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"You're sure you're okay?" Harry asked for the fourth time in the span of minutes, causing me to groan yes loudly. I wasn't okay, but Harry was making me feel less shitty thankfully. "Wanna watch a movie and call it a night?"

"Sounds good," I smiled at Harry gratefully, laying back on my bed as he grabbed the remote for the tv in my room. His body flopped on the bed after, and I was thankful he'd changed out of his wet clothes and into some sweats and a tee.

"How about Frozen?" I suggested, my body leaping up in excitement as the cover of the movie displayed on the tv screen.

"You've got to be joking," Harry whined, clicking on it reluctantly after I gave him a sad look. I smiled brightly as it came on, feeling Harry's glare burning into the side of my skull.

My smile dropped as I remembered what he'd said in the pool, trying to decipher what he'd meant by it. I felt like such a raging bitch for thinking with my vagina, any normal human would around Harry.

"We're meeting someone at our next stop, your parents think it'll help for your protection, and I need someone to help me with my work," Harry spoke up in the middle of the movie as my eyes started drooping.

"I thought you couldn't contact them because I threw your phone away?" It was obvious in my voice that I was tired, but I didn't allow my body to sleep before hearing Harry's answer.

"Uh, yeah, we discussed it before then," Harry said slowly, sounding as if he was second guessing himself.

"Oh, who's the person? I should know them if they're a trusted employee of my parents," my head laid back on the pillow, allowing my body to curl up as I closed my eyes. I didn't end up hearing Harry's response due to my sleepiness, my body completely shutting down with frozen replaying in the background.


When I woke up, I expected a couple of things. One was that I'd wake up hot and sweaty due to Harry forgetting to put the air-con on last night, or maybe I'd wake up to Harry shaking me awake from a nightmare after I'd woken him for the millionth time.

What I was not expecting, however, was being completely cuddled up to Harry and unable to desert him due to his tight grip on my waist. I'd originally woke up on top of him, so it was obvious that I was the one that couldn't keep on my side of the bed. My face had been planted on top of his chest, with my arm slung across his torso. Although, when I tried moving, Harry had pulled me into his grasp.

I gave up on my fourth attempt to pry Harry's hands from my heated body, huffing as my bladder screamed at me.

"I will pee on you, you bastard," I whispered jokingly, thinking Harry was asleep. I was shocked when his grip loosened and his body turned the other way, his back now facing me. "You're awake?"

"I've been awake since the first time you tried getting away," Harry rasped, his morning voice almost making me convulse.

"You were awake the whole time and didn't let me leave?" I screeched loudly as I ran off the bed into my bathroom, closing the door to free my bladder. I heard Harry chuckle as I closed the door, a smile spreading across my own face as well.

I returned to the bedroom once I'd gone to the toilet, raising my eyebrows at Harry, who had spread himself across the bed like a starfish.

"I'd love to jump on you, but you'd probably put me in a headlock," I snorted, an unattractive noise coming out of my mouth. I covered my mouth immediately, smiling underneath my hand when Harry chuckled.

"You can't use that against me," Harry pouted, sitting up on the headboard of the bed.

"I can, and I will," I poked my tongue out at the disheveled man as I gathered up clothes to wear today. Once I'd chosen an outfit, I turned to Harry, who was watching me closely.

"Out," I pointed to the door, already slipping off the socks I'd worn to bed. Harry took his time leaving, dragging his feet's behind him. I buttoned the deep green blouse up, slipping into a pair of denim shorts. My hands tangled in my hair, attempting to fix the mess, but not really succeeding. Once I was satisfied, I left my bedroom to join Harry in the kitchen.

"What are you making?" I peeked around Harry's broad body to look into the frypan he stood before, stirring its contents.

"Omelette," Harry declared as I walked around the counter, seeing a large radio system near the wine cabinet. My feet picked up, running into my room to retrieve my phone. Once I hooked up my phone to the complicated system, my hands landed on 'shuffle' on my favourite playlist. I giggled as Harry jumped when the music filled the kitchen, not expecting it as he had been so focussed on his omelette. John Mayer's voice played loudly, making me jump happily as my favourite song played.

I sung along to the lyrics, dancing weirdly in front of Harry. He didn't bother hiding his amusement, his eyes scanning over me as I danced oddly. My hands clutched onto Harry's as the chorus came close, throwing our arms around in an imitation of dancing.

"Dance, Harold!" I yelled, lifting his arm to do a little turn underneath it. He wasn't co-operating at all. "You're an awful dancer, Harry."

"My omelette!" Something snapped in Harry, his eyes darting to the fry pan that was now steaming. I covered my mouth with my hand to stifle my giggle as he grabbed the fry pan off the stove element, looking like he was on the verge of tears.

"Ruined," Harry groaned, his head falling back as he let out an inhumane noise.

"Harry, it looks fine," I shook my head at the perfectionist, his groans ceasing but his frown still evident. It was safe to say that Harry kept that upset frown on his face the entire time we ate his 'abolishment' of an omelette.

"Wanna play a game?" I spoke up after we'd finished breakfast, Harry's figure slumping from his position at the kitchen sink. His distaste was evident through his silence, and I almost pouted when he turned around to look at me.

"What game?"

I dragged my body to the small entertainment unit that supported the television, sliding open the compartments. A few board games sat inside, my hands pulling out a couple of random ones to show Harry. He shrugged as I waved them in the air, making me jump up in excitement. I focussed on the boxes I'd picked, looking at a brightly coloured one. It looked pretty much like scrabble.

Harry and I sat there for a couple hours playing games off and on, resulting back to scrabble when we couldn't figure how to play the others. Light music played in the background, and it was nice. It was nice to actually sit here with Harry and socialise with him normally, we didn't normally do that.

"Lollygag is not a word," Harry almost yelled as I sat back after my third win, nodding st Harry confidently.

"Yes it is, it means to spend time in an aimless or lazy way."

"You have got to be joking. Amara, please tell me you're joking," Harry whined, his eyes desperate as they fiddled with his leftover letters.

"I'm not joking, Harold. Lollygag is a word, and you lost again," I stuck my tongue out at him as he slouched back, crossing his arms over his chest. I grinned happily while he sulked, my eyes taking notice of his unruly curls that had grown evidently.

"Your hair is getting long," I reached my hand out to ruffle his curls, causing his hair to stick up in different directions. Harry swatted my hands away, patting down his hair.

"I noticed, I need to cut it," he pulled at a strand, letting it go for it to spring back into the mess of hair.

"No, I like it," I shook my head in disagreement, smirking as I thought of how I wanted to so badly run my hands through it and pull the hairs sprouting from the nape of his neck.

"You do?" Harry's voice was shocked, my head nodding to him, "I guess I can grow it out."

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