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A/N short chapter but full of emotion hehe


"I love you."

I watched Harry's expression changed to confused as the words slipped from my mouth. My stomach dropped as the air thickened and Harry remained silent, his eyebrows meeting in a frown.

"Harry?" I moved my hand to the back of his neck, lowering my lips onto his. I pulled away when he didn't kiss me back, his lips staying still, as did his body. I could feel his heartbeat fasten from our chests pressing together, but the outside of his body was emotionless.

I lowered my hands to his grip on my thighs, unlatching his fingers from them. I felt myself drop, steadying my body by gripping onto the wall. Harry didn't even reach out to me, his body still frozen, apart from his mouth letting out breathless pants from our actions minutes ago.

I walked out of the shower disappointed, not knowing what to think of Harry's behaviour. I was upset he didn't say it back, but not too effected by that. I was more upset by the fact he didn't react or speak at all. I wrapped a towel around my body, feeling myself tear up for what felt like the millionth time today.

I tugged on the clothes I brought in, a pair of yoga pants and one of Harry's t-shirts, after I dried off. I let my hair down to dry, walking out of the bathroom, but not before glancing into the shower to see Harry in the exact same spot. I sighed loudly as I walked out of our bathroom, the guilt I felt about being rude to Olivia resurfacing when I saw her sat on the couch with the boys.

"Um, Olivia? Could I please talk to you?" I scratched my neck, all of their eyes flying up to look at me. I shrunk in my spot, smiling awkwardly when Olivia sprung up.

"Of course!" She gladly followed me when I walked into the kitchen, out of the boys' earshot.

"I'm so sorry," I started, already feeling my eyes tear up. I knew I was more upset about Harry, and that's why I was on the verge of crying, but I probably looked like an idiot apologising to her and crying. "I feel like an idiot. I got jealous because I thought Harry was flirting with you, and I've been moody all day and I put it out on you and-"

"Shh, it's okay, don't worry about it," Olivia pulled me into a hug as a tear fell from my eye, my arms wrapping around her as well. Olivia was lovely, and I felt horrible for being a bitch and insulting her towards Harry.

"I'm sorry, I'm a mess lately," I laughed as I wiped my face, Olivia sending me an understanding look as she rubbed my shoulder comfortingly.

"Don't apologise, I understand. I was just about to set the table for dinner if you want to help?" I nodded quickly at Olivia's suggestion, grabbing utensils from the draw.

"I could definitely go for some food," I giggled, placing the cutlery at the spots on the table. I sat down in a spot, Louis sitting next to me and Elijah sitting at the head of the table. I felt my body freeze when I heard a door close behind us, footsteps walking towards the table.

"Harry, nice of you to join us," Olivia joked as she set the last bowl of food on the table, sitting down across from Louis as Harry sat across from me. I watched as Harry stayed quiet, his face still holding confusion and shock. Harry avoided my eyes as I stared at him while everyone grabbed food to put on their plate.

I managed to scoop some pasta onto my plate, picking up my fork shakily as I felt Harry's stare on me. I saw from the corner of my eye that he had no food on his plate, everyone else shovelling the food into their mouths happily.

"I love you."

I dropped my fork when Harry almost shouted the three words, Louis also dropping his fork onto his plate, a loud clinging noise echoing through the apartment as everyone stopped eating. I finally picked my head up to look at Harry, his face serious and looking relieved as he stared back at me.

"Jesus Christ," Louis sucked in a breath as Harry frowned, waiting for my response.

I stood up quickly, the chair sliding back behind me and scraping against the wooden floorboards. I knew Harry was following me when I walked away from the dining table, entering our bedroom.

"I love you," Harry repeated, the door closing behind him as he stepped towards me.

"Why didn't you say that before?"

"I was shocked, and confused. I wasn't sure how, or why, a person like you could ever love a person like me," Harry admitted, my stomach dropping at his words. It hurt me how he thought so lowly of himself.

"Why would you even say that? Of course I love you, you don't give yourself enough credit. You gave me reasons to love you," I frown, stepping towards him.

"I'm not sure how you love me, I'm not an easy person to love. But something I am completely sure of is how much I love you, and it's with my entire being," Harry grabbed my hand, pressing his lips into my knuckles as he continued speaking. "I've never had someone that means so much to me like you do confess to me that they love me, and I'm sorry I froze. I'm sorry I couldn't hold you as soon as you told me you loved me, and repeat your words into your ears while embracing you. But, I'm telling you now. I love you, Amara, and you succeed in making me fall deeper for you every second that passes."

I felt myself tear up at Harry's speech, grabbing the back of his neck to pull his lips down to mine. I felt him smile in the kiss, the kiss turning salty as tears escaped from the corners of my closed eyes.

"I love you," I let out between kisses, giggling as Harry picked me up, throwing me onto the bed. I smirked as he crawled onto the bed, our lips re-attaching when he climbed on top of me.

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