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My thighs wrapped around his waist, making me face level with his as our mouths moved in sync with each other. My hands had pushed themselves into his soft hair, tugging harshly. I smiled into the kiss as he let out a low groan, tightening his grip on my thighs.

I threw my head back as his lips travelled across my jaw and down my neck, his teeth nipping gently. My hands intertwined behind his neck as his lips sucked above the swell of my breasts, revealed due to my v-neck, my back arching.

My eyes widened as Harry's hands loosened on my thighs, my body dropping down and out of his grip. We both stared at each other bewildered, our irregular breathing the only thing keeping us from silence.

"You can't just do that!" Harry hissed, pulling his hair in clenched fists, moving away from me.

"W-what?" I scoffed, he was doing this again. "You wanted it!" I argued, growing defensive as he acted like he hadn't and it was all my fault.

"I did, but at least I don't act on my feelings!" He shouted as I stood in the middle of the kitchen, my arms falling to my side helplessly.

"You kissed me back," I murmured, my body growing cold as he grew angrier. My body stiffened as he grabbed a hold of a glass cup, throwing it across the room close to me. I yelped as it shattered from the impact, a piece bouncing off and digging into my forearm.

"You manipulated me into it!" Harry grew wild as he paced the lounge room, not noticing the blood seeping from the wound he inflicted. I frantically grabbed a tissue to cover it, storming away from him and up to my room.

"Amara, don't walk away from me!" Harry yelled loudly as I slammed my bedroom door closed, rushing into the ensuite. I locked the door behind me, hoping Harry wouldn't dare to even try getting in.

My hands gripped the first aid kit from under the sink, placing it on top of the counter. I got hold of the alcoholic bottle in the kit, twisting the lid off hurriedly. My mind swirled with thoughts as I whimpered from the alcohol splashing on my wound.

"Amara, are you okay? Open the door," Harry banged on the bathroom door as my whimpers got louder. My brain screamed at me as I stopped running the wound under alcohol.

It's not clean.

You need more.

Think of the germs you're going to get, and the illnesses that will result in.


I cried out as I continued to pour it on my wound, the bottle nearly empty. Harry had stopped yelling by now, giving up on me opening the door easily.

I sighed in content as the bottle released its last drop, thinking the pain was over, but it only became excruciating as the thoughts grew louder.


I crawled into the bath as the thoughts made me itch in discomfort. I laid fully clothed, sobbing as the need to disinfect became unbearable.

I jumped as the door swung open, revealing a disheveled Harry, a key gripped in between his fingers. Of course my parents gave him a key to unlock every room. My eyesight was blurred as I watched him step closer, shocked at the sight.

"What have you done to yourself?" Harry's voice wavered as he kneeled down beside me, gently lifting my arm to his face. He examined my stinging arm, that was now a deep red colour.

"It hurts, Harry," I cried out, referring to both the pain in my arm and the battle in my head. My breath hitched as Harry's large body stuffed into the tub beside me, being big enough to fit the both of us.

Harry adjusted our bodies, mine now sitting snugly between his jean-covered legs, my back leaning onto his chest. The pain slowly died down as my breathing returned to regular, hiccuping. My hands rested on his thighs, my head falling back onto Harry's chest. My eyes closed as Harry's lips pressed into my hair, his fingers tangling into the blonde mess as he massaged my scalp.

A/N - please read
Very short I know, but I wanted this chapter to only include this content.
Please don't think that Amara is overreacting when she breaks down due to her thoughts. I hope this book helps some realise that OCD is a real thing, and it can get to the point where people feel literal pain if they don't do something they feel the need to do.

I personally do not have OCD, which I am grateful for, I don't think I'm strong enough to go through that. My brother, however, has a mild case of OCD, so I have a small understanding of it. I apologise if this offends someone affected by OCD, if I get anything wrong or say something offensive. I don't mean to, I really wanted this to help spread awareness and show how intense it can get. This topic is not just a part of the storyline for me.

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