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I almost tripped over my feet as I made my way to the small room Harry had entered, blushing when Louis shot his brows up at me as I walked past him. My hand gripped the door, opening it and sliding my body into the room.

I gasped as my body was pushed against the door, Harry's lips connecting to mine hurriedly. I moaned quietly as Harry's tongue slid into my mouth, my hands pushing his shoulders back until the back of his knees hit the bed. We didn't break the kiss as Harry sat on the bed, my legs straddling his waist as I pushed him back to lay on the bed, his legs knee down still hanging off the edge.

My hands slid down his clothed chest, unbuttoning his shirt from the bottom upwards. Once I'd reached the top button, I slid his shirt off his shoulders, tugging it out from under him. The shirt was carelessly thrown to the side, my lips leaving his to trail down his neck.

My lips puckered on his collarbones, my teeth nipping at the skin. I heard Harry groan as I sucked on the skin, knowing a hickey would be there by the time I was done. My lips moved down his chest, my body falling between his open legs and onto the floor as they reached his hips.

"Amara, you don't have to," Harry grunted as I admired the two ferns on his hips, unbuttoning his jeans slowly. I pushed them down once I'd gotten them undone, Harry's hips lifting to help. My lips tugged up as I watched him squirm when my hands hovered over the band of his boxers teasingly.

"No teasing," Harry let out breathlessly, his hand gripping onto my hair as I tugged his boxers down his legs. My hand grabbed his length without hesitation, his eyes watching my movements closely. His breathing fastened as I pumped his length slowly, watching as his head fell back when I licked a strip on the underside.

"Fuck," Harry groaned as I took him in my mouth, my tongue flicking around the tip, my hand pumping what I couldn't fit into my mouth. My head bobbed, my eyes flitting up to see him coming undone before me. I almost moaned at the sight, his plump lips parted as he groaned my name quietly. I felt his grip on my hair tighten as his dick twitched in my mouth, filling my mouths seconds later. I pumped him slowly as I swallowed, grinning at his exhausted looking state. His chest rose and fell hastily, his eyes opening to glance at me as I lifted his boxers and jeans back up his legs, buttoning the jeans.

"What are you doing to me," Harry breathed out, grabbing my hand to pull me into the bed. I chuckled as he kissed the corner of my mouth, his eyes closing briefly.

"Sleep," I whispered to him, my fingers sliding into his hair and massaging his scalp. I smiled when his soft snores filled the room minutes later, curling up into his side as I grew drowsy myself. My hand drew shaped on his toned chest as I fell asleep, wondering if what I just did was a good or bad idea.


"Oi!" A bang on the door caused Harry and I to shoot up, Harry throwing his arm in front of me and pushing me back onto the bed automatically. I grumbled as my body hit the mattress, hitting Harry's bare back as he lifted his body off the small bed that we both barely fit on.

"What!" Harry yelled, pulling his shirt on and buttoning it up quickly. I stayed curled up on the bed, my eyes falling closed as I grew more tired than I was before.

"We landed! Get your asses out here!" Louis yelled through the door, Harry swinging it open to reveal a happy looking Louis. "You look freshly fucked-"

"Louis," Harry hissed, pushing his figure out of the doorway as he turned to look at me. "Come on, baby. You can sleep in the car."

I felt my face heat up at the pet name, crawling off the bed to join the boys gathered at the doorway. I narrowed my eyes at Louis as he grinned at me cheekily, walking out speedily. I was embarrassed that Louis, and most likely Zayn, had heard Harry and I in the bedroom. I remember telling Louis that Harry and I didn't have a relationship like that, but now his thoughts were surely confirmed.

"Sleep," Harry spoke as soon as we jumped into the car, pulling myself in the passenger seat. I hummed at him as I buckled my seatbelt, resting my head on the headrest. I turned my head to Harry, falling asleep after examining his face.

"Oi oi!" I screeched as Louis' voice yelled in my ear, jumping up in my seat. I whipped around to look at the boy behind me, his body leaning through the two front seats. Harry and Zayn weren't in the car, and I took note of how we were parked in front of a large building.

"Haz asked me to wake you up while they took the bags up," Louis smiled, poking my cheek. I swatted his hand away from my face, unbuckling my seatbelt.

"That was quick," I commented as we got out of the car, the lights flashing as it locked automatically. My neck craned as I looked up at the skyscraper, yelping when I collided with something hard.

I clenched my eyes closed from the pain, rubbing my chin that had collided with the surface. I heard Louis laughing hysterically in the background, opening my eyes to glare at him. Looking forward, I noticed I'd ran into the glass door leading into the lobby, and the receptionist inside seemed pretty amused as well.

"Louis, I'll punch you," I growled at him, still rubbing my aching chin as we walked through the lobby into the elevator.

"Like the door punched you?" Louis howled in laughter, biting my cheek to stop from laughing with him. It seemed like he hadn't seen something funny in awhile by the way he was laughing, it was pretty amusing.

"Watch it, I'll tell Harry to beat you," I threatened jokingly, finally releasing a giggle as his laughs died down, now just smirking at me.

"Like you beat his di-"

"Louis!" I shouted as the elevator stopped on the 31st floor, Louis' sentence distracting me from realising how far up we were. Louis' laughter returned, his body hunching over as he held his stomach, complaining that it hurt from laughing.

"What the hell?" Zayn mumbled as we burst through the room Louis pointed out to me, choking when he looked at my face.

"Your chin is so red," Louis snickered, gaining Zayn's attention. Zayn started laughing along as he looked at me, causing me to stomp my foot childishly at the pair.

"It's not funny," I dragged out, slumping onto a couch in front of a TV. My eyes scanned the room for Harry, narrowing when I couldn't spot him. "Harry?"

"What are you lot laughing at?" Harry mumbled, his figure appearing from a room down the hall. I buried my face in my hands when they pointed at me, groaning loudly.

"It's not even that funny," I whined, hearing footsteps approaching me. Harry's pointer finger rested under my chin, pulling it up so he could see my face clearly. I frowned deeply as he bit back a smile, chewing on his lower lip.

HIRED GUN // H.S AUWhere stories live. Discover now