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"Your father should be arriving sometime tomorrow. Elijah sent him our location, and he's on his way from Australia," Harry's hand skimmed the skin on my forearm teasingly, his fingertips just grazing the surface. "Your dad is going to want me dead."

"No he's not," I rolled my eyes, Harry's eyebrow lifting up at me. "I mean, he won't like you very much, but he won't kill you."

"I was hired to kill his daughter," Harry stood by his argument, as he always did. I admired him for that quality, but in this instance he was being completely ridiculous.

"You're my boyfriend, he won't touch you," I said without hesitation, my body stiffening when I realised what I'd said. I called Harry my boyfriend. I clasped my hands together as silence lingered in the room, the sound of Louis' TV escaping from under his closed door.

"Boyfriend?" I couldn't tell what Harry was thinking by his time, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to when I looked over at him and saw his stolid face.

"I mean, I just assumed, because, you-I don't know, I-"


Harry's quick agreement took me by surprise, not noticing when he scooted to sit next to me from the other side of the couch. I was drawn out of my shocked state when Harry lifted his hand to the side of my face, pulling it to face him. I sucked in a breath when my eyes met his green ones, flaming with desire and want.

"Okay?" I wanted him to say it, to make sure I wasn't being delusional and heard him wrong. A few months ago, I wouldn't even believe someone if they told me Harry would willingly give himself to another person and call himself someone's boyfriend. Months ago, he'd told me he'd never even been in a serious relationship, does that mean this would be his first?

"I'll be whatever you want me to be," Harry's voice was husky as he drifted his thumb over my bottom lip, my lips puckering on the soft skin. His eyes flickered from mine to my lips that fell open, small puffs of air falling out.

I closed my eyes when his head dipped down, our lips connecting softly. Harry and I hadn't had many kisses like this, most of them were rushed, needy, full of lust. I felt Harry's body move on top of mine as I lowered, my back falling onto the couch. Our lips moved against each other's slowly, Harry's hand falling to the side of the couch to hold his body weight off me. The kiss felt different, patient, as if he was trying to tell me something through the soft, loving gesture.

The temperature heightened dramatically when I pressed my lips onto his harder, the familiar tingling between my thighs appearing. A groan crawled up his throat when I bucked my hips up to push against his crotch, my hands lifting the hem of his shirt to glide them across his back. I hummed in approval when he lowered his hips to mine, grinding down.

I bit my lower lip when Harry's head lowered to my neck, his tongue licking a bold strip from my ear down to my collarbone. I whined as his hand slid up my shirt, his thumb grazing my nipple. I mentally patted myself on the back for deciding not to wear a bra today, arching my back when Harry continued to gently assault my sensitive breast.

"Harry," I groaned as his lips stayed puckered on my collarbone, gripping his hair between my fingers before pulling at the strands to usher his head back up. I grinned when his lips pushed against mine again, asking for entrance as I swiped my tongue across his bottom lip. I almost growled into his mouth when his mouth stayed closed, feeling his lips tug up in accomplishment.

"Guys! Seriously!" Harry and I jumped when Louis voice echoed, our foreheads bumping together. We both let out sounds of pain as Harry pulled his hand out from under my shirt, his body falling onto mine.

"Fuck sake," Harry made a noise of annoyance, his cheek resting on my chest while his whole body sprawled out on mine, his feet dangling of the edge of the couch. I looked towards Louis, giggling when I noticed both his palms covering his eyes.

"You can open your eyes," I laughed as he peeked through the space between his fingers, taking his hands off his face when he noticed we were no longer making out.

"On my couch? Really?" Louis made a disgusted face, walking into the kitchen to make dinner I assume. Harry must've been tired, because he'd already fallen asleep. Quiet snores escaped his lips, my hands still tangled in his hair. I sighed as I looked at the tired man, knowing he was exhausted from all the work he'd been doing today. He'd spent hours working on god knows what, but I assumed it was to do with me, so I immediately felt guilty and at fault.

"You really care about him, don't you?" I moved my gaze to Louis when he spoke, seeing him leaning against the bench with his attention focussed on us.

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Please don't hurt him. He deserves to be happy," Louis smiled sadly, his eyes falling on Harry. I opened my mouth to reply, but closed it tightly when Harry stirred, his head lifting off my chest. I smiled at him when his eyes squinted open, his chin resting between my breasts.

"I drifted off, I'm sorry. We could continue what we started if you like," Harry offered, clearly not remembering Louis walk in on us, or he remembered and assumed a traumatised Louis had hurried back to his room.

"Please not here, you rabbits," Louis groaned, Harry's head snapping to the boy that was now cooking pasta. I chuckled at Louis' nickname for us, squealing when Harry stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist to take me with him.

"Be out for dinner in 30! It'll be easy considering Harry only lasts-"

Harry flipped Louis off before closing our bedroom door to drown out the rest of his sentence, his free arm holding my lower back to his stomach. My legs tightened around his waist when he focussed back onto me, his lips pressing to mine.

"No, Harry, you have to sleep," I said between kisses, turning my face so he was kissing my cheek. "You're tired."

"Amara," Harry dragged out, sighing as he lowered us onto the bed. I unwrapped my legs from his waist, smirking when he had a defeated look in his eyes. I motioned for him to turn around, resulting in him sending me a confused look.

"You're always the big spoon," I complained, his lips tugging up into a smile. He turned around willingly, giggling when my hands grazed his sides. Ticklish?

I kept my hand on his side, pressing down arubtly. It seemed to surprise him, a gasp falling from his lips before loud cackles followed. I grinned while he swatted at my hands that continued to tickle the sides of his stomach.

"A-mara," Harry breathed unevenly, pouting at me when I stopped. I bit back my smile when he crossed his arms childishly, turning onto his side so his back faced towards me.

"Forgive me?" I leaned over his large body, tilting my head over his shoulder to look at the sulking man. He closed his eyes when I pulled a funny face at him, my arm swinging around him as my want of being the big spoon was fulfilled. I fell back beside him, my head landing on the pillow while I closed my eyes. I nuzzled my face into his shoulder blade when his hand intertwined with mine that was fastened around his torso.

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