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My mouth fell agape at the huge black jet in front of me, arranged by my parents to get us to Italy without being noticed. The pilot offered his hand for me to shake, but I just stared at it, Harry placing his hand in the mans instead, before we walked up the stairs leading into the jet. I felt bad for leaving the pilot hanging, but I flinched whenever I even looked at a man.

"It's okay," Harry's hand pressed into my back as we walked through the lengthy jet, until we reached the back, where a loungey area was. There were a couple pairs of seats facing eachother, a flatscreen tv hanging on the wall. Harry sat down in a chair, perching on of his legs on top of the other, his right ankle laying on his left knee. His eyes fell on me as I scanned the area, wondering if I should sit down next to him or if that's too needy.

I slid into a seat across from him, pulling my legs up to my chest. My arms rested on my knees as I looked at Harry, his focus on the laptop he was typing furiously on. His gaze flicked up to meet mine, blushing as I realised he caught me staring. I rested my head on top of my arms, closing my eyes. I heard Harry get up from his seat, not wanting to look up in case I'd get caught again. I felt a fluffy blanket fall on my body seconds later, Harry's hands tucking the blanket around me. I let out a quiet thank-you as Harry sat back down, my body now warm. I drifted off with thoughts of Harry, begging I wouldn't have nightmares again.


I screeched as his hands pinched my waist roughly, his fist slamming against my stomach. My back scratched against the gravelly surface behind me, my flesh burning from the tightness of the cuffs. My eyes rolled back as he pressed the knife across my collarbone, piercing it shallowly. It wasn't enough to scar, but would leave a hideous scab when it was healing.

"You asked for this," Finn's hands held my hips, keeping them from moving. Tears fell from my eyes as he continued his aggressive movements, all happiness I've ever experienced leaving from my eyes.


"Amara, please," I sprung up as Harry's voice begged in my ear, widening my eyes to see we were still in the plane. Harry sighed as he rubbed my back, my body shaking from the memory that I'd dreamt about.

"I'm sorry," I apologised to him, pulling the blanket off my body as I felt too hot and it had tangled from my thrashing. I felt Harry's hand stop moving on my back, his whole arm pulling me into his chest.

"Don't apologise," he whispered in my hair as I clung onto his body, jumping when the pilots voice interrupted us.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but we've landed," Harry hushed a quiet thanks to him, waiting for me to calm down before we separated. Harry grabbed our bags, allowing me to walk in front as we exited the jet. I was stunned when we walked outside, the sunset welcoming us into the beautiful country. I was confused for a few seconds as I realised we were landed in the middle of nowhere, on a landing pad, forest surrounding us. There was no sign of an airport.

"We had to be as undercover as possible, so it wouldn't be documented that we flew here," Harry explained upon seeing my startled expression, his tall frame walking to a grey Jeep. I followed behind, sitting in the passenger seat once Harry had thrown the bags in the back seat.

Harry and I didn't exchange conversation during the first couple of minutes, I was busy admiring the beautiful expanse of Italy. Once we'd driven past the trees that appeared to drag on for forever, we drove onto the busy streets. People scattered around, running to get from one place to another. The famous little boats were floating in the river that was flowing between streets.

"Where are we staying?" I watched as Harry turned the wheel, finally parking in the crowded street.

"In one of these," Harry pointed to the little townhouse we stopped in front of, rather large compared to the others. "We need to keep ourselves in busy areas to blend in, the first thing people will suspect is that were hiding in some abandoned house in the middle of nowhere."

"Good idea," I mumbled as we got out, helping Harry to grab our bags

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"Good idea," I mumbled as we got out, helping Harry to grab our bags. A cyclist zoomed past me as I stepped onto the pavement, almost making me fall over.

"Idiot," Harry grumbled under his breath, glaring at the back of the cyclist as they peddled away. I snickered at his angry tone, following behind when he unlocked the front door to the small home and walked in.

I closed the door behind me, locking it once Harry ordered me to. I was disappointed Harry was in such a foul mood, I wanted to enjoy the time we had in this beautiful city.

"Choose a room, the bedrooms are upstairs. I'll be down here setting up," Harry dropped his large bag to the floor gently, whipping out a large black laptop. I didn't stay to watch him assemble the contraptions, choosing to listen and walk upstairs.

My footsteps made a light patter noise as I wandered down the corridor, peeking my head in the rooms. I stopped at a fairly large room, with a breathtaking view from the open window. Leaves covered the sides of the window from the outside, a bouquet of peach coloured roses sitting on the sill, most likely a gift from the owner.

I reached the window, placing my palms down onto the sill, leaning forward to admire the view

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I reached the window, placing my palms down onto the sill, leaning forward to admire the view. My voice let out a horrifying squeal when I came face to face with a rat, who looked just as scared as I probably did. I jumped back, loosing balance and tumbling to the floor.

I huffed out a deep breath when my butt began to hurt from the fall, sitting up once Harry bursted into the room. His eyes scanned the room frantically, his face falling when he spotted the rat still sitting on the window sill.

"Are you kidding me?" Harry rubbed his nose out of frustration, his eyes turning to slits as they looked at me.

"It scared me, can you...get rid of it," I blinked innocently at him, curses falling from his lips as he stormed to the windowsill. I gasped loudly when he simply flicked it off, the rat falling from the two stories.

"Harry!" I pulled myself up, my eyes widening while Harry shrugged.

"You said to get rid of it," Harry sent me a bitchy look, "so I got rid of it."

"I didn't mean kill it!" I scurried to the window, looking down at the small fall. I breathed out when I saw the small rat still alive, running into a rose bush. "Oh, it survived."

I turned around when I didn't hear Harry reply, only to see he was already gone. He was probably too busy rolling his eyes at me to check if it was still alive, the brutal bastard.

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