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"Feet further apart," Harry nodded as I did as he asked, retrieving his gun from his waistband. "You need to remember to balance while shooting, it's very important in aiming. If you don't have balance, you'll lose your stance and the bullet could go anywhere."

I nodded as he spoke, placing the gun into my hands. I put my hands where I assumed they'd go, only to hear Harry tut disapprovingly from behind me. I'd shot a gun before, and this is how I held it.

"Never keep your finger on the trigger unless your firing, you keep your pointer here," Harry's large hands moved my own around, surprisingly making it easier and more comfortable to hold the deadly object.

"You know about safety and all that I'm assuming, so just keep your stance and aim with-no keep your hips forward," Harry grunted as I straightened my hips, clearly not good enough for his standard. I almost squealed as his hands planted on my hips, rotating them slightly.

"Now go," Harry cleared his throat, my body whining as his hands left my hips. I focussed on the tree Harry had said to shoot, closing one of my eyes for better aim. I turned off the safety, pressing my finger down on the trigger. I was surprised when I actually got it, the years of my mother forcing me to go down to the shooting range monthly paying off. Even though they taught me to hold a gun wrong.

"Good, now try that one."

We stayed in the abandoned forest for a couple hours, moving ever so often to shoot at a different area. Harry didn't nag me like he did at gym, he just corrected me when I needed it, which wasn't too much. Everything was going smoothly, and Harry was in a good mood, until his phone rang.

"Hello?" Harry spoke quietly into the phone, holding his finger up at me as he walked away. I drew the gun down, turning on safety. My ears perked up, trying desperately to hear Harry's conversation.

"Thanks for letting me know, we'll leave tonight." My eyebrows furrowed at his words, we're leaving already? We'd only been here for a couple days. Harry was probably just being cautious, he always is. My head flew up when Harry returned, his face angry. My stomach dropped, realising he was back to his moody self.

"We have to go," Harry rubbed his temple as I walked to him, handing him his gun. I huffed when he speed walked in the direction of where we came from, my smaller legs moving to keep up with him.

"Harry, slow down," I reached out to pull him back by his shirt, but missed it by an inch, leaving my hand to fall by my side. I gulped audibly when Harry continued to walk quickly, his pace picking up slightly.

"Amara, stop complaining, we're on the run from people who want to murder you if you didn't realise," I knew Harry was rolling his eyes by the tone of his voice, my head falling to look down at my muddy shoes. I kicked pebbles on the ground as I walked, trying to keep up with Harry. A loud yelp left my lips as my ankle caught between a branch and a tree, twisting as I fell down. My hands burned as they slammed into the ground, my ankle burning.

"Fuck." Harry breathed out, kneeling beside me. I hissed in pain when his hand tried pulling my ankle out from the crevice, glaring at the back of his head. He tore the branch stuck in the ground, freeing my sore ankle. Harry's hands gently grabbed my ankle, his eyes scanning it for a minute or so.

"It's only sprained," Harry declared, pulling his arm under mine and across my back to help me up. I cringed when I put pressure on my foot, wobbling alongside Harry, who was thankfully helping me keep myself up.

"Do you need me to carry you?" Harry asked, watching as I winced every-time I took a step. I shook my head, hating being incapable of doing things myself. Harry rolled his eyes at my stubborn self, his hand tightening on my waist as we walked to the car. We made it there pretty quick, we weren't too far away when I fell down and hurt my ankle.

"Who was on the phone?" I looked at Harry's face as he drove, his jaw clenching at my curiosity.

"Just a friend."

"What was it about?" I pushed, turning the radio down when he turned it loud enough to drown out my voice.

"We're leaving tonight, a gang that isn't very close friends with your parents' was spotted near us." Harry tapped his finger on the steering wheel, the wind causing his curls to fly around messily.

"Where to?"

"Dominican Republic. Rio San Juan to be specific," Harry raised his eyebrows at me when I squealed from delight. I'd heard stories about the area, and I was excited to see it. However, my mood dropped as it dawned on me that Harry and I would probably be cooped up in a small hotel room the whole time we're there.

"Fuck," Harry swore as we pulled up to the hotel, a bunch of police cars surrounding the building. So much for trying to keep on the down low. Harry parked carefully between two police cars, jumping out of the large car, rounding it to get to my side. I thanked him as he helped me out, wrapping his arm around my lower back as we walked to the doors.

"Good afternoon, would you two mind telling us which floor you're on? A room was trashed, from top to bottom, and were thinking the suspect is after something the people in the room had." A police officer stopped us from walking in, his eyes drifting down to my ankle suspiciously.

"We're on the fourth floor, room 16B," Harry spoke slowly, his arm tightening around my waist as I leaned on him once my ankle throbbed.

"You guys are free to go, that's a different floor, we'll keep you informed if the suspect is a threat," the police officer moved out of way, watching as we wobbled to the elevator. I sighed heavily as the doors closed, taking us to the fifth floor.

"Harry?" I frowned as I noticed he'd clicked the wrong button, but he just ignored me. I didn't speak up, afraid he'd blow up and get into a mood. My frown deepened when the doors opened to the fifth floor, Harry walking out speedily. I looked around while walking behind Harry, noticing how similar this floor looked to our own.

My confusion grew as Harry pulled our room key out, sliding it into a door, the lock clicking loudly. The door pushed open to reveal our room, that didn't really look like a room anymore. It was practically flipped upside down, our belongings scattered across the carpet.

"What? You told the officer-"

"I lied. No traces, remember?" Harry began picking up his belongings, shoving them into his black gym bag. I did the same, only grabbing the important things or things that could reveal we were here.

HIRED GUN // H.S AUWhere stories live. Discover now