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"Are you apart of the mile high club?" Harry leaned in, lifting himself from his seat on the plane as he whispered into my ear. I blushed at his words, shaking my head at him. Max was never that adventurous.

"Do you want to be?"

I felt the familiar feeling between my thighs as he smirked at me, not answering his question before pulling him up by the collar of his shirt. He chuckled lowly as I pulled on his wrist, guiding us into the small bathroom connected to the plane. This plane was different to the one we usually had, and it didn't have a bedroom, so this was our only option. Well, unless we wanted to give Louis and Zayn a show.

I locked the door as Harry waited behind me, my body being turned and slammed against the door roughly before I could even speak. Our lips met in a frenzy as Harry's hands reached under my thighs, pulling my them around his waist once I jumped.

I lowered my lips to his neck, sucking on the soft skin below his jawline. My legs unwrapped from his waist, my feet falling onto the ground again as Harry unbuttoned my pants. My lips left his neck as he crouched down, his head above my crotch as he pulled my jeans down my legs, kicking them off once they reached my ankles.

I watched breathlessly as he tugged my panties down as well, lifting each leg up to unhook them from my ankles, throwing them to the side. My eyes drooped as he grabbed my right leg, resting my thigh on his shoulder as he looked up at me. I almost moaned as his breath hit my centre, before his mouth closed around my nub.

I pressed my palm to my mouth, biting down on it to stop myself from moaning as his tongue flicked across me expertly, one of his hands pressing against my lower stomach to hold me up as the other slipped a finger into me. I felt my eyes close as he pumped his finger in and out of me, adding another seconds later. My free hand gripped onto his shoulder for support as I felt my body shutting down. If it wasn't for Harry holding me up, I'd be on the floor by now.

His fingers curled inside me, pulling them out before I hit my climax. I growled at Harry as he lifted my thigh off his shoulder, bringing his body back up. He pressed his pointer finger to my lips, shushing me as he unbuckled his belt with his other. I felt my self becoming soaked at the sight, his hands tugging his jeans and boxers down his thighs.

Harry lifted me up once again, my legs wrapping around his waist as his length hit my lower stomach. I bit my lip as he grabbed and positioned himself, sliding into me smoothly. I connected our lips as I felt myself wanting to moan, kissing him hungrily as he thrusted into me.

I disconnected my lips, allowing a loud moan to escape my parted lips as I threw my head back onto the door. Harry hissed as I did so, his movements stopping when his hand reached up to my neck. His middle finger and thumb grabbed my jawline, his pointer finger pressing against my lips.

"Quiet," Harry continued to slide in and out of me when I nodded, his hand falling to wrap around my thigh. I dropped my head onto his clothed shoulder, sinking my teeth into it as I suppressed my moans. His breathing picked up as his hips moved.

"We're gonna try something different, okay?" Harry pulled out of me, my eyes flying open as he let go of my thighs. His hands gripped onto my arms to help me stay up, turning my body around slowly. I felt myself gulp as he pushed my hair over my shoulder, his arm reaching around my head to press his hand onto my mouth.

His chest pressed into my back as he slid into me from behind, his other hand holding my lower stomach. I bit onto his palm as he thrusted, feeling my body weaken as I hit my breaking point, my nails digging into the door as my stomach turned.

I felt Harry slow down, spilling into me before he pulled out. I panted as he pulled me back around to face him, his hands holding me up by my waist.

"How was that?" Harry hummed, kissing my lips softly before letting me go to pull his boxers and pants back up. My body slumped against the door, feeling too tired to hold myself up as Harry pulled my underwear and jeans up my legs for me.

I thanked him as we controlled our breathing, fixing our hair in the mirror before we left the small bathroom. My cheeks turned red as we walked past Louis and Zayn, their heads staying down on their laptops.

"You guys weren't as quiet as you thought you were," Louis tutted as he kept his eyes on his laptop, Harry's body slamming into mine as I stopped walking. I apologised to Harry, scrambling to sit down on the seat next to his instead of across from him, to avoid Louis and Zayn's looks.

Harry just laughed as I blushed in embarrassment, smacking his arm as he sat down. I fell asleep as soon as I settled down, my head falling on Harry's shoulder as I snored quietly.


"Amara. We're here, babe," I woke up as Harry shook me. I opened my eyes to the man, looking at me in amusement as I yawned loudly. His hand tugged on mine to pull me out of the seat, getting up for him to pull me out of the plane.

"Did I wear you out that much?" Harry joked as I walked with my eyes closed, my eyes flying open to glare at him. He laughed when he saw my look, his fingers wrapping around my waist as he helped me into the rather tall car. I sat in the passenger seat, Harry in the driver's seat, the other two boys in the back.

I rested my head on the window as we drove into the city, medium sized buildings flying pass. The ancient architecture was mind-blowing, and I stared in awe as we passed a small cafe, ruby red and blush pink velvet chairs decorating the inside. The stores that lined up along the cobblestone streets resembled tiny dollhouses, their doorways less than 6 feet tall. Harry would have to duck in the stores.

"You chose wisely," Zayn spoke from the back seat, turning my body to see the other boys also admiring the medieval town. Even Harry was looking around, making me smack him as he almost swerved into an older lady. I watched in the side mirror as she threw her bag up, yelling at us as we drove away.

Harry parked outside an average sized house, it was three stories in height but it was so thin that it probably only had the space of an average home. I hopped out after the boys, who were lugging our baggage into the house. A deep blue lake flowed beside the house, following into a small cave at the end. Once I'd finished inspecting the outside, I walked up the steps into the homey foyer. A wooden staircase lead upstairs, my hand holding the rail as I walked up.

I stopped outside a room that Harry was in, his arms dropping our bags beside the bed. I crept up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist before he could turn around. He grabbed my arms out of impulse, dropping his tight grip when he realised it was me.

"You can't startle me like that," Harry grabbed my hand, bringing it up to place a kiss on my knuckle. I grinned at his gesture, returning the favour by placing a kiss on his shoulder blade. If someone told me three months ago that I'd be here with Harry, showering him in kisses, I'd tell them they were insane and needed a mental check.

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