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I pushed my lips harder, working to get a reaction out of him. I smiled in the kiss when I succeeded once I tugged on his curls, a moan reaching his throat. His lips moved effortlessly against mine, my tongue gaining entrance as it slid across his lower lip.

His grip on my waist tightened, pulling my chest closer to his. I began walking during the kiss, pulling Harry along without disconnecting our hungry actions. A random room was revealed when I shoved a door open, pushing Harry in and onto the bed eagerly.

His eyes darkened as I climbed on his lap, each leg resting by his side. I let out a whimper as his teeth nipped and sucked at my neck, bringing his lips back to mine.

Something seemed to snap in him as I pushed the hem of his shirt up, his hands pushing at my stomach to get me off his lap.

"Amara, stop," Harry stood up after I was pushed off him, his hands shaking as he pulled on his hair, his head falling back.

"Why'd you do that?" Harry groaned, his long legs pacing across the carpet. "Why the hell did you do that!"

"You seemed to enjoy it," I spoke up, feeling helpless and disappointed at his rejection.

He stopped his pacing, his body reaching me in one stride. "I need to take you home." My arm was roughly grabbed in his before I could object, his tight grip making me hiss.

"No, I want to stay for longer," I jerked my arm from his hold, stumbling in my heels.

"You're a mess, let's go before you embarrass yourself further," Harry's mocking tone made it sound like I'd embarrassed myself through the kiss, and he was acting as if I was a teenage brat.

"Fuck you," I spat at him, storming out of the dark room. I stopped in my tracks when I came face-to-face with someone I dreaded to see, his eyes holding a certain redness to them that I found familiar.

"Finn," I tumbled as his name slipped from my lips, his arm grasping onto my waist to steady me. I stepped away from him, my foot bending and causing my heel to snap loudly. "No" I choked out, staring sadly at my favourite heels, one now broken.

"Not having a good night, are you, love?" Finn's hand slithered back onto my waist, the alcoholic stench of his breath almost making me gag.

"N-no," I stuttered, my palms sweating as I wished I'd stayed in that room with Harry. "What are you-"

"Shh," Finn's lips rested on my neck, sucking harshly. A wheezing sound escaped from my throat as my hands flew up to push at his chest, but I was weak, and drunk, my hands only nudging him gently.

He must've taken this as an invite, because his hand slipped from my waist to my ass, aggressively clutching it.

"Stop!" My arms finally started working, pushing at his chest wildly. He drew back, his eyes telling me he was caught off guard.

"Playing hard to get?" He didn't seem to get the hint as he sniggered, his arms reaching for me. I puffed as I ducked under them, scurrying down the flight of stairs.

I turned my head to see if he was behind me as I pushed through the crowd, my breathing uneven. I whimpered as my shaking body ran into a hard surface, my head whipping to face the person.

"Amara?" Harry frowned at me as I stared, wide eyed and breathing raggedly. His eyes softened as I looked behind my shoulder to see if Finn was following me, sighing when all I saw were dancing bodies.

His hand grabbed my arm for the second time tonight, dragging me back to his Range Rover. My head hung low as he went straight to the drivers side, not opening my door like he usually did. I threw my heels below my feet as I sat on the leather seat, not remembering even taking them off.

The car held an awkward silence as Harry drove, the radio playing the top 40 quietly. I drifted off as we got closer to the apartment, my last words directing to Harry before I fell asleep. "I'm sorry."



Waking up to Harry's voice after last made me feel many emotions, one sticking out the most.


I cringed as I woke up, memories of his rejection flashing through my brain. I regretted it, really regretted it. It's no secret Harry is talented with his lips anymore, he's fucking gifted. I wanted more, and I wasn't sure if I could hold back that temptation for very long.

"Why are you waking me?" I threw my head in the pillow as the blankets were thrown off my barely covered body. I felt the dress from last night still clinging to my body, making me want to scrub my skin until it burnt.

"It's 1pm, you need to eat," Harry stayed at the end of my bed as his deep voice rasped the words, my body covering in goosebumps. "How are you feeling?"

I closed my mouth tightly as I thought, an idea popping up in my mind. "I don't remember anything," I groaned fakely, rubbing my temples as I sat up.

"Are you sure?" Harry blurted out as soon as the words escaped my chapped lips, making me send him a mock confused look.

"Yes, why? What'd I do?" I forced out a laugh, grabbing some clothes to change into as I avoided his eyes.

"Oh, nothing. I didn't know you drank that much," Harry shrugged before walking out, my jaw slacking. He wasn't even going to tell me we kissed. I guess that's what I wanted, but I still felt a burn in my chest.

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