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He watched closely as I crawled to him, my legs swinging over his thighs to land on each side of his hips. My hands landed on his hard chest as I steadied myself, now straddling him. He hadn't objected yet, and he didn't when I slipped my hand behind his neck and pulled his face to mine.

Our lips moved together as the wind blew on our cheeks, a shiver running down my spine. My hand tugged on his unruly curls, our breathing accelerating by the second as the kiss deepened. His hands moved from supporting his weight behind his back to my waist, one of his arms wrapping around it to push our chests flush together.

His hand pinched my hip lightly, earning a gasp from me. Harry's tongue glided into my mouth as he took my gasp as an invitation, our tongues fighting for dominance.

Our bodies sprung apart when a blaring sounded from my pocket, my ringtone masking our unsteady breathing. My phone was in my hands in seconds, glaring at it as it ready Emilee's name across the screen.

"Answer it," Harry pressed the green button for me, forcing me to move the phone to my ear.

"What?" I spat annoyingly into the phone, frustrated Harry and I got interrupted.

"Hey, I wanted to speak about what happened this morning and you know, apologise," Emilee's voice passed through the phone, biting my lip in thought.

"Uh, sure. Do you want to meet?" Harry sent me a glare as I spoke the sentence, waving my hand to him.

"Meet me at Greta's Coffee in 15?" Emilee's voice had a tone to it I couldn't decipher, but I agreed to meet anyway, thinking nothing of it.

"Could you take me to Greta's Coffee? It'll be quick, I promise," I crawled off Harry's lap, thanking him once he agreed. We only needed to pack the empty containers into the bag, making it light enough for me to carry it.

"I have a bad feeling about her. Don't be quick to trust people, Amara," Harry's voice deepened as we drove to Greta's, making me jittery.

"I know," I leaned my head against the glass window as we drove, arriving a couple minutes earlier than I'd expected. "Stay in here?" I begged Harry, noticing his eyes blaze the minute I said it.

"Amara, no-"

"Please Harry, she wouldn't hurt me physically, and you can come in if I don't come out in a couple minutes," I was already getting out of the car, smiling at him when he nodded stiffly.

I pushed the persistent door to the shop, humming when the warmth hit me and the scent of coffee filled my nostrils. My eyes scanned the shop for Emilee's face, my shoulders slumping when I noticed she wasn't in here. I was early, so she should arrive any second.

My legs felt like jelly as they walked to a free table, my body falling in the chair carelessly. I almost drew my body up as I noticed the table was out of sight from the parking lot, meaning Harry couldn't see me and I couldn't see him. My body, however, fell back into the seat as a familiar voice rang through my ears.

"Amara," Finn sat down in the opposite chair, placing two coffees down on the table. "That's for you," he gestured to the coffee in front of me, thanking him as I took a sip.

"What are you doing here?" I accused, knowing he hadn't just come for coffee if he bought me one, the regular coffee I buy in fact.

"Emilee couldn't make it, so here I am," Finn threw his hands up in exasperation, continuing to sip my coffee nervously.

"Why couldn't she just re-schedule? We only talked less than 15 minutes ago," I began to grow suspicious, my jittery leg slowing down its bouncing.

"Emilee didn't actually want to apologise, she wants revenge."

"What?" I frowned at the grinning boy, the bright lights from the ceiling making my eyes hurt.

"You stole something from her, it made her mad. So, she tried stealing something from you, and when it didn't work, she was furious." Finn laughed wildly as my eyes widened in confusion. I stole something from her?

"I never stole anything," I slurred, my eyelids feeling heavy as the light taunted them.

"Of course you did!" Finn's voice echoed in my head as it spun, my ears ringing. "She assumed you stole me when she saw us at that party, she clearly didn't see you run away from me. That guy she came running to you crying about? That was me. And Harry her backup plan."

His words answered few questions for me, but many others developed after he'd revealed them. I groaned as I held my head in my hands, knowing he'd slipped something in my coffee as I started feeling tired.

"Up you get. You listen to me now, or you feel this?" His arms wrapped around my waist, my side digging into his, feeling the outline of a gun tucked under his shirt. "This will be your one way ticket to hell."

My head lolled to the side, falling onto his shoulder as we walked to the back door, still out of sight from Harry. I felt around for my phone, my actions stopping when a door was pulled open, cold air gushing through my coat.

A sleek black car was parked in the alleyway we'd entered into, an unfamiliar man sat in the drivers seat.

"Drive, Zayn," Finn shoved my weak body into the backseat of the car, crawling in beside me. The driver, Zayn, reversed out of the dark alleyway. The tires slid onto the road, the car speeding away from the cafe, away from Harry, as my eyes clenched closed and I finally fell into a darkness.

HIRED GUN // H.S AUWhere stories live. Discover now