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Budapest, Hungary.

It was my dream to travel to Budapest when I was younger. I'd heard of it in a song and googled it, instantly falling in love with the incredible photos of it and the details sites described of it's expanse.When I thought of travelling to Budapest when I was younger, I imagined walking across Chain Bridge, the first bridge to connect Buda and Pest. Or, visiting the world famous Budapest Opera House, and soaking in the panoramic views of the beautiful capital.

I never thought I'd be running away here from people hunting me down to kill me.

Harry and I hadn't really spoke much since we landed and booked our hotel, only being able to book a single room due to the last minute decision of coming here.

We were now sitting in our small hotel room, after lugging our bags to their desired spots. It was pretty silent, apart from the sound of Harry rearranging his ammo from the other side of the bed. My ears perked up as Harry's phone started ringing, my mothers name flashing across the large device.

I reached out to grab it, the phone being snatched up before I could even have the chance. Harry sent me a menacing glare as he left the room, bringing the phone to his ear once he was out the door.

My body exhaled a large breath as I threw my body onto the soft mattress, laying down with my legs hanging off the end. Harry wasn't very happy with me, it was obvious. I'm assuming he was still angry at me for asking questions and shoving my nose where it doesn't belong. He is clearly hiding something, and I need to know what it is before I go insane.

My head falls to the right in time to spot Harry walking into the room again, his face set in a frown. His frown deepened when he noticed my sprawled our body on the twin sized bed, his hand lightly pushing my leg off his laptop. I hissed as his cold fingertips came into contact with my bare calf, dragging my legs away from him.

"Can you like, put on some headphones and listen to music for a bit? I need to work and call others, and you're not allowed to hear what I'm disclosing to them," Harry threw me a pair of apple earphones before I could reply, shoving them in my ears when he sent me a stern look.

"I could help, you know," I hovered my finger over the 'play music' button on my iPhone, my suggestion making Harry scoff.

"You're a right dickhead if you think I'm letting you help with this."

I huffed loudly as he motioned for me to play music, his phone raising to his ear. I pretended to click on the music button, humming to make it look like I was listening to it. Harry seemed convinced, because he talked shallowly into the phone quietly soon after.

"Lou? I may need your help."

Lou? As in Louis? Surely Harry wasn't calling him for work, Louis was his friend, not his colleague.

"Yeah, I don't know what to do. I can't follow through with the task," Harry looked to be in a state of worry and despair, his fingers clutching the phone tightly. I drew my eyes away when he stood up, his body moving to me. I panicked as he approached me, discreetly putting my music on before he could reach me. My body relaxed when he didn't notice my action, clicking on the home button of my phone to make sure I had music on. My ears burned when he turned the volume up, snatching the phone from his grip.


"Wake up," I groaned loudly as a hand poked my side, rolling over. My body stopped as it pressed into a hard surface, peeking through one of my eyes to see Harry kneeling in the bed beside me.

"What are you doing?" I sighed while rubbing my eyes, sitting my body up onto the headboard.

"We have things to do."

"Like?" My eyes nearly bulged out of the sockets when the clock said it was 3pm. I'd been asleep since 12, but it only felt like I'd closed my eyes for a couple seconds.

"I need to teach you self defence and shit like that," Harry began loading the gun sat on the dressing table in the small room, his hands working at an incredible pace.

"I'm a gang leaders daughter, Harry. I don't need self defence classes," I laughed in disbelief that he didn't believe I could defend myself.

"You need more classes by the looks of it," Harry didn't look up as his voice drawled out, bending down to tie the laces of his shoes. "Are you staying in that or changing?"

"Where are we going?" I dismissed his question and insult towards my slim and not so muscley figure as I walked out the door before him. I already had trainers on my feet due to my idiotic self forgetting to take them off before I fell asleep.

"A little gym down the road, only a couple minutes walk according to google maps. I also need to teach you how to shoot and aim guns after this, but hopefully we can get you," Harry's eyes dragged down my body as we walked through the lobby before continuing. "A bit more meaty by then."

"I know how to use a gun," I almost growled, struggling to keep up with his long legs. I was growing irritated by him underestimating me and treating me like a defenceless little girl.

"We'll see about that," Harry's pace quickened as we neared a small sized building, finally slowing down once we entered through the glass door.

"Do you have a membership?" A chirpy blonde directed her question to Harry as we walked in, his hand slipping a hundred dollar bill onto the counter. "Oh, I'm sorry, but you'll need to sign up-"

"Please? We'll be quick, love," Harry's angry demeanour changed rapidly, leaning into the counter that separated the two from each-other. His lipped tugged up in a smirk as she stumbled over her words, his obvious flirting causing her cheeks to redden.

"Uh, okay," she didn't even look at me as she gestured for us to go through to the gym section. I felt slightly bad for her, she was probably risking her job for a guy that switched on his charm for mere seconds to manipulate her.

"You could've signed up, it'd take a couple minutes," I shook my head as he guided us to where the weights were, a couple buff guys looking over at us.

"We can't leave traces," Harry shrugged, occupying himself with arranging some weights. My jaw dropped when he held out a long metal bar with a couple weights on each side, the weights were the size of my head.

"Are you insane?" I squinted my eyes at him as he didn't even flinch while holding the weights up effortlessly.

"We need to see how much weight you can lift."

I stepped forward grimly, holding the bar firmly as Harry slowly began to let go of it to allow me to fully hold it. I shook my head as he fully let go, dropping the bar immediately.

"Seriously? That's only 80kg," Harry rolled his eyes at me, removing two of the weights on the end before picking it up again.

"Only?" My arms slightly shook as he handed me the bar again, letting go slower than last time. This was much easier than the last, but it was still difficult to hold, and my arms shaking probably gave that away.

"That's 50kg."

HIRED GUN // H.S AUWhere stories live. Discover now