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"We don't have a class to go to?" I swallowed the last of the breakfast Harry had made, sending him a questioning look.

"She was annoying me," Harry shrugged, leaning his elbows on the counter across from me. I relaxed at his words, realising she was annoying him just as much she did me.

"Me too," I grinned cheekily at him, watching in content as he threw his head back, laughing loudly.

"I thought she was your friend?" He teased, grabbing my empty plate to wash.

"She was, until I realised she just wanted to be my friend in order to get to you," I admitted, fiddling with my fingers. "Let's go out today."

"Where?" Harry finished washing my plate, drying his hands off with the tea towel. He laid it back down gently before facing me, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Let's have a picnic!" I declared ecstatically, clapping my hands three times. Harry remained emotionless, but when I rounded the counter to poke him playfully in the stomach, a large grin spread across his face.

"Ok, fine. Go get ready," Harry enunciated, pushing me away when I went to poke him again.

I chose out a high-waisted pair of black skinny jeans, a red bandeau top and a tan jacket to go over it due to the cold weather today, placing my clothes down onto the bathroom counter.

The shower was turned on it's highest setting as I stepped into it, not even flinching at the burning sensation. The scrubber roamed across my body, leaving scratches of all sorts in remembrance of my habits.

Once I'd finishing showering and dried off, I slipped into the clothes chosen out and grabbed my black vans, tugging them over my pink socks.

My skin was still red and the scratches were slowly disappearing, taking a longer time than normal. However, they were hidden by my clothing, so Harry couldn't notice them.

I gasped as I walked downstairs, an array of different foods laying across the bench, Harry standing in front of them. He was packing them into a bag, mocking my gasp as he did so.

"I'm so excited!" I couldn't stay still as we left the building, skipping to Harry's car while he trailed behind. "Hurry those lengthy legs of yours!"

"Jesus," Harry drew in a deep breath as I yelled, my voice echoing through the car park. I jumped in as soon as there car unlocked, placing the bag full of food by my feet as Harry started the car.

"Where would you like to go?" Harry asked, his face serious as he looked over at me, focussing on his driving seconds later.

"Surprise me," I poked his side, making his serious expression fall into a humorous one, a giggle leaving his lips.

A giggle.

"Harry, did you get a blanket?" I looked into the back worriedly.

"No, why?" Harry asked casually, my head flying back as a sad sigh left my lips.

"You can't have a picnic without a blanket Harry," I dramatised, causing Harry to laugh as he parked the car near a small playground.

"Why'd you choose here?" Harry grabbed the bag from my after we got out, my question catching him off guard.

"It was the first park I spotted," Harry shrugged, my head nodding slowly as I remembered all the parks we drove past before getting to this one.

"It's a bit weird not having a blanket, don't you think?" I brought the topic up again, Harry's face dropping.

"I really don't think a blanket matters," Harry pulled out the containers filled with food out of the bag after spotting a patch of grass to sit on.

"Fuck, the strawberries must've fallen out when you were grabbing the bag out. I'll be right back," Harry didn't think twice as he ran back to the car, losing him from my sight as a body stood in front of me.

"Are you Amara Svenson?" The man blinked twice, my blood running cold as he stated my name. My gaze fell to his waist, a bulge sticking out from his right side, a gun.

"That's me, why?" I choked out, remaining clueless as the man walked away, not saying another word.

"I got them!" Harry's loud voice made my sight on the man disappear, dragging them to look at Harry's. "What's wrong? Amara, you look distraught."

"Oh, nothing, just got a bit cold," I lied, letting out a breath as Harry didn't push further. We ate the food quietly, before I announced another dumb idea of mine. "21 questions?"

"Amara, are you 12?" Harry chuckled, looking up just as my smile fell, his chuckle dying down as he looked at my sad expression, not knowing it was fake. "Yeah, sure, you start."

"Favourite colour?" I beamed at Harry, watching his face twist in thought.

"Purple. How about yours?"

"Pink," I smirked at him, gesturing to my socks. "Favourite food?"

"Bananas, favourite movie?"

"Star Wars," Harry didn't bother hiding his surprise at my secret, his jaw slacking open.

We continued the game until we got up to each other's last questions, debating if I should ask what I'd been dying to know this whole game.

"Have you ever been in love?" The question escaped my lips before I could stop it, internally screaming when his playful expression disintegrated.

"No, have you?"

"I'm not sure," I admitted, sliding my fingers through my hair that was messed by the wind. I heard Harry suck in a breath, my wrist being grabbed by his large hand.

"Harry," I tugged my arm back, but it didn't budge due to his tight grip. I whined as he pushed my coat sleeve up, revealing the scratches and slightly red skin from my shower.

"What are these?" Harry spoke below a whisper, his warm breath hitting my sensitive skin.

"It happens when I shower, I need to feel clean," I stated in a similar tone, desperately wanting the evidence of my disorder covered. I watched as Harry's head lowered to my wrist, his lips puckering on the irritated skin. I didn't flinch at the contact, feeling relief by it, even if his lips weren't on mine.

"You don't deserve this," Harry shook his head as the distance between my wrist and his head now increased, my wrist finally being released. I pulled my sleeve down, looking at Harry from across me. His legs that were crossed before were now splayed out around me, my body nestled between his ankles.

I examined him as he licked his pink tongue over his plump lips, his jaw clenching tightly. He leaned back on his hands, his features solid as he stared.

"I want to kiss you," I uncrossed my legs, sitting on my knees in front of him. My sentence made him blink in surprise, his head tilting to the right.

"Then, do it."

HIRED GUN // H.S AUWhere stories live. Discover now