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"Did you call Harry?"

"Of course I did, he left when I told him so he should be here any minute."

"He's going to kill us, you know that right?"

"What the fuck is wrong with you two? You let her answer the fucking door?" I opened my eyes when a door was audibly slammed open, Harry's voice hushed but still violent towards the other two boys in the room.

"Harry," Louis muttered, his eyes on me as he spoke Harry's name. Harry turned quickly, his eyes falling on me as I struggled to sit up. I flinched as pain shot through my stomach, falling back down onto the uncomfortable bed.

"Amara, stay down," Harry rushed to the side of my bed, leaning his palms on the side of the bed as I looked up at him.

"What happened?" I groaned as my hand skimmed across my stomach, feeling a rough bandage covering the lower half. Harry's gaze fell to the other two boys, his eyes narrowing at the pair.

"A guy showed up at my door, and he, uh, shot you?" Louis said, sounding as if questioning himself, probably uncomfortable under Harry's glare. "We're not sure who he was, he ran off straight after. Zayn tried following him, but he was gone in seconds."

"Un-fucking-believable," Harry glared at them as they looked at their feet, avoiding his eyes. I almost laughed at the exchange, pursing my lips as Harry looked back at me. "Have you got her results back?"

"No, the doctor should be coming in to tell us soon," Zayn answered, a knock on the door following. I yelled for the person to come in, smiling when a man in scrubs walked in.

"Hi, I'm Dr Greene," he smiled at the boys as well as myself, holding his hand out to Harry, who surprisingly shook it without a fuss. "Were you comfortable with everyone being here while discussing your medical results?"

"Yeah," I shrugged, I'm awake so I'm sure it's not anything serious. The doctor looked at me cautiously, opening his mouth to protest, before closing it again.

"Ok, uh, due to the bullet landing in such a specific place, one of your Fallopian tubes was damaged. The bullet had a thing called a jacket," I heard Harry suck in a breath from beside me, my stomach falling as the doctor continued.

"You two, out," Harry interrupted the doctor, pointing to Louis and Zayn, their faces sad as they stepped out. Harry gestured for the doctor to continue once the boys were out.

"This jacket allows the bullet to pierce deeper and cause more damage. Unfortunately, the shooter had aimed at such a spot so your Fallopian tube completely ruptured. This could mean your chances of infertility are gone, or very low. We're not sure at this point in time, we will only be able to tell when you're trying for a baby," I blinked as the doctor smiled sadly at me, nodding his head at Harry as he walked out of the room.

"Amara?" Harry murmured as I stayed quiet, my body frozen as my eyes stayed on the blank wall across from me. There was a chance I couldn't have my own children? Sadness washed over me at the realisation, my throat constricting.

"Ara, talk to me," Harry's voice was pleading as he crouched down, taking hold of my hand to gain a reaction out of me.

"Why would someone want to do that to me?" I choked out, my head burrying into Harry's neck as he enveloped me into a hug, his arms tightening around me as I let out a sob. I ignored the pain in my stomach as Harry hugged me, my hands fisting his black t-shirt.

"I will find out who it is, Amara. I will find them," Harry whispered into my hair, his lips pressing into the top of my head.

"Don't ever leave me like that again, Harry," I cried out, grasping onto him as if my life depended on it.

"I won't."


"Zayn, why are you here?" Harry asked from the driver's seat, his confusion clear as he looked at Zayn through the review mirror.

"Came to visit you, mate. Are you not glad I'm here?" Zayn scoffed, smacking Harry's head. Louis shook his head as the two bickered back and forth, turning his attention to me.

"How you doing, love?" Louis smiled at me. Louis and Zayn didn't know what the doctor said, Harry told them it was just some internal damage. I didn't want them to know, they already felt guilty enough for not opening the door themselves.

"Better than before," I lied, feelings Harry's eyes on me as I smiled at Louis. Both the physical and emotional pain was worse than before. Physically, my stomach hurt like a bitch and the pain meds weren't helping that much. Emotionally, I felt like I was going to break down any second.

"You know what could help with the pain?" Zayn tapped my shoulder, making me turn in the seat to look at him. "Weed."

"Zayn," Harry groaned loudly, shaking his head. "She's not having fucking weed." I don't think Harry would oppose to the idea of it if I hadn't revealed that I was an addict back in the day. But, I was, and I knew he wouldn't allow me to get to that point again.

"Why not? It could help her, and you know it," Zayn pushed, jumping out as the car stopped in front of Louis' apartment complex. We followed him into the lobby, Harry's head shaking in protest the whole time.

"Drop it, Zayn, it's not happening."

Zayn stayed quiet after that, noticing Harry was serious and growing angry at his persistence. Louis unlocked the front door, allowing me to go in first. I thanked him quietly as I entered the apartment, stopping arubtly when I spotted the large red spot on the floor, dried up from days ago.

"Fuck," Harry cursed, bumping into my back accidentally when I stopped walking. "Clean it up," he hissed at the two boys, grabbing my arm and gently dragging me to my room. My eyes tore away from the red spot as Harry lightly pushed my body into the room, closing the door behind him.

"Are you okay?" Harry placed his hand on my back as I walked to the bed, his hand falling off when I sat down on the soft mattress. I nodded my head up at him, sending him a reassuring smile.

"I thought you learnt not to open doors when you're being hunted down after the incident in Italy," Harry sat next to me on the bed, my shoulders slumping at his sentence.

"I thought it was you," I whispered, playing with my fingers as a distraction as I felt Harry's eyes burning into the side of my skull.

"This is all my fault," Harry spat angrily, running both hands through his hair roughly. My head shot up at him, my lips curling into a scowl.

"No, it's not. You can't blame yourself every time I get hurt, Harry," I almost growled at him, grabbing his hands that began pulling at the roots of his hair. His furious eyes softened when I rubbed my thumbs against the backs of his hands soothingly, pressing my lips into his knuckles.

His eyes remained on me as I did so, his Adam's apple bouncing as I lifted my eyes to his. I noticed his eyes fall down to my lips, licking them out of habit. Before I could think and talk myself out of it, I moved my head closer to his and crashed my lips onto his own.

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