room. I was absolutely terrified Louis would push it and make me tell Harry. My eyes fell to my arm when Louis wrapped his fingers around it, tugging me back to the bed.

"Who is it?"


"Who's texting you the photos? A boyfriend?" Louis glanced at me warily, no judgement behind his look. I felt offended that Louis would even suggest I have a boyfriend, but I pushed it to the back of my mind.

"No, it's an ex," I admitted, after thinking for awhile. Maybe it wasn't too bad letting Louis know, I mean I had to tell him, he saw the photo. Max couldn't find out I told him, he'd probably leak the photos and embarrass me on purpose.


"I don't know. Blackmail, I guess?"

"Show me the texts," Louis held out his hand, waiting for me to place my phone in his hand. I glimpsed at Louis' hand, shaking my head vigorously.

"Louis, I-I can't. Please," I started panicking when he stood up, advancing towards me. Only Max has seen that much of me, and I didn't want anyone else to unless I felt comfortable with them. I felt comfortable with Louis, but I couldn't reveal myself like that to him.

"Amara. Give me the phone!" Louis slightly raised his voice when I ran to the other side of the room, spacing us by a small chair. It wasn't much, but it would do.

"Please don't tell Harry, they're humiliating," I grimaced as Louis scowled at me, clearly unhappy that I suggested he'd have to keep a secret from Harry. He didn't answer, just held his hand out again, and I took his silence as agreement. My hand shook as it handed Louis the phone, already being unlocked and open on the texts.

"Fuck," Louis frowned, his eyes blazing with anger as he read the messages. I bit back tears, looking away from him as he scrolled. The photos were meant to be private, only shared between Max and I. I felt stripped of any kind of privacy. "This is bad."

"I can't tell Harry. I have to listen to Max, those photos can't be leaked," I shook my head slowly, causing my hair to fly side to side. Louis gave me a familiar look, his face confused and torn between telling Harry or not telling Harry. I'd had the same look that night, before I decided not to tell him.

"Amara, this is really bad. If we don't tell Harry, imagine how he's going to react when he finds out."

"He won't find out!" I screeched, grabbing my phone back from him. He stood back as I paced the room, tugging on the ends of my blonde hair. My breathing became ragged as I thought more into the situation.

"This guy is going to make you do things, he's going to blackmail you. Harry will find out eventually," Louis shot back. I knew deep down he wasn't mad at me, just worried, but that didn't stop me from getting defensive.

"Not today, I can't," I begged Louis, an idea coming to my mind. My eyes scanned the room, falling on his closed window. I slowly made my way towards it, trying to be as discrete as possible. By the time I'd made it to the window and was unlatching it's door, Louis was running to me in protest.

"Amara, that's a bad idea!" Louis yelled, but I'd already thrown the small device out the window. Both of us leaned out of the window, watching the phone collide with the concrete and smash into small pieces.

"It's gone. They're gone, Harry won't find out," I nodded my head, not moving from my spot at the window. I felt Louis looking at me, and I think he sensed the doubt in my voice.

The pictures would never be gone for good.

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