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I woke up to a strange sight that morning. Harry was sat on the edge of the bed, facing towards me with a wide smile. His hair was pulled back in a bun, the hairstyle making me grin as I realised he actually liked it. I pulled my body up onto my elbows, shooting a brow up at him.


"We're transferring, back to the UK," Harry shifted, his words confusing me.

"Why? Isn't it dangerous to go back there?"

"Not really. We won't be going back to Manhattan, we'll be far from your home. People won't think we would ever go back there, they'd think it was too easy of a hiding place," Harry explained. I nodded to him, catching his drift.

"I thought this apartment was safest?"

"Louis has another back in the UK, in Glasgow," Harry patted my knee tucked under the blanket as he got up, walking to his bag. "We're leaving soon, so get ready."

I didn't reply as he pulled his shirt off, his back muscles contracting as he searched for another. I almost groaned in detest when a shirt was pulled over his head, shielding his body from me. I pulled myself out of bed while Harry packed his things away, throwing shirts that he'd thrown on the floor into his bag.

My stomach rumbled as I walked out of his room, walking straight into my own to shower. I'd barely spent time in here, mostly sleeping in Harry's room, so I didn't really have to tidy up all that much. I grabbed a pair of pants that laid on the floor from a couple days ago, shoving it into my bag, before grabbing some clean clothes and heading to the shower.

I showered quickly when Louis and Zayn started yelling that I was taking too long, rushing into a pair of black leggings and a grey tee. I didn't second guess my boring outfit due to the boys' complaints, running into the kitchen with my bag straight after.

"So impatient," I grumbled, almost throwing my bag at Louis after he offered to hold it. I usually prefer to carry my own, but it was far too heavy after buying all those clothes with Louis.

"Jesus what do you have in here?" Louis puffed as we exited his apartment, Zayn having to lock the door due to Louis' full hands. Harry ignored us completely, being cautious of our surroundings due to the shooting that happened only a week ago.

"Clothes, there's a lot from when you spoiled me shopping," I poked my tongue out at him as we entered the elevator, feeling giddy as Harry's hand pressed into my lower back.

"When did you go shopping?" Harry asked, Louis and I staying quiet as the elevator lowered to the ground floor. We held in our laughs as we all stepped out into the lobby, Harry's question going unanswered.

"You weren't supposed to know," I admitted, giggling when Louis sent me a death glare. "It was before you came back from that day trip to The Serpents." I didn't even realise I'd revealed that I'd know where he went that day, it just came out of my mouth. And by the looks Louis and Zayn sent me, I knew I was fucked.

"What did you just say?" Harry stopped before we could get outside, his hand dropping from my back. I almost whined at the loss of contact,  acting oblivious.

"I said it was before you came back from that day trip."

"What did you say after?" Harry hissed, grabbing my arm in a tight hold, my eyes widening at him. Louis and Zayn stayed quiet, probably not knowing I'd overheard them.

"What?" I sputtered, flinching when his fingers pressed harder into my forearm. "I overheard Louis and Zayn talking about it," I finally revealed, dropping my head when the two boys faces across from Harry and I whitened. Harry's head flicked to them, and although I couldn't see his face, I imagined the look on it when Louis gulped audibly. Harry's hand finally let go of my arm, his frame disappearing to outside.

"I'm confused," I mumbled, looking at Louis and Zayn. They both looked at eachother, before following Harry out and getting into his car. I dragged my feet as I walked to the car, slumping into the back seat and giving Zayn no choice but to sit in the front seat.

The whole ride to the secluded landing strip was silent, apart from Louis' humming and Zayn's constant tapping on the seatbelt. When we finally parked at the strip, I stumbled out of the car, sighing in relief. Harry had already gone into the plane by the time Louis and Zayn grabbed the bags, myself grabbing a very small and very light bag.

I smiled at the pilot as we entered the familiar black plane, seeing Harry sitting in his usual seat. I stopped walking when my eyes landed on him, trying to decide whether I should sit across from him or avoid him until he's in a better mood. I shrugged as I sat across from him, watching as he crossed his legs, his ankle resting on his other knee. I tilted my head, trying to gain his attention, but he kept his eyes glued to his phone.

"Harry?" The sound of his name made him snap his head up at me, his eyes showing a hint of anger as they stared into mine. "Are you mad at me?"

"Why would I be mad at you? I'm mad at the other two for being so careless," Harry tore his gaze from me as footsteps sounding behind me, Zayn and Louis walking onto the plane. They didn't say a word as they sat away from us, in the corner out of our sight.

A huge weight was lifted off my chest when Harry admitted to not being mad at me, but I felt guilty for throwing the boys under the bus. It wasn't until now that I realised Harry's hair was a little bit shorter, falling just below his ears now.

"You cut your hair?"

"Yeah, it was starting to annoy me," Harry shrugged, typing rapidly on his phone that looked tiny in his large hands. I nodded my head at him, growing annoyed when he kept his focus on the phone. I was starting to become annoyed with myself lately as well, I was far too needy. I was gaining clingy to Harry, and that was never a good sign.

I pressed my teeth into my lower lip as I looked at Harry, watching his fingers type on the small keyboard on his lit up phone. His hands made me press my thoughts tighter together. I was way too horny for my own good.

I made a bold move, moving from the seat across from him to the seat beside him. He didn't pay any attention to me, making me even more annoyed and needy. His eyebrows were furrowed, the crease between them deepening every few seconds. I looked away from him as I rested my hand on his thigh, tapping my pointer finger on his jeans.

I heard the tapping his fingers made on his phone screen stop for a few seconds, my head turning to look at the opposite side of the plane to avoid the look he was sending me. When his tapping resumed again, I allowed my hand to slide further up his thigh, my fingers now tapping on the crease between his crotch and thigh.

"Amara," Harry warned, his tapping becoming more rapid as I ignored him. I finally faced him, seeing his flushed cheeks and annoyed eyes as he glared at the phone screen. I held back a smirk as my hand skimmed across his crotch, hearing him suck in a breath. "I swear to-"

I interrupted his sentence by palming him lightly through his jeans, causing him to sit up straighter. I continued my actions, his eyes avoiding mine as he stood up, making my hand fall from him. I felt disappointed as I realised he was walking away, watching his back as he entered the small bedroom I'd once slept in.

My disappointment washed away as Harry turned around before closing the door, flicking his head up to gesture for me to follow him.

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