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"What's this?" I slid my finger across a black stereo-looking thing, scrunching my face up when dirt collected onto my finger tip.

"Stop touching," Harry swatted my wandering hands, making me cling them back to my side. He didn't protest when I grabbed a cloth from the kitchen nearby, wiping over the surface that I'd touched before, scrubbing my hands clean straight after.

"I'm sure you'd like me to touch somewhere else," I smirked at my childish joke, winking at him when he sent me a bewildered look.

"Don't ever wink again, Amara," Harry's fingers flew across his keyboard as he typed in codes that seemed unimaginable to crack. I read the sentences he typed, trying to keep up but failing fairly quickly.

"What are you doing?" I crossed my arms as he ignored me, acting like I wasn't there. It wasn't until I kicked the foot of his chair that I got an answer.

"I'm contacting your parents," Harry stated, rubbing his chin as he halted his movements of typing. "I can't leave any traces that will lead back to us." I sighed as he kept pressing the keyboard aimlessly.

"Can we go clubbing tonight?" I asked excitedly, realising I was the legal drinking age in Italy. I drew my body back to Harry, where he'd stopped typing and now stared at me incredously.

"Are you crazy? We're meant to be staying undercover," Harry's emerald eyes widened as I got down on my knees in front of him, laying my palms on his clothed knees.

"Please?" I batted my eyelashes up at him as I held a mock innocent look, travelling my hand further up Harry's leg.

"Amara," Harry practically growled as the space between my hand and his crotch was slowly decreasing. "Fine." Harry breathed out as I removed my hand, stepping onto my feet and smiling down at him.

I skipped off upstairs, venturing to my room as I heard Harry groan loudly, disapproving of my persuasive tactics. It was only 4pm, so I chose to sit down and whip my phone out, texting Jordan and Wolf to explain I wouldn't see them for awhile.

I burned a couple hours playing boring games on my phone, even going downstairs to get a snack at one point. I made sure to not go back down there for the rest of the night until we were leaving for the club, after Harry almost screamed at me for making too much noise. It annoyed me, yes, but I understood he had a lot of work to do, and protecting me was one of them so I had to be grateful.

I showered in the average sized bathroom down the hall, deciding to just wear a simple black strapless dress and nude heels to the club. I applied some powder and mascara, perfecting my winged liner after 20 minutes. I nodded my head once I approved of my look, leaving the bathroom to get Harry.

"Fuck," I heard Harry swear as I walked downstairs, my head snapping up to see he'd knocked over a glass of water, the liquid dripping over the table. I cackled at him as he rushed to pat it down with a tea towel, his glare making me stop soon after.

"Ready?" Harry grabbed his gun from the bench, tucking it into his waistband. I nodded my head to him, following him out the door. I stopped walking when he started to walk down the sidewalk, passing the car.

"Harry? The cars here," I sent him an odd look as he turned his head, stating we'd be using our legs and walking to the place as it wasn't far away. I groaned internally as I wobbled behind him in my heels, almost falling due to the uneven cement and cracks in the pavement.

"ID?" The security stood straight, his voice demanding and stern as he scanned our bodies. Harry and I whisked our wallets out, showing him our ID's. His eyes wavered on mine, squinting slightly as he grabbed it to steady the card.

I'm guessing he was looking at my birth date, because he nodded for us to go in seconds later, his eyes wandering on me too long for my liking. Harry and I shoved ourselves through the sweaty crowd, finally being able to breath once we made it to the bar.

"Can we get a line of shots and two cups of Rum, on the rocks, please?" I felt Harry's judgmental gaze as I talked to the bartender, the drinks arriving a minute later. I slid Harry half the shots and a glass of rum, already starting to down mine. I raised the shot glasses to my mouth one by one, swallowing quickly. They burnt my throat, but I washed it down with the rum, sticking my tongue out and shaking my head.

Harry laughed across from me, fixating my eyes onto him. My face broke out into a smile as he chuckled, the wrinkles beside his eyes deepening, along with his dimples.

"What are you smiling at?" He poked my side playfully, sipping his rum slowly.

"You're beautiful," I smirked at him as his face dropped, his cheeks reddening slightly. "Are you blushing?"

"What? No," Harry pulled out the stool from under the bar, sitting down on it while facing the crowd of dancing bodies.

"Dance with me?" I asked hopefully, walking backwards and increasing the distance between us. "Your loss." I slightly shouted as he shook his head, keeping myself close but not too close. I found an opening in the dancing people where I could still see Harry and dance at the same time, stopping arubtly.

My hips started moving to the beat, the familiar feeling coursing through my veins and welcoming me as my high. I closed my eyes, throwing my head back as I moved, drowning out the blaring music and thinking of the two green eyes that planted their eyes on me.

My thoughts were confirmed as I opened my eyes to see Harry already looking, bringing his glass up to his lips as I made eye-contact with him. I kept the contact as I pressed my hands into my body, pulling them up into the air sensually. I saw him gulp from here, my bottom lip tugging below my top teeth.

I shut my eyes tightly, his jaw clenching the last thing I saw before I was blocked from Harry's sight. I continued to dance, feeling a body press into my back firmly. My body stiffened as I remembered the last time I encountered a boy this way.

"You're killing me," my body relaxed as Harry whispered into my ear, his hand resting on my waist from behind. I turned my body to face him, grinning up at him as I noticed his red-rimmed eyes. He'd clearly downed a few more drinks whilst I danced, but I didn't mind.

I reached my hand behind his neck, grinding my front onto his, softly. The action caused him to grip my waist tightly, a quiet hum leaving his lips that were pressed to my ear.

"Let's go home," Harry whispered in my ear, his breath smelling of the rum and vodka I'd reassured him to drink. I grabbed his hand after he'd let out the sentence, pulling him to the entrance eagerly.

HIRED GUN // H.S AUWhere stories live. Discover now