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"Mate, you fucked up. She waited here all night, refusing to move until you came back through that door," I stirred as Louis' voice echoed through the apartment, hearing footsteps approach me.

"I know I fucked up," Harry's voice was closer, feeling my body being lifted from my spot on the cold tiles into a warm chest. My head fell on their shoulder, recognising Harry's scent immediately.

"Harry," I groggily asked, fisting the front of his t-shirt into my hand.

"I'm here," his chest vibrates as he spoke, my eyes fluttering open when my body was lowered onto the bed.

"You left me," I teared up, his body crawling into the bed beside me. I felt his warmth as he moved closer to me, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers.

"I know, I'm so sorry," Harry whispered, pulling my body into his. I gladly snuggled into his chest, my tired state vulnerable. I knew that even if I wasn't tired, I'd forgive him in seconds. It was understandable he reacted that way, he had a point regarding the baby's safety. It was dangerous bringing a baby into our world, but my parents managed to do it, and I knew Harry and I could do it as well.

"I'm keeping her," I demanded, holding onto his arm that was wrapped around my chest. I felt his hand trail down to my stomach, resting on my bump.

"I know," Harry spoke, his hand massaging the baby bump gently. I relaxed at his touch, closing my eyes as his fingertips drew shapes on my belly. "She?"

"I'm just guessing," I shrugged, drifting off.


I yawned as I woke up, splaying my hands out to the side to feel for Harry. I smiled when I felt his body, swinging my arm around his torso as I rested my head on his arm. I ignored him when he cleared his throat loudly, tangling our legs together.

"Comfy?" Harry's morning voice made me hum in delight, shooting my eyes open to look at the handsome man. The events from last night flashed through my memory, guilt about not telling Harry earlier and sadness towards Harry's reaction surfacing.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier," I dove straight into the conversation, Harry puffing out a breath of air at my forwardness. I removed my head from his bicep, pulling my body up to lean on the headboard.

"I would've loved to know earlier, but you were scared of my reaction and had every right to be," Harry laid on his side, looking up at me as he spoke. I was shocked at how calm the situation was now, it still surprised me that a human was growing in me.

"We need to go to the doctors," Harry said, his eyes focussing on my covered stomach.

"When can we go? I need to know how far along I am, and whether I need to take vitamins and stuff," I asked, feeling hopeless when it came to pregnancy. I'd never really known anyone who was pregnant for very long, considering I used to move too frequently. I was clueless.

"I can call someone in to come to us, today. Louis knows people around here, and I'm pretty sure one is a doctor," Harry offered, making me nod. He yelled for Louis when I accepted, Louis' head appearing behind them door seconds later.

"Call a doctor for us, will you?" Harry practically demanding, making me mutter a 'please' after his sentence. "Please," he added on, raising his brows at me.

"Will do," Louis whipped out his phone as he walked away, not bothering to close the door when he left. We heard his muffled voice talking over the phone from the other room, Harry's eyes still glued to my stomach.

"I guess you're not infertile," Harry joked, grinning up at me happily. I chuckled at him as he resembled an excited child, hoping his excitement was partly towards our baby.

"She'll be here in an hour," Louis shouted from the outside the room, pots and pans clinging in the kitchen. I flinched when I felt Harry's cold fingertips graze my stomach as he lifted my shirt. I looked down at his curious face, his large hand covering most of my stomach as he layer his palm flat against it.

"Our baby's in there, hey?" Harry breathed, astounded as he kept his hand pressed to my bump, our eyes meeting after Harry stared at it for what felt like hours, but was really only mere seconds.

"Good morning, parents!" Louis burst into our room after 20 minutes of Harry admiring my bump, Harry's hand not moving from it as Louis placed a tray on the foot of the bed. "I brought food, double for the lady."

"Thanks Lou," I thanked the excited boy as he sat on the bed, his eyes falling onto my bump that was mostly covered by Harry's hand. Harry took his hand off when he noticed Louis' staring, giving him a full view of my stomach as he grabbed the tray of food to pull it between us.

"What is that?" I scrunched my nose at the green liquid poured into a large cup. Louis smiled as I picked up the cup, sniffing it cautiously.

"Green smoothie, it's good for the baby," Louis grinned, patting my calf before he left the room. I put the cup down, stealing Harry's piece of toast that had boiled egg, avocado and bacon. Harry shook his head at me, a cheeky smile covering his face as I downed the toast quickly. I finished it by the time he'd finished half of his slice, offering me the rest. I took it hesitantly, worrying about him, but he drank the smoothie for me.

Harry and I lazed in bed for the rest of the hour, Harry's hand massaging my back as I watched X Factor on the TV we inserted into our room a few days ago.

"Guys, this is Avery," Louis stood into our room with an older lady with a kind face, making Harry stand and me sit up. Harry shook her hand, thanking her for coming. I pulled my body off the bed to greet her, only to be scolded by her.

"You can stay seated, sweetheart. I remember wanting to stay in bed the whole nine months I was pregnant, a long long time ago," she chuckled as she wheeled a large machine into the room. How did she get that thing up here?

"How many pregnancies?" I asked, trying to start a conversation as she set up the daunting machine.

"I have three sons," she smiled at me, "they're all much older now though." I nodded as she began talking about them, admiring how fond she was of them. If only my mother loved me like that.

"Okay so I'll use this and we'll see how far along you are, by your size I don't think we'll be able to tell the gender yet," Avery gestured to the weird machine, asking me to fully lay down on the bed.

Harry kneeled beside the bed next to me, my shift being lifted by Avery. I flinched when a cold gel was squirted onto my stomach, before the strange wand pressed into my bump. I breathed heavily at the contact, the feeling different as Avery pressed it into certain areas.

Harry and I's eyes were focused on the small screen attached to the machine, my mouth falling open as a small dot appeared on the screen.

"There she/he is," Avery pointed to the small bean, laughing at how small she was. "Wait." Avery moved the wand, our view of the bean disappearing as the screen blurred.

"What's wrong?" Harry questioned, my hand falling to grip his as Avery remained silent.

"You're about 12 weeks along, Amara, and you're having twins."

HIRED GUN // H.S AUWhere stories live. Discover now