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I spotted a movement from the door, squinting my eyes to the ajar door. I felt exposed as I noticed the driver from earlier peek into the room, his gaze falling on me. I was thankful when his eyes didn't wander down my naked body, his body disappearing back outside.

"Finn, I'll watch her if you wanna focus on that thing," the driver entered the room again, his head flicking at the laptop Finn gripped. Finn hesitated as his eyes flicked from me to the driver, before storming out of the room.

"I'm Zayn," the driver greeted himself, tugging his shirt off. Now they were switching roles? My body screamed as he moved closer to me, not knowing if I could deal with this much longer.

"I'm sorry I took so long, he wouldn't let anybody in this room," I almost fainted as he unlocked the cuffs, pulling me off the wall, before tugging his black shirt over my body.

"What?" I croaked, a trick being the first thing that came to my mind. Finn was playing me, if I left, he'd hurt me more.

"I'm helping you escape, he hired me through a system he didn't even investigate. If he investigated, he'd know I worked for your parents," Zayn opened the door, poking his head out of the crevice as he looked both ways down the hall.

Zayn helped me walk out as the knife was still stabbed into my leg, our wobbling bodies making some noise that Finn hopefully wouldn't notice. We froze as footsteps echoed down the hall behind us, Zayn pulling our bodies behind a wall. The familiar squeak sounded as the door to the room I was held captive in opened, causing him to pull me further down the hall.

We reached the front door as Finn's hysterical yells were heard, footsteps smacking on the concrete floors as Zayn closed the door behind him. We hobbled to the only car parked in front of the house, the same sleek black vehicle from the alleyway. Zayn helped me in the passenger seat, my hands touching my leg as I whinged in pain.

I yelled at Zayn to hurry as Finn bursted out of the small shack, the keys jiggling in the ignition as he turned it. I let out a terrifying yelp as Finn smacked the car window as we drove off, his figure becoming smaller and smaller as we distanced ourselves from the psychotic monster.

A lot of things weren't adding up, but I chose to ignore them for the time being. I didn't trust Zayn, but I had no choice but to co-operate with him. He'd been driving for about 20 minutes, and my blood seeped from my wounds through his shirt. I didn't understand how I was still awake, through all the blood I'd lost, but I managed to stay awake as Zayn said.

He'd ran out of the car when we made it to what looked like a hospital, Zayn appearing by my side in seconds. He helped me out of the car, pulling his shirt down to cover as much as possible. We wobbled unsteadily to the entrance, Zayn yelling at the nurses once we made it in.

"What's your name, sweetie?"

"Honey, can you tell me your name?"

The doctors threw questions at me as I was lowered onto a stretcher, a blanket being put on top of my body, helping me feel less exposed. I looked at the doctor beside me, who pushed my stretcher along the corridors, grabbing her hand in mine.

"I don't know if I can go for much longer," my eyes closed as my grip on her hand loosened, the doctor yelling questions at me to regain my consciousness, but I was too far gone.


The stark smell of sanitiser was overwhelming, causing me to scrunch my face as my eyes danced across my eyelids. I struggled to open my eyes, regretting it when I had.

The brightness made me clench them closed for a few seconds, before opening them again. I blinked numerously as I adjusted to the light, wiggling my warm toes. An IV was jabbed in my arm, machines beeping all around me. It had registered I was in a hospital bed as I looked at the pale blue walls of the room. The sound of the door opening forced my head in the direction, my eyes closing at the movement.

"Oh, honey," my dad entered the room behind my mother, moving to the side of my bed as I stared at them.

"What happened?" I flinched at my voice, needing water. I thanked dad as he passed me a bottle of the clear substance, chugging it quickly. The look in my dads eyes told me it wasn't good, and I prepared myself to expect the worst.

"A boy kidnaped you, named Finn. He can't harm you though, we took care of him," My mother looked down at me, not one ounce of worry on her expression.

"Miss Amara! Our miracle case!" I recognised the doctor from when I gripped her hand on the stretcher, declaring my give up. "How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine, where's Harry?" I looked away from the doctor, gesturing my question to my dad. I noticed my mother shift from the corner of my eye, a curious expression being sent my way by my dad.

"He's outside, you want him in here?" My dad was shocked when I nodded, standing up to get the man from outside. I felt myself tear up as Harry entered the room, his face softening as his eyes met my own.

"Harry," I mumbled, wrapping my arms around his waist as he stood next to my bed. I could feel everyone's confusion wafting in the air, but it wasn't a secret I'd grown fond of the man that had been with me for the past few months.

"Miss Svenson?" An older lady popped her head into the room, walking in when I smiled towards her. "Hi, I'm Dr Armenelli. I'm here to tell you your results and where we can go from here. Are you comfortable with everyone being here?"

I nodded my head for her to continue, listening closely as she did. "There's not any major damages, we've fixed you up pretty good. The only major damage I would say there has been would be emotionally and mentally. There are clinics and help support that we can offer you from here so that you-"

"She doesn't want it," my mother hissed, asking the doctor to leave straight after.

This story may seem as if it's going too fast, and what has happened is too intense for the beginning of the story. However, there is much more to come! I've got many plans for this book, and although this is pretty dramatic for the beginning, it will kickstart what I've planned for it. I want this book to be realistic in some aspects. Of course being a gang leaders daughter isn't very realistic, but I want to spread awareness on Amara's OCD.

Amara was not raped. She was sexually assaulted, some may say it wasn't needed in the story, but I feel like it's realistic in this day and age. I wish it wasn't, and hopefully in the future it's not .

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