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Our lips crashed together as soon as the front door closed, our body colliding together in a needy frenzy. My hands clawed at his shirt, tugging at the bottom to get it off. Harry lifted his arms, our faces separating as I threw the shirt over his head and to the floor.

Harry grabbed my waist, lifting me up to allow my legs to wrap around his torso, my body slamming into the front door as he attacked my neck with kisses. His lips nipped at the skin, sucking harshly as he lowered them to my collarbones.

My hands gripped his curls, pulling gently to emit a sound from him, grinning when I succeeded. My grin was wiped off my face as quick as it came, Harry's lips pressing into my own. Harry pulled my back off the wall, one of his hands moving from my thigh to my lower back as he walked us upstairs.

I gasped lightly as Harry threw my body onto the soft mattress, his body towering over me, before crawling over the top of me. His legs rested between my thighs, one of his arms supporting his weight, the other gripping my hip. Our lips moved together, my mouth opening to give Harry entrance. My arms wrapped around his neck, letting one trace down the expanse of his back.

Our rushed breathing filled the room as Harry separated our lips, leading them to the valley of my breasts, pressing a kiss above the swell of my boob. My fist clenched the blanket as a memory passed my brain, my eyes tightly closing as he appeared in my memory.

"Stop," I whined as he sucked my neck, moving down to the valley of my breasts. His hands pushed my stomach to the wall as I moved around in discomfort, the tears making my vision blurry.

"Harry," I breathed out, my hands pushing at his broad shoulders. Harry ignored it, not noticing I was growing uncomfortable by the memories. I squirmed under him, pushing his shoulders again, rougher this time.

"Stop!" I raised my voice, a tear falling down my cheek as he finally realised I didn't want this at the moment. I closed my eyes to get rid of his soft face that was previously changing to Finn's.

"Amara?" Harry slid his body off me, his hands raising to my cheeks, wiping under my eyes. I kept my eyes closed, pulling away from him and allowing his hands to fall off my face.

"Can you leave," I sniffled as I wiped my nose, turning my body sideways to face away from him. I didn't want to see his guilty expression, because I knew this wasn't any of his fault, and I didn't want to be cold to him, but I couldn't help it.

"Ara, talk to me," I jumped when Harry's hand rested on my arm, pulling my body to lay on my back. I sat up on the bed, crawling off it towards the door.

"If you won't leave, I will," My voice didn't sound like my own, it sounded cold, distant and heartless. I wanted to turn and apologise to Harry, and let him hold me until the sun rose. But, I didn't, I couldn't.

"Amara!" Harry's voice grew angry as I slammed my bedroom door, twisting the lock before his fists banged on the door. I sunk onto my bed, tears streaming down my face as I listened to Harry's pleads from outside and bangs on the door.


I pulled my black jeans up my legs, throwing a grey top over my head. I'd been cooped up in my room all day, putting off seeing Harry. I felt awful for last night, knowing he'd stayed at my door all night. I'd heard him finally give up and leave at around 7am, followed by the kettle from downstairs screeching. I hoped he didn't stay awake the whole time, I'd feel even worse.

I breathed in through my nose as I unlocked my door, pulling it open slowly. My bare feet slapped on the wooden floorboards as I walked down the hall, stopping at the top of the stairs. Harry was in my line of vision, his body slumped over on the couch, a laptop sitting in his lap. I descended down the stairs as quietly as possible, but by the tensing of Harry's back muscles, I knew he'd heard me.

My body made a bee line for the kitchen, diagonal from the couch where Harry sat. My finger tapped the kettle, turning it on, before grabbing a mug and pouring coffee into it. The entire area was silent, a tension floating in the air.

"I'm sorry," I shifted on my feet, finally bringing my head up to lock eyes with Harry. My guilt rose as I looked at the tired-looking man, dark bags under his once-vibrant eyes. He looked drained, and I was the cause. I made my way to him when he patted the spot next to him, gesturing for me to sit.

"Why are you apologising?" Harry closed his laptop, turning his body to face mine as I crossed my legs.

"You look tired, and I'm pretty sure it's my fault," I fiddled with my fingers, my eyes remaining on my ankles.

"It is, but I'd do it again," Harry lifted my chin with his finger, gripping my chin between his pointer finger and thumb. He kept my head facing him, leaning down and pressing his lips onto my forehead.

"Why are you so good to me?" I leaned into his body as he raised his arm over the back of the couch, pulling my body into his side.

"Because you call me beautiful," Harry replied, making me laugh out loud at the compliment I'd given him last night.

Bit short I'm sorry!
I'll make the next one longer, I promise.
I'm working on a trailer atm, and I'm pretty excited about it!

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