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"I'm not doing it, I told you," Harry's voice spat over the phone, my body hiding behind the wall. I wasn't proud of eavesdropping, but he'd been overly secretive this past week in Italy, and I needed answers. He'd close his laptop everytime I'd enter the room, and hang up his phone if I ever caught him talking in it.

"I'm not keeping her from you, I'm protecting her from you," he hushed, his head flicking to the wall I hid behind as I accidentally ruffled a plant. "Stop calling me, or I'll tell him about everything you planned for her behind his back."

I heard commotion over the phone, before Harry brought his phone down and hung up. I pressed my body into the wall as his words processed in my mind. He was clearly talking about me when stating he was protecting someone, but who was he protecting me from? If it was a big deal, surely Harry would tell me. My thoughts disintegrated as I walked out from my hiding spot, Harry's head turning to me.

"Morning," Harry's voice rasped, his morning voice making me want to jump him. I'd been surprisingly behaved this past week. Harry and I hadn't done anything together, sexually, since that night. I think I gave him a fright when I reacted the way I did, and I didn't blame him. It was hard to control myself when Harry always looked so fucking good, but I knew if I tried doing anything with him again, I'd risk having a fit.

"Hi," I mumbled, wincing as I sat down. My body hadn't fully recovered from the torture Finn put me through, and my physical wounds still hurt sometimes. My emotional state was ruined for life though, and I was convinced I wasn't going to heal like my physical state would.

"This is the last night we're staying here, then we're off, we've stayed for over a week and it's getting risky," Harry explained as he handed me a coffee, my hands flying to it eagerly.

"Where are we going next?" I sipped the hot liquid, closing my eyes in content as it slid down my throat.

"Hungary," Harry threw himself on the couch, his laptop sitting on his crotch. I'd never been to Hungary, but it looked pretty extraordinary in pictures. I stepped towards the door as a loud knock banged on it, being pushed back by Harry before I could reach it. I crossed my arms from behind him as he opened the door, a few bulky men in black standing on the door step.

I couldn't properly examine the men, because Harry had shut the door on their face seconds after they were revealed, pulling his gun out of his jeans.

"Go grab a gun from my bag upstairs, and hide. Don't come down here, until I've come up to get you. Am I clear?" Harry pushed me towards he stairs as the bangs on the door continued, my head swirling with thoughts.


"Am I clear?" Harry seethed, pushing my body to the stairs one last time, before backing away from me. I felt his eyes on me as I ran up the steps, stumbling in his bedroom. My hands shook as the bangs had stopped, a final bang sounding through the small house before gunshots sounded downstairs. I grabbed a random gun from Harry's bag, tripping as I shoved my body in the space between a dresser and bedside table.

The gunshots had stopped for a few seconds, causing my ears to perk up. I regretted listening to the commotion downstairs when a pained cry echoed through the house, recognising Harry's voice.

"Where is she?" An unknown voice demanded, sounding as if it was just outside the room. My body stiffened as the door to Harry's room broke open, spotting a scruffy man tumble in, his gun held up in a defensive position. My breathing slowed down as he neared my hiding spot, my throat burning when I screeched loudly as a large hand grabbed my forearm. I pushed my bunched up fists against his chest as he pulled me up from my crouched position.

"The infamous Svenson daughter," his breath smelled as cigarette smoke and garbage when it hit my face, cringing in disgust. His face was decorated in tattoos. I was about to open my mouth and tell him off, before his body stiffened, his grip remaining on my arm as he slipped to the floor. My eyes widened as I looked at the bullet shot in his forehead, Harry standing before me, the mans body separating us.

"C'mon," Harry whispered, his hand locking with my own. Harry's worried state made me believe this wasn't good, and this was more than just a random break-in. Harry didn't usually get worried, so when he did, it wasn't good.

"Harry, who were they?" I stepped over one of the mans bodies.

"Don't ask questions, Amara," Harry dragged us out of the house, the bag full of his weapons slung over his shoulder. He drew the passenger door of the car we'd been using this week, my body climbing in sulkily.

"Stop sulking," Harry barked as he jumped in the drivers seat, speeding off into the crowded streets. I gripped the door tightly as he swerved violently, his speed increasing.

"Who were those people?" I digged, knowing he'd get aggravated. I needed answers, and I didn't care about Harry's short temper right now.

"How would I know?" Harry mumbled, his tone defensive. I took notice of his fingers tapping the steering wheel out of nervousness, his leg bouncing.

"You knew when you first saw them, when you opened the door, you clearly recognised them," I bit my tongue as Harry hit the steering wheel, the horn blaring loudly.

"Shut up!" Harry roared, his fingers tightening around the wheel, making my eyes widen and my mouth to shut quickly. I wasn't sure whether Harry was mad at me for asking questions, or if he was mad that the traffic wasn't moving at all.

"Just stop asking question I can't, I don't know the answers to," he swiftly pushed his hand through his messy locks, my head turning to look out the window as the traffic finally began moving again.

HIRED GUN // H.S AUWhere stories live. Discover now