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I'd tried every single method my dad had taught me when I couldn't fall asleep while I was a child. Every time I tried counting to 200, I'd lose count half way, get angry with myself, and start again. I hadn't left the room since Harry and I had our little disagreement, and now it was 2am. I was so unbelievably tired, but I couldn't find it in myself to fall asleep.

I felt like screaming into my pillow when the clock hit 3am. My body was exhausted, and I just wanted to sleep. I crawled out of my bed by the time it hit 3:30am, pulling on a pair of sweats. I dragged my body to the kitchen slowly, my legs almost buckling as I grew more tired. I poured myself a water, the cold liquid soothing my dry throat as I downed it. I dropped the cup into the sink after, cursing when it made a loud noise.

I tip toed back to the room, stopping outside as my hand landed on the doorknob. I clenched my eyes closed as I turned around, opening them to land on Harry's door. I stumbled into his room after contemplating for 10 minutes, trying to be as quiet as I could. I held my breath as I pulled back the sheets from the side he wasn't sleeping on, crawling into the warm bed.

"Amara?" Harry groaned sleepily, his body turning to face me. I took note of his shirtless figure, hoping my blush was hidden by the darkness.

"I can't sleep," I whispered, playing with the top of the sheet nervously. Harry's head turned to the clock resting on the bedside table, cursing as he noticed the time. His arm pulled my body towards his, his hand resting on my back as my face nuzzled into his neck. I let out a sigh of relief, my eyes shutting as Harry's breathing evened out.


"Lou, out," Harry's voice woke me up, my body stiffening as I remembered I'd crawled into Harry's bed last night. I tightened my grip on the sheets, burying my face further into the duvet as Louis spoke.

"Why is she in your bed?"

"Louis," Harry warned, his voice threatening. I heard the door close and neither of them talking anymore, assuming they'd taken their conversation outside. My head shots up, my eyes fluttering open as I focused on the clock to my left.


Wait, 2pm? I'd slept for most of the day. I hadn't slept that long in awhile, but my body thanked me as I sat up, rubbing my eyes. I lowered my hands, swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I almost screamed when my eyes landed on Harry, his back faced towards me as he dug through his bag.

"Oh, you're awake," Harry stated as he turned his body to me, leaning back onto the dresser as I stood up.

"Sorry for coming in so early this morning. I, didn't really know what to do. My body would not fall asleep," I laughed nervously, watching as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Amara, we've been sleeping in the same bed for awhile, it's okay," Harry turned back around, grabbing his gun from his bag.

"Thankyou," I mumbled, switching my weight from one foot to the other. I watched as he hid the gun in his waistband, grabbing another to place in the side of his boot. "Where are we going?"

"You're going nowhere. I'm going to check something out, and Louis will be staying with you," Harry stated as he grabbed a knife from the top of the dresser, my stomach falling.

"Why can't Louis go?" I spoke, growing nervous as I realised he was leaving without me.

"I have to go, I'll be back tomorrow. Louis will take care of you," Harry pushed past me, grabbing his phone off charge.

"I can come with you," I suggested, knowing I'll be an anxious mess without Harry beside me for a whole day. Harry shook his head straight away, looking at me strangely.

"No, Amara."

"Harry," I grabbed his bicep as he tried to leave the room, my voice breaking as his name left my lips. His face held confusion as he stared at me, his eyes scanning my face.

"What's wrong?" Harry lowered his voice, concern showing on his face as he looked at me. I stayed quiet, not wanting to embarrass myself. I couldn't sleep when he was a room across from me, what will happen if he's miles away?

"Where are you going?" I questioned, my hand falling from his arm.

"I'll be back tomorrow," Harry repeated, his head lowering as he pressed his lips onto my flushed cheek. My voice caught in my throat as his lips hovered there for a couple seconds, before he turned and left the room.

I let out a shaky breath as I heard the front door close after a couple minutes, footsteps tapping down the hall loudly. Louis' face appeared in the doorway after, looking at me strangely.

"You hungry?" I nodded my head to Louis, following behind him as he entered the kitchen. I sat down on a stool, leaning my elbows on the bench as I watched Louis fix something up.

"Where was Harry going?" I asked, Louis sending me a knowing look.

"Nowhere important," Louis avoided my eyes as he whipped around the kitchen, making a sandwich it looked like. I bit my tongue as he finished off, pushing the plate in front of me.

"Is he in danger?" I bit into the sandwich, watching Louis from the corner of my eye. I saw him freeze in his spot, before moving back in front of me from across the bench.

"Why do you care?" Louis squinted at me. He didn't have an accusing or rude tone to his voice, sounding more confused than anything. I don't blame him, he found me in Harry's bed so I can't imagine how bad it looks.

"I, uh, don't," I lied, keeping my focus on the plate in front of me instead of the curious man across from me. Louis hummed quietly, clapping his hands loudly.

"Ok, moving on. What do you want to do today?" Louis smiled brightly, the whole mood in the area changing dramatically. I swallowed the sandwich quickly, clearing my throat before speaking.

"What is there to do?"

"We can go to the mall, I'm sure you need clothes after travelling for a couple weeks," Louis suggested, my eyes almost popping out in surprise. He was going to let us go out? In the open?

"We can go out?" My eyes were wide as I spoke, causing Louis to send me an amused glance.

"Sure, Harry doesn't have to know," Louis smirked at me, wiping down the counter briefly. His words made my stomach twist, feeling nervous all of a sudden.

"Oh, ok, give me two minutes," I pushed back the worry I felt, rushing back to the room my bags were in. I got dressed the quickest I'd ever had, throwing on a pair of black skinny jeans and a white tee. I almost tripped while putting my shoes on and walking into the kitchen at the same time, telling Louis I was ready.

"Let's go shopping!" Louis yelled happily, locking the door behind us.

"You seem more excited than me," I giggled as he walked next to me, pressing the elevator button as soon as we made it the end of the hallway.

"I haven't had a shopping partner in awhile. Harry is too serious to shop with, and I've been on the job and haven't had time lately," Louis grinned at me as we stepped out of the elevator, making our way to the doors leading into the busy streets.

"How long have you known Harry?" I asked as we walked, bumping into a couple of people accidentally. Relief flooded over me when Louis walked into a store, clothes neatly lined on the walls.

"We've been friends for awhile, I've known the lad since he was a young 15. He was a little minx back then, he was. You wouldn't believe it until you saw it," Louis chuckled as he thought of the memory, making me smile.

"How did you meet him?" I kept the smile on my face as I browsed through clothing racks, grabbing a few items occasionally.

"We met through mutual friends. Harry got into some bad shit when he was young, and I kind of took him under my wing."

"What type of bad stuff?" I furrowed my brows, my head flicking up to look at Louis.

"I'm not sure if he'd like me to say," Louis mumbled, picking up a green shirt to look at. I huffed loudly, making him raise a brow at me.

"So how long have you been sleeping with my lad?"

HIRED GUN // H.S AUWhere stories live. Discover now