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"Your parents are coming today," I dropped my fork on my plate, the loud sound hurting my ears as it clattered onto the ceramic surface.

"Why?" I spoke once I'd swallowed the cereal I prepared myself, although Harry had insisted on pouring the milk.

"They wanted to check on you," he glanced down at my lower half, turning his body back to the TV.

"You told them?" I sputtered, moaning in annoyance when a knock was heard from the front door.

"Of course I told them," Harry said, before opening the door to reveal my two parents. My father stormed in first, kissing my cheek gently.

"How are you feeling?" Dad sat down at the table, his face calm and collected, the opposite to my mothers.

"It's your job to prevent this," she hissed at Harry, not bothering to greet her daughter.

"It's not his fault," I barked at her, standing up from my chair. A screeching noise filled the apartment as the chair drew back, causing me to flinch.

"It's his job! Where were you?" She directed the second part towards Harry, who stood straight and professional.

"Mother. You haven't been here for me half my life, don't blame him for taking his eyes off me for a few seconds," I don't know why I felt so defensive for Harry, but my mothers accusing annoyed me even more than Harry had these past few days.

"Excuse me? You don't talk to the woman who gave birth to you like that! I raised you better, now sit down and keep your mouth shut," she sent me daggers as she spoke, dad yelling her name loudly to calm her.

"Oh, I'm feeling pretty good, by the way. Thanks for asking mother, I really care about your concern."

"If you shut up for one second, I'd be able to ask you how you were," she rolled her eyes as she sat down across from me, Harry still standing awkwardly by the door.

"We also came here to talk about business. We've hired a new member, and we wanted to let you know before you find out yourself," My father held my hand in his as he spoke, his eyes lowering.

"Why do I need to know?" I grew anxious as neither of them said another word, exchanging nervous glances.

"We hired Maxwell."

I froze in my seat, the name of my ex-boyfriend sending chills down my spine. My mouth remained agape as my eyes locked onto the blank space on the white wall of our kitchen.

"How could you allow this?" I finally let words escape, directing my question towards dad.

"We had an idea, well I did, and considering Harry's horrible attempts at his job, I think it seems fit to announce my suggestions now." My glare fixed on my mother as she continued. "We thought maybe Maxwell could take Harry's position, he did a great job at taking care of you when you two were-"

I laughed loudly at my mothers suggestion, catching her off guard. She looked at me as I continued laughing hysterically, bewildered.

"You seriously think I'd let that monster into my home? You would let that monster into your daughters home?" I spat out, disgusted with her plan.

"Well, maybe we can get someone else," my mother remained adamant on finding another bodyguard, but I wasn't having it.

"I want Harry, and only Harry," I crossed my arms and leaned back in my chair, pursing my lips as I looked over at the stiff man in the corner. His lips tugged up so slightly, I almost didn't notice it.

"What? Why?" My mother's mouth dropped at my sentence.

I wanted to say a lot of reasons why, such as the fact that he doesn't poke fun at me for my disorder, or push me to stop my obsessiveness. Or the fact that he gives me space, and makes me feel safe. But, instead, I stuck to a fairly broad term.

"He's good at his job," I stated bluntly, my shoulders slumping when they both sent me a weird look.

"If he was good at his job, then this-"

"Hmm," I cut my mother off, throwing my head back in boredom.

"As I was saying, if-"

"Ahh," I cut her off again, making odd noises to shut her up.



She seemed to give up, grabbing her handbag as she stood up. I didn't have to look to know she was pushing my dad out the door, growing sick of my childishness.

"You're a terror child," Harry shook his head, breaking his professional stance as the door slammed closed.

"I cannot believe they had the audacity to hire him," I was still shocked they'd hired Maxwell, but it wasn't that surprising, come to think of it. My mother always loved him, he was a 'golden boy' in her eyes. She was upset when she'd heard of the breakup, and tried talking me into getting back with him.

"Who is he?" Harry sat down across from me, clasping his hands together. He had a knowing look in his eyes, so I'm assuming he had a pretty good idea.

"I dated him for 2 years in high school, biggest piece of shit to exist," Harry didn't appear surprised by my words, or if he did, he didn't show it.

"What happened?" Harry didn't care to ask questions, his face rock hard as his eyes remained locked on mine.

"He cheated on me for most of our relationship, with the same girl. He had another life I didn't know about, they had a kid together. I was over his house one day after school one day, and he was babysitting his nephew, well that's what he told me," Harry nodded for me to continue, my throat straining as I continued.

"The girl he cheated on me with was a friend of mine, we weren't very close, but close enough to have lunch together every now and then. Well, she came with me to his house, probably not knowing the kid was there. The kid called her mum in front of me, and then everything was revealed," I looked down at my fiddling hands, my anger rising.

He made me believe it was my fault for him cheating, that I was too boring for him. I believed I would never be good enough for a man, and nobody would ever love me. He broke my heart, and I wasn't sure if I would every be completely healed.

"He sounds like a piece of shit," Harry grabbed my hand, rubbing his thumb across the back of it. "I'll shoot him if you want."

I laughed at Harry's offer, looking down at our connected hands. Harry pulled away when he noticed my staring, clearing his throat loudly, before jumping up.

"What do you want for dinner?" He opened the fridge as he asked, his eyes scanning over any possible dinner options.

"Pizza," I smirked at him, my face beaming when he agreed.

"And movies?" I tried, cheering loudly when he sighed a 'fine.'

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