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I felt him pause as I kissed him, pushing my lips harder onto his as he didn't kiss back. I grinned into the kiss as he finally co-operated, our lips molding together. I felt him move fully onto the bed, turning my body to straddle his lap.

I felt him groan as I pushed my hips down onto his crotch, the friction making me open my mouth. Harry took that as an invitation, our tongues fighting for dominance. My hands gripped onto the roots of his hair, tugging them gently as his squeezed my thighs.

I felt him harden against my inner thigh, one of my hands releasing his hair and travelling under his black tee. My fingers pulled at the hem of his shirt, urging it over his head as I lifted it. Our contact broke as he lifted his shirt, meeting once again when he'd thrown it across the room. I ignored the searing feeling in my lower stomach as I grinded my hips onto his bulge, not feeling any regret as he moaned lowly.

"Amara, stop," Harry pulled back, breathing heavily as he stared at me. I ignored him as I traced circles onto his bare back, my lips puckering on his jawline. I felt his jaw clench as I kissed across it, nipping at the skin of his neck.

"I won't be able to stop if we continue," Harry grunted as I lowered my hips onto his, feeling his fingers sinking into my waist. I pulled my lips back from his neck, leaning into kiss him again.

"Amara!" Harry snapped, making me pull back away from him completely. Feeling embarrassed and humiliated, I crawled off his lap and sat back onto the mattress.

"It's not that I don't want to-"

"I get it," I sighed, pulling the blanket over my body as I laid with my back facing him. I heard him let out a sound of annoyance, before wandering into the bathroom attached to the room. I glared at the wall as the realisation that Harry had once again rejected me dawned upon me.

I closed my eyes as tears threatened to fall from my lids, the memory's of today flooding through my brain. Who was that man? And why did he want to hurt me? It made sense if someone wanted to kidnap me and use me as a weakness for my parents, but why would someone want to hurt me for the sake of making me feel pain?

My eyes widened as I thought of my parents. My parents. Had Harry told them about my accident? They should be here, I know at least my dad would want to be here.

"Harry?" I caught his attention as he left the bathroom, changed into different clothes by now. "Have you called my parents?" I watched as his eyes flickered with something, his body tensing as he approached the bed.

"Yeah, they couldn't make it," Harry spoke, his voice wavering as he looked at me. I felt my heart break at the thought of my parents not even wanting to talk to me after I was shot. I found out I was infertile, and people wanted me dead, and they didn't even have the decency to contact me?

"Are you crying?" Harry's question made me realise I was indeed crying, hot tears running down my face rapidly as everything hit me in the face.

I couldn't have children. My parents didn't care about me, and were probably glad I was out of their hair. I was on the run with a man that constantly rejected me and was pretty much a rock when it came to feelings.

I didn't answer Harry, curling my body up into a ball. I regretted it straight after, pain shooting through my abdomen. I screamed out as the pain didn't stop, my cries and screams filling the apartment.

"Amara," Harry rushed into the bed, pulling my frail body onto his lap as I weeped loudly. His hands crept under the back of my shirt, caressing my back as he whispered soothingly into my ear. "Stop crying, darling."

The pet name went unnoticed as the pain finally ceased, Harry shouting that everything was fine when knocks were heard on the door. My cries had stopped, replaced by sniffles and silent tears running down my face. Harry had laid back by now, my body curled on top of his as he massaged his palms into my back.

"Harry?" I sniffed as his hands continued their movements. I heard him hum in response, my cheek pressing into his chest and muffling my words slightly. "Thank-you," I whispered, my eyes closing as Harry's hands slowly made me drift off to sleep.


"Zayn and I made food," I heard Louis' voice whisper as I woke up, pride lacing his tone as he spoke.

"And you didn't burn the kitchen down?" Harry whispered back, a loud slap echoing in the room, followed by a grunt from Harry. "Lou, Amara is sleeping, you fucking idiot."

"Amara would agree that you deserved it," Louis sneered, my eyes opening to see him on the end of the bed, his knees resting on the bottom of the mattress as he threw his hand out to slap Harry's leg.

"No, she'd growl at you for waking her up," Harry threw back, kicking his leg out to shove Louis off the bed. He snickered as Louis' body tumbled off, a loud thud sounding when Louis hit the floor.

"I will slap you both," I groaned as I rubbed my eyes, turning my body to face Harry. I couldn't help the smile on my face as I spotted Harry's cheeky grin, his arm reaching out to pull my body into his warm one.

"How are you feeling?" Harry mumbled into my hair, opening my mouth to let out a satisfied noise as his arms tightened around me.

"I'm still here," Louis' head popped up from the end of the bed, a frown on his face as he looked at us.

"Zayn is probably burning the kitchen as we speak," Harry raised his eyebrow at Louis, which made him run out of the room in seconds. I focussed back on Harry when Louis was gone, my hand pushing into his lengthy hair.

"Your hair is getting long," I picked out, running my hand through the curly mess.

"I need to cut it," Harry rasped, his voice making me shiver as his breath hit my face due to our close proximity.

"No, I like it," I admitted, blushing when he stared at me with a blank expression. I pulled my hand out of his hair, dropping it onto the mattress.

"I think I've heard you say that before," Harry grabbed my hand, putting it on his head as he closed his eyes. He peeked an eye open when I kept my hand still, his hand moving my own around on his head. "Again, please."

"Demanding," I commented. I sighed in content as we laid silently, my fingers running through his soft hair as he fell back asleep. I wish it was always like this, Harry in such a relaxing state. I almost jumped out of my skin when Louis threw the door open, my hand falling to grip onto Harry's arm out of impulse.

"Louis! You scared me," I moaned angrily, Harry's eyes flying open as the man jumped onto the bed. Harry and I both tried kicking at him as he yelled at us to get up for the perfect breakfast he and Zayn had taken so long to prepare, eventually dragging ourselves to the kitchen.

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