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Harry's touch on my back burned as we walked through the crowd of teens, Emilee clearly lying when she said it'd be smaller. If anything, there were more people this time. I gasped as a familiar brunette came in my line of vision, my hand reaching out to pat his back.

"Louis?" I hugged the brunette as he yelled he was good to see me again, loudly. I turned to introduce him to Harry, only to notice the pair looking at each other quizzically.

"Haz? No way," Louis squeaked, his body crashing into Harry's, making the pair stumble. "Where've you been!"

"Lou! It's good to see you mate, and I've been a bit busy lately," Harry's tone was cheerful as he spoke to Louis, his hand returning to my back, almost as a reassurance. I grew nervous again as my eyes scanned the crowd of dancing teens, alcohol being pushed into my hands by a stranger.

I lifted the cup to my lips, jumping as it was hit out of my hands onto the floor. Harry sent me a questioning look, whispering that he'd get me my own drink, in my ear. We left Louis as a girl took interest in him, Harry whisking me to the table full of alcoholic substances.

I watched intently as he poured many different types in one cup, scrunching my nose up in disgust. I took a hesitant sip when he handed it to me, surprisingly humming in delight as it slid down my throat.

"What is it?" I leaned in to him as I yelled over the music, my cheeks flushing at our proximity. His eyes flickered to my lips as I spoke, making me lick them out of nervousness.

"Secret," he winked, his content expression dropping as a familiar high-pitched voice made its way to us.

"Hey!" Emilee screeched, her freshly manicured hand falling onto Harry's bicep. My jaw clenched as she obviously leaned into Harry, her arm pushing up to behind his neck.

I almost smiled as Harry moved away from her, her arm falling from him immediately. I relaxed as his arm wrapped around my waist, pinching my hip lightly.

"I thought it was meant to be smaller this time?" I asked Emilee, her eyes falling to examine Harry's arm around me.

"I had to say that so you could bring Harry along!" Emilee blurted, her drunk state not caring that she practically admitted to using me to get to Harry. I was about to open my mouth when Harry tugged me away from her, walking us into a room where is was slightly less crowded.

We sat down at a group that was sat in a circle, Jordan and Wolf being the only ones we recognised. I waved at Jordan from across the circle, her arm lifting to wave back.

"You two playing?" A random boy from the circle looked at Harry and I, "never have I ever," he continued. Harry and I glanced at each other for a second, sending him a nod.

"Well start off easy. Never Have I Ever had sex," the same boy grinned as he threw his head back, drinking the rest of the liquid in his cup. I lifted my cup, taking a large sip, noticing Harry had done the same.

"Never Have I Ever had sex with the same gender," a girl next to him smiled before sipping her drink. What shocked me was Harry raising his cup, taking a large gulp.

(A/N I am not saying Harry in real life is Bisexual or Gay, not that it would matter. This is a STORY of FICTION, and I am using Harry as a visual representation, so this Harry in the story isn't like Harry in real life!)

"You're gay?" I nudged him, hoping it wasn't a touchy subject.

"Bisexual, love," he grinned as the next person talked.

"Never Have I Ever wanted to fuck someone I shouldn't." I gulped at her words, hearing her yell that her friend was a teacher fucker when they didn't drink. I glanced at Harry in the corner of my eye. He was the first that came to mind, and I won't lie and say I haven't thought of being intimate with him.

The alcohol coursing my body made me lift the cup to my lips, staring at Harry as I downed the rest of it. He'd done the same, but I am pretty sure he was just drinking water.

My mind wandered elsewhere as the game continued, thinking of the same sentence over and over.

Never Have I Ever wanted to fuck someone I shouldn't.

I imagined Harry's large hands moving up my thighs as he tore my shirt off, his lips tracing every dip in my body. His finger hooking my underwear to the side, slipping-

"Amara?" I jumped at Harry's deep voice, my breathing fastening at the thoughts I was previously having.

"Y-yeah?" I stuttered, my voice catching in my throat. I shouldn't be having these thoughts, Harry is my bodyguard, he literally babysits me.

"You drifted off for a second there," Harry placed his hand on my thigh, making my thoughts from earlier pop into my mind, my skin growing hot.

"Dance with me," I didn't wait for his response before I pulled him up, tugging him to the other dancing bodies. He stood still as I danced, grabbing his hands in my own to attempt to move his stiff body.

I grabbed his wrist, placing his hand onto my lower back. I pulled him closer to me as my hands hooked around his neck, playing with the baby hairs at the nape of his neck.

"Loosen up," I reached my mouth up to whisper into his ear, my lips grazing his earlobe. I felt him start to move, his body moving with my own.

I lost count of the drinks I'd had, feeling the effects as I watched the man in front of me, closely. My thoughts from before popped up once again, my body needing to feel his skin on mine.

I was aware of Harry's eyes examining mine, as if he was trying to read my mind, to see what I was thinking. My eyes fell to his heart shaped lips, almost moaning at how inviting the surface looked.

Before I could even think of the consequences, I gripped Harry's soft curls in my hand, pulling his head closer, crashing my lips onto his.

HIRED GUN // H.S AUWhere stories live. Discover now