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"Do you want me to call your parents?" Harry shuffled on his feet, holding his hands behind his back.

Harry had stayed with me in the tub for a couple hours, at one point I'd fallen asleep. He had woken me when he decided I should sleep in a bed, not a bath tub. I felt humiliated that he saw me breakdown, but he'd managed to calm me, and not even my mother could do that.

"I'll call them later," I lied, pulling the blankets up to my chin. Harry eyed me suspiciously, slowly leaving the room after a couple silent seconds.

I sighed heavily as I stared at the ceiling, throwing my arm to my nightstand table for my phone. Once I felt it hit the tip of my fingers, I slid it in my hand and brought it to my face. My eyes squinted as the bright screen turned on, a call from Emilee coming through.

"Emilee?" I spoke into the phone once it was at my ear, sitting up once I heard her on the other line.

"A-mara, can I come over?" Emilee stuttered through the phone, sounding as if she was on the verge of crying. I immediately thought of the worst, words rushing out of my mouth at a fast pace.

"Yeah, of course, are you okay?" I slid out of my bed, pulling some fluffy socks into my feet as I nudged the phone in between my shoulder and ear.

"Yeah, some guy I'd been seeing has been seeing some other girl. I mean we weren't in a relationship but seriously!" Emilee laughed hysterically, clearly not finding the situation humorous at all.

"Oh, that's horrible. That's his loss, Em," I calmed down as i realised the situation wasn't that bad. From her tone, I'd assumed much worse had happened. But this was Emilee, and she'd have a fit over anything.

"I'm outside," Emilee said as I ran downstairs, gaining Harry's attention from his position on the couch. I unlocked the front door, pulling it open to reveal Emilee.

"Aw, Em," I awed as she tackled me into a hug, wrapping my small arms around her frame. I felt Harry's eyes on us, guiding her to the couch where he sat confused.

"Sit, I'll get us some food," I unwrapped Emilee's arms from my body, lightly pushing her next to Harry. By Harry's worried look, I could tell he wasn't used to comforting people. But, he'd done it fine with me, so hopefully he could control her while I got us food.

"What's wrong with you?" I turned arubtly when Harry's voice sounded flat, with no concern at all. I shot him a look while walking into the kitchen.

"Are you okay," I heard Harry ask, grabbing twisties from the cupboard. I looked to them while pouring the food in a bowl, grinning when I saw Harry awkwardly tapping her back in a comforting way while she ranted to him.

My grin dropped when Emilee hugged Harry's side, shaking my head when an annoyed feeling rushed through my body. She was sad, and she just wanted comfort.

I picked up the bowl of twisties and other food I'd prepared, walking to the pair. I set down the food on a little table in front of the couch, sitting down next to Emilee. My hands found the remote shoved between two cushions, changing the show Harry had on to Gossip Girl, Emilee's favourite show.

"No fucking way," Harry groaned, flinching when Emilee squealed in happiness at the show. She pushed her body further into Harry, her hand falling on his leg. Harrys head fell to look at her hand, making me look away, growing irritated.

I pulled my legs up to my chest, moving around to find a comfy position. My eyes rolled when Emilee giggled at something Harry had said, probably criticising the show. I kept my head facing towards the tv, but my eyes kept moving to the corner of my eye to glance at Harry and Emilee. He'd swung his arm around the back of the couch, his hand close to my face.

"I'm going to bed," I shot up after a couple episodes had passed, Emilee's giggles had continued the whole time and I felt like stabbing my eyes with every single fork we had.

"Ok," Emilee didn't even look at me as I walked out and up the stairs, Harry's silence convincing me that he didn't care either. I'd let Emilee in, wanting to be a good friend and comfort her after her whole boy problem, and she'd used me once again. She sucked up to Harry as usual, desperation dripping from her. What annoyed me more was that Harry hadn't even tried to stop her. I snuggled into my blankets again, my eyes closing instantly as sleep greeted me.


"Harry!" Emilee's squeaky voice woke me up, unfortunately.

I heard metal clinging together downstairs, the smell of bacon wafting into my room. I dragged my hands down my face frustratedly as I noticed it was morning and Emilee was still here.

My body shivered as I threw the blanket off my body, grabbing a hoodie from my closet before throwing it over my head. I walked downstairs quietly, not wanting to face Harry and Emilee after yesterday. I don't know why I got so annoyed seeing them together, but I didn't like it.

"Morning," Emilee smiled tightly at me, putting a tomato back in the fridge. I cringed as she put it in the wrong place, opening the fridge and placing it in its right spot myself.

"Did I not put it in right?" Emilee laughed, a weird tone behind her voice.

"No, it has a designated spot," I snapped at her, readjusting a couple things that had been tampered with.

"What are you? OCD?" Emilee cackled, my fist clenching. I pushed the fridge door closed, turning to look at her. Harry was stood by the stove, his jaw dropped in shock.

Emilee, or any of my friends, don't know about my OCD, so I can't really get mad at them. However, due to my resent towards Emilee after last night, my temper was rising by the second.

"Excuse me?" I spat out, her face crossing with realisation as my face didn't break out into a smile and yell 'I'm joking!'

"I cooked eggs and bacon, would you like some, Ara?" Harry's voice broke the tension, my fist unclenching as I faced him. He grinned as I nodded, my anger dying down the longer I watched him.

Emilee neared Harry, standing by his side as he transferred the bacon to the plates. My eyes narrowed at her as she shifted too close to him, sitting down on a stool as Harry dished up.

"How was your sleep?" Harry placed a plate with far too much food in front of me, moving to the sink to wash up the frying pan.

"It was good, how was yours?" I asked after I swallowed a piece of bacon, humming in delight. I couldn't deny Harry was a great cook, he'd dished up quite a lot of meals that I'd enjoyed since he arrived. I was glad though, because I wasn't the best cook.

"We fell asleep on the couch," Emilee tittered, interrupting Harry before he could even speak. My hand tightened around my fork as I looked at Harry, his face holding annoyance while he cleaned. My eyes fell to my plate as I remembered when we'd done the same as him and Emilee a couple days ago.

"Emilee, do you wanna go now? We have a class to get to," Harry uttered, her face falling immediately.

"Yeah, can I get your number?" She asked bluntly, my eyes widening at her. She had the nerve, coming into my home, asking for comfort, and blatantly ignoring me for my 'roommate.'

"Uh, no?" Harry's voice raised an octave as he said no, sounding like he was questioning her. I felt pity tug at me as her face fell, the tiniest bit of joy resting in the pit of my stomach.

"Oh, okay," Emilee wandered out of the apartment, not bothering to say goodbye to me.

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