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My eyes struggled to stay opened as I looked at Oliver, knowing I needed sleep but not wanting to close my eyes and leave my new family. The twins had to go to the Neonatal Unit due to them being born earlier, and Harry stayed with them while they were there. I had to stay in the operation room and get stitched up, now being back in a normal hospital room an hour later. Harry came back with the twins a few minutes ago, and now they were breastfeeding, as recommended by the doctor.

My dad, Louis, Olivia and Elijah were all here with us, taking turns of holding Aspen while I breastfed Oli. Harry grew attached to them immediately, and got irritable if he had to leave the room for even a second.

The doctor told us we could go home tomorrow, and to just rest for today. I felt Oli detach from my breast when I started nodding off, my eyes fluttering closed as Harry grabbed him off my chest. The blanket was pulled above up to my neck, before hearing Harry coo and speak softly towards Oli while the others talked about Aspen.


"Give me back my daughter, you greedy fuckers," I heard Harry whine as I woke up, peeling my eyes open to see Harry angrily glaring at Louis. My dad laughed as Harry approached the boy grasping onto Aspen, a cheeky smile on his lips.

"Language, Harry! There are babies present," Louis teased, holding Aspen to his chest when Harry held his arms out for her. Harry groaned when Louis refused to give him the small baby, her pink socks starting to fall of from her kicking her legs frantically. Louis' eyes widened when she started crying, little squeals filling the room.

"You made my daughter cry, you piece of shit," Harry teased as Louis finally handed her to him, Harry's arms cradling the small baby. Her cries slowly diminished as Harry talked to her, his pointer finger stroking her chubby cheek.

I found myself smiling as I watched the encounter, just now noticing the weight on my chest. Oli was fast asleep, a small spot of drool collecting on my collarbone from his opened mouth.

"H, could you get me a tissue?" I asked quietly, careful not to wake the sleeping babies. Everyone's eyes snapped to me when I spoke, surprised none of them noticed I had woken up minutes ago. Harry plucked a tissue from the box on a table across the room, handing it to me as his other hand held Aspen.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked softly, sitting down in the chair beside my bed.

"I feel good, a bit of pain but not too much," I replied, smiling when a worried look etched across his features at the sound of me being in pain.

"I'll get the doctor," Harry stood up, placing Aspen in the small cot the hospital provided, causing me to grab his arm.

"It's okay, Harry," I shook my head, handing him Oli to place next to Aspen. The two cling to each other when Harry laid them next to each other, their arms intertwining as they slept.


"Shh," I sighed heavily while I walked around, Aspen screaming loudly as I bounced her softly. My eyes drifted to Harry, his body sprawled out on the bed, Oli resting on his chest peacefully. I envied how good Harry was with the babies, they stopped crying as soon as he held them. I didn't want to wake him so he could silence Aspen, but I was pretty surprised he didn't wake up due to her screaming.

"What's wrong?" I groaned, getting aggravated as she continued to cry. I had been up since 2am trying to get her to settle, 2 hours later and I'd made no progress. I was exhausted. We have only had the twins back home for a week and I was beyond tired.

Harry had been so supportive, regularly asking me if I needed anything. The only times he wasn't in a good mood was when I was over working myself, such as now. My body still hurt from the c-section, but the medication kind of helped.

"Babe, come here," I wiped away a tear that had fallen, feeling helpless as Aspen continued to stir in my arms, before turning around to see Harry squinting his eyes at me. My bare feet padded on the wooden floorboards as I approached him, placing Aspen next to him. I crawled in the bed next to them, closing my eyes in annoyance when Aspen screamed.

"She won't stop," my voice shook, Harry's hand wiping my face as a tear slid down my cheek. I sighed in relief when Aspen stopped crying, opening my eyes to see Harry had placed the two babies together, in between us.

"It's okay, you're stressing too much," Harry frowned, his thumb stroking my cheek softly.

"I can't do this anymore, they hate me," I exaggerated, my lip quivering as Aspen finally fell asleep.

"They don't hate you, they're just babies. Well get through this, we get through everything," Harry grinned as I cracked a smile, leaning over the babies to press a kiss on his lips. I fell back when Oli started crying, covering my face with my hands.

"Go to sleep, I'll deal with him," Harry laughed, picking up the two babies before leaving the bedroom. My eyes immediately closed at the sound of silence, finally falling asleep.

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