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"Pizza!" I squealed as the doorbell rang, running to it with the notes tightly clasped in my hands. I threw the door open, surprising the pizza man, making him almost drop the pizza Harry and I had ordered.

"Thankyou!" I grabbed the pizza box in my small hands, handing him the notes. I smiled when he wished me a good night, closing the door to run back to Harry in the lounge room.

"Jesus," I heard Harry mutter as I placed the pizza down, jumping on the couch excitedly. "Have you never had pizza?"

"Debby downer," I sang as I grabbed a piece of pizza, shoving it into my mouth. I moaned as I swallowed it, closing my eyes happily.

Harry and I eventually finished the pizza, American Assassin playing on the TV. He had gotten up to grab us blankets, my leg jumping up and down as I waited.

"Pink or blue?" Harry showed me the two blankets, holding them up. I pointed to the pink one, making him pout as he handed it to me. He sat down closer to me this time, his knee slightly touching mine.

I pulled my legs up to my body, wiggling to get comfortable. Once I was satisfied, I relaxed and sighed, my eyes planting onto the movie again. My heart beat quickened as Harry threw his arm over the back of the couch, his cologne smacking me in the face.

It'd managed to come to the end of the movie, the subtitles flowing down the screen. The next suggested movie on Netflix was The Notebook, Harry happily clicking on it with the remote. My eyes opened and closed as I grew tired, my head slightly dropping.

I made a bold move to lean my head against Harry's chest, feeling him stiffen. Once his body relaxed, I cuddled closer into his body, feeling his arm fall from the couch to wrap around my body. I finally drifted to sleep as he traced patterns on my back, his heart beat calming me into slumber.


"Are you coming to the party tonight?" Emilee jumped up and down in her seat, Jordan smiling at me in understanding as I shook my head.

"After what happened last time?" I felt Harry tense from beside me, memories from that night flooding in my brain.

It had been exactly two weeks and one day since my rib breaking incident, and it still hurt at times, but I was back to doing my classes and meeting up with my friends.

"C'mon, this one will be smaller, I promise!" Emilee pushed, eating a spoonful of the salad she ordered from the cafeteria.

"Emilee, she doesn't have to."


Jordan and I spoke at the same time, sending her a thankful look. I felt Harry's eyes on me, clearly disapproving of my decision. He'd be coming with me this time, so hopefully he won't let me do anything too crazy.

"Yay!" Emilee squealed, other students sending us glares due to her high pitcher voice. I smiled as I ate my pasta, wanting to actually get out and go to the party tonight. I'd been bed bound for awhile, and I grew sick of it. Although, Harry made it better.

"Has Finn talked to you? Apologised?" Jordan's calming voice spoke over the table, her brown curls falling into her face.

"No, I don't have his number or anything and I haven't seen him around," I shrugged, not caring for the boy. I felt bad that this all fell on him, including my injury, because it wasn't really his fault.

"He'll apologise, I will force him if I have to," Harry's voice held a cold tone to it, my hand smacking the side of his arm. He sent me a grin as I scowled at him, his smile making me drop the scowl immediately.

I think the two girls noticed our friendly exchange, which they weren't used to, because Emilee looked a bit jealous, and Jordan smiled happily at us.

"Harry, will you be coming to the party?" Emilee twirled a piece of her hair as she ogled at Harry, her lashes fluttering slightly.

"If Amara is," Emilee didn't seem happy with his reply, dropping the piece of her hair and huffing drastically.

"Where's Wolf?" I focussed on Jordan as Emilee had her mini tantrum, Jordan's eyes lighting up as she heard his name.

"He has an exam, been studying for it all week," her face brightened at the thought of him, imitating a little kid on Christmas Day.

That was another thing that'd changed. Harry had actually tried to make a friend, him and Wolf had been hanging out a lot. Of course, Harry and him couldn't go out together because Harry had to keep an eye on me, which probably confused Wolf at first.

But, Wolf came to our apartment a couple times these past weeks, and they'd always have a beer together and have a good chat. It was good for Harry, I was glad to see him talking to someone other than me. He'd grown a liking to Jordan as well, the two developing a cute friendship.

It wasn't a flirty friendship, more like they teased each other every now and then, but secretly had a soft spot for each other. It was cute, and I was happy for him.

He still didn't like Emilee though, for some reason.

"Let's go, yeah?" Harry stood up after I whispered quietly to him that I had a class. We said goodbye to the girls, walking to my English lit class.


"You should take online classes," Harry grumbled as we stepped into the apartment, still clearly annoyed from getting in trouble by my professor.

"Maybe you shouldn't have been talking," I threw myself on the couch, my head burying into the fluffy cushion.

"Maybe he should have had a funner lesson," Harry shot back, walking into his room, "I'm getting ready for tonight."

I frowned as I looked at the clock, almost falling off the couch when the clock read 8pm. It didn't feel that late, the lecture must've gone on for a lot longer than I'd thought.

I didn't second-guess the tight red dress as I slipped it over my slim figure, knowing if I thought about it, I'd change immediately. I stepped into a pair of black heels as I rushed downstairs to Harry, who had been yelling at me to hurry for the past 30 minutes.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I yelled as he hollered again, stumbling into the room. I'd finally strapped both heels on, looking up to meet Harry's widened eyes. His face turned expressionless as he saw me looking, grabbing his car keys.

"Are you drinking tonight?" I thanked Harry as he opened my door for me, slipping my body into the large car. I shivered as my bare thighs came in contact with the cold leather of Harry's car seats, tucking my hands under them to act as a barrier.

"I don't drink on the job," Harry chuckled, his words once again reminding me this was all just his job.

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