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"Amara," I opened my eyes to the sound of my name, Harry's rough hands shaking my cold body. A look of shock covered my face as I realised he was talking to me after he'd done everything to avoid me before. "We're here."

I nodded my head at him, pulling my body up when he walked out of the small room. I lazily waltzed out of the jet, feeling even more tired than I did before I fell asleep. My body knocked into Harry's back as I rubbed my eyes, stepping back after I collided with him.

"Sorry," I murmured quietly, following him into the black car parked beside the landing strip. We were in a forest again, similar to the one in Italy. I admired our surroundings as Harry drove, the air-con turned on due to the heat. It was almost night, the sun setting beautifully on the horizon. It was gorgeous here, and the weather was strikingly perfect.

The place we pulled up this time was a hotel looking thing, that had little villages for people to stay in right on the beach. When I found out Harry and I would be running from people wanting my head, I assumed we'd be staying in stingy motels constantly, but that clearly wasn't the case. The reception was beautiful, sunflowers and lillies litering the walls and front desk. A lady that was sat down in the chair behind it sprung up once we appeared in front of her, welcoming us excitedly. Her hands flew up as she talked and walked us out of the reception and to one of the mini village houses.

Harry stayed quiet, and I felt obligated to talk to the cheery woman, not wanting to make her feel the annoyance radiating from Harry. The little village we entered into was just as beautiful as the reception, with superb decorations and furniture that looked like they were sculpted by designers. I'd grown fairly used to sleeping by Harry's side each night, so I was a bit shocked when there were two separate bedrooms. Harry was behind me, dragging our bags along as I walked into one of the bedrooms.

I fiddled with my fingers as Harry set my bags down on the bed, my stomach twisting when he walked out with his bags in hand. I shouldn't have been surprised, or upset. Harry was my bodyguard, not my love interest.

My body slowly made its way to the bed, sitting down on the soft surface as my phone vibrated in my tight jean pocket. I sighed wearily, my face scrunching up when I saw I'd received a text from an unknown number. My heart clenched after I pressed my fingerprint to my home button, reading over the text.

Amara, you didn't think you could run away from me did you? I miss when you would send pictures like these to me after I'd finished a long day at work.

My eyes stung as I looked at the picture

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My eyes stung as I looked at the picture. I remember feeling so confident that day, that I thought sending a cheeky picture to Max wouldn't hurt. Oh, how wrong I was.

"Amara?" I shrieked when Harry's voice boomed through the village, his loud footsteps sounding through the hallway. I yelled back at him, pressing the off button on my phone as I hid it in my pocket. Harry could never know Max was texting me. I didn't think it was serious, Max isn't a dangerous man, he's just an asshole.

"I'm ordering some food, do you want any?" Harry's lanky body appeared in the doorway, crossing his arms across his chest. My eyes attached to his inked arms, the captivating swirls of black ink covering most of one of his arms.

"I'll just have what you're having," I spoke in a quiet voice, nervous that he'd suddenly blow up or start ignoring me again. Harry nodded, turning on his heel out the door. It was only lunchtime, and I'd noticed a little pool at the back of our villa, so I rummaged through my bag for my swimmers. I didn't doubt Harry would judge me for having fun, but I wanted to enjoy my time in this beautiful country.

Once I was changed into my rainbow striped one piece, I wrapped a white towel that I'd found in the bathroom connected to my room around my waist. My feet padded lightly on the wooden floorboards as I wandered out the villa to the pool. Now that I see it, the pool was quite large. The view was impeccable, palm trees and sand a few feet away from the edge of the pool.

A smile broke out on my face once I was in the soothing water, leaning my head back to wet my hair. My body relaxed as I floated in the water, blowing out a large puff of air.

"Amara!" Harry yelled from inside, his voice almost making the walls shake from the outside. My eyes widened as the sound made a bird in the tree above me fly away, squawking angrily.

The glass door that separated the outside to the villa was flung open, Harry looking like he'd seen a ghost as he walked out. His face regained a small amount of colour as his gaze landed on my shocked state, my mouth hanging open.


"Shit, Amara. Can you tell me if you're going out here?" Harry mumbled, his shaky state beginning to disperse the longer we were out here. "The food came, do you want it out here?"

"Yes, please," I gave him an apologetic look as he walked back inside, feeling like a child that had just got in trouble for grabbing an extra cookie or something. I paddled across to the edge of the pool, laying my elbows on the concrete floor as half my body remained in the water.

"I just got sushi, it had a good looking Japanese menu," Harry set down the food at the edge where I sat, sitting down next to me. His legs rested in the water, his black skinny jeans long gone, now a pair of black shorts covered his thighs.

"I love sushi," I cheered, digging in right away. I placed 6 pieces on my dish, trying to ignore how Harry had an odd amount on his. I was starving, having not eaten at all today. Harry ate the sushi slowly, while I scoffed it down with no care in the world. I was hungry, and he was eating like a god damn snail.

I leaned my head on my arms as I stared up at Harry, watching him stare off at the ocean, deep in thought. He looked like he was deciding on a life death decision, his face serious.

"What are you thinking about?" I grinned up at him, his head snapping to me. He took a few seconds to answer, his eyes scanning my face thoughtfully.

"Things," Harry responded, making me roll my eyes dramatically.

"You should come in, the water is amazing," I pushed my body off the pool wall, swimming backwards to try convincing the stubborn man across from me. I groaned loudly when he shook his head, grabbing another piece of sushi to pop into his mouth. "You need something to relax you, Styles." I saw Harry's adam's apple bounce as I swam back to him, stopping in front of his legs.

"Come in, or I'll make you," I placed my wet hands on Harry's thighs, making him flinch from the sudden touch.


I pulled roughly at his legs before he could continue, his body toppling over into the pool. I was quite surprised I was strong enough to do that, but he was evidently caught off guard, thinking I wouldn't actually pull him into the pool.

"Amara!" Harry yelled as he submerged from the water, my laughs increasing as he shook his head like a dog. He pushed his wet curls back with his hand, leaning back into the pool wall while glaring at me. "Good one, dickhead."

HIRED GUN // H.S AUWhere stories live. Discover now